Hi everyone first of all I am new here. Second thing, This is my favorite topic of all, I could go on and on talking about this.
So I am going to make it short. I love RPG games, especially the ones that have an engaging plot, that actually teaches you something. Thus in the end you feel like you have learned something that could actually help you in the real world. Remember all games have been created by people just like you and me, so everything they put in the game came from their experience. Sometimes I also like to play roleplay games like the sims, they make me feel like I am in control and I could do and be anything I want, I know I could do that in the real world too, but in the game, it feels soo easy. Sometimes, I just want to blow stuff up or just have some fun with it, So that is when I go to action games, especially Zombie games. I feel Powerful and unstoppable when I play them, My favorite game is "State of decay 2". I hope this has helped someone in anyway, Know You know a little bit about me