YouTube Help Motivation (EVERYBODY READ THIS)


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Hey guys,

I just wanted to put this out there to everybody, DO NOT GIVE UP.

Sometimes, we will post and get no views.
Sometimes, we may get views one day but none the next.

I watched a You Tuber who said that they spent ages trying to get views, almost a year trying their hardest, posting a few videos a week. They said they felt like they were getting no where and thought about giving up. They said the day after, their video went viral. The point I'm trying to make is that none of us should ever give up. No matter how slow our channel is progressing. You never know, one day you could wake up and your video may have gone viral. That'll happen one day. But until then, DON'T GIVE UP.

We all have TubeBuddy to help us, we have our forum so we can support each other. Use it!

We are all learning and all trying our best. Don't compare your channel to others as everybody is different. We are all unique, all have our own individual personalities. Some people may like one person, but not the other. There will always be people who don't like you or your videos, but I can bet there will be a million more who will love you and love your content.

It's all about staying persistent and keeping going. Trying our hardest, not giving up when we don't have the amount of views or subscribers we want. At the end of the day, Sub4sub doesn't work. Having people subscribe to your channel just for the sake of gaining another subscriber doesn't help anything. They will not be a viewer. It's important that our viewers are genuine and are interested in us and our content. We need people who will stay loyal to our channel and people who will watch our whole videos. Not just somebody who doesn't bother to watch but just subs so we will return the favour.

We all need to relax, keep making the videos that we love and make sure we enjoy it. Don't worry about what other You Tubers are doing. They are not you. Once you make the videos you love, people will love your videos as they'll see the passion you have whilst making them. If you enjoy the videos you are doing, people will view you as a genuine person and they'll enjoy watching you. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, not what others are doing. You are on your own journey. No one is you, and that is your power :heart:


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Thank you. I think everyone needs to hear this, including myself.
I relate to this a whole lot, and sometimes videos we put out that has so much work and effort that went into it, doesn't flow well with a certain wave of people. We just need to wait for that specific wave of people to come through, and it will take time.
It takes a lot of time and effort to make something take off. I've learned that the hard way.
Sometimes a video you hate a lot or has little work into it takes off. I've also learned that the hard way.

We need to keep on and not give up, because sometimes you need to be patient to see results.


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I'm so glad you guys liked this post. Sometimes we all need a little motivation and encouragement. If anybody is ever feeling down or like they are getting no where, feel free to message me :grinning: I am here for you all, we all want the same thing for our channels to be successful. If anyone needs anything then I am only a message away guys, that applies to everybody :)
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Very true! Another thing to note is to learn, never stop learning. If you think you know everything, how will you improve? Improvements will also help you get the results, it's a grind but you'll get there if you focus on the type of viewer you want to attract.

DamoΓÇÖs Paintings

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I'm so glad you guys liked this post. Sometimes we all need a little motivation and encouragement. If anybody is ever feeling down or like they are getting no where, feel free to message me :grinning: I am here for you all, we all want the same thing for our channels to be successful. If anyone needs anything then I am only a message away guys, that applies to everybody :)
What you said in your post is just AWESOME!! I know exactly how it feels to pour our efforts and energy into our work only to have it ignored, thatΓÇÖs a real feeling of frustration and demotivation, but one thing I always do no matter what is to keep everything positive and radiate good and fun energy in my videos, I even point out some frustrations and just laugh while expressing them, eg, pointing out that no one will watch my stuff, roll eyes and just laugh and go oh well and continue with filming, in short, no matter what my numbers are doing, IΓÇÖm enjoying what I do and my viewers can definitely see it :blush:

Lorenzo Explains

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Thanks for the great advice. I'm just starting out and although I'm pretty optimistic I know I've already had my days of ups and downs while I've been contemplating starting. It's really nice to hear a message focusing on just trying to put your best foot forward and playing off your strengths. It reminds me of a quote I'd read somewhere saying that you'll never be everything to everyone, so it's best to work on just putting your best foot forward. All the best.


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Very true! Another thing to note is to learn, never stop learning. If you think you know everything, how will you improve? Improvements will also help you get the results, it's a grind but you'll get there if you focus on the type of viewer you want to attract.

That is so true !!!! Great point. We can always find room for improvement. You've got that spot on!

Good luck with your channel, you will smash it :grinning:
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What you said in your post is just AWESOME!! I know exactly how it feels to pour our efforts and energy into our work only to have it ignored, thatΓÇÖs a real feeling of frustration and demotivation, but one thing I always do no matter what is to keep everything positive and radiate good and fun energy in my videos, I even point out some frustrations and just laugh while expressing them, eg, pointing out that no one will watch my stuff, roll eyes and just laugh and go oh well and continue with filming, in short, no matter what my numbers are doing, IΓÇÖm enjoying what I do and my viewers can definitely see it :blush:

I love this comment :heart: It's all about positive vibes and energy. We all need a little positivity in our lives. I truly believe in the law of attraction and manifestation. Have you read the secret? It's a great read, and the movie is brilliant too. I really believe we can achieve anything if we put our mind to it. There are so many successful YouTubers out there, what makes them any better than us? We can all do what they are doing if not better, as long as we believe, try our best and NEVER give up.

I love this forum because we all have the same goals. We all want our channels to be successful. The best thing is to have people around you supporting you and bringing positive energy and positive vibes. If we all help one another to stay positive and keep on top of our games then we can achieve anything.

Good luck with your channel, looks like you're doing amazing already! Don't be disheartened by lack of views or followers, we all have to start somewhere and if you watch other YouTubers I'm sure they'd tell you that at first they struggled too. To be successful you have to go through hard times and you will be disappointed but the real question is can you get through it? can you stick it out and come out the other end? of course you can! Keep on going, you're doing amazing :heart:
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Thanks for the great advice. I'm just starting out and although I'm pretty optimistic I know I've already had my days of ups and downs while I've been contemplating starting. It's really nice to hear a message focusing on just trying to put your best foot forward and playing off your strengths. It reminds me of a quote I'd read somewhere saying that you'll never be everything to everyone, so it's best to work on just putting your best foot forward. All the best.

That is so so true Lorenzo.

We will NEVER be everyone's cup of tea, however there will be a billion more people who will love us and be so interested in what we have to say! I watch a few different YouTubers and they all have completely different personalities. One has ADHD and is really loud and chatty and funny, others are really quiet. Some are very professional, others just record sat on their bed in their pyjamas. I love them all for different reasons and I couldn't say who my favourite is as they're all amazing in their own special way. Just like you.

Viewers will find you and love you for who you are and love your content. All you have to do is stay true to yourself, stay real. It'll be hard at first to gain viewers and subs because we are starting out, we don't have hundreds of videos and loads of experience so it won't be plain sailing for a while, but sooner or later people are gonna find us and they're gonna love our content! You do you, don't worry about what others are doing. Stay true to yourself and you can't go wrong :heart:

Good luck Lorenzo, keep up the hard work. It's gonna work for you, I promise :D


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Keep going guys. We're all gonna get there!


Write down your goals. Where you're gonna be this time next year.
Plan your videos down to a T
Remember why you are doing this
Be positive always, good things are coming. Manifest it!
Educate yourselves
Most importantly, stay true to yourself

Good luck guys, we will all be successful. Make yourself and your family proud :heart:
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New Member
I think I needed to see this. I been grinding it out lately and I haven't moved at all from my initial 7 subscribers (which are all friends/family). I know I am making good content and I believe that eventually I'll make something that will catch on. Animal niches are hard to break into, especially reptiles, but I feel with time I can build a small little community :)


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I think I needed to see this. I been grinding it out lately and I haven't moved at all from my initial 7 subscribers (which are all friends/family). I know I am making good content and I believe that eventually I'll make something that will catch on. Animal niches are hard to break into, especially reptiles, but I feel with time I can build a small little community :)

You 10000% are gonna do so amazing!!!! As long as you're consistent then you'll build your community in no time :grinning: I have 44 subs and it's taken me a long time and sometimes can be disheartening but I have only posted 3 proper videos so I can't really complain at the moment.

Your time will come! It's hard to stay positive sometimes especially when all you ever see are channels with like 300k subs and you haven't even got 50 yet. It's so disheartening but we've all got to start somewhere and apparently once the subs start rolling in they come quicker. So just see it as you're gonna keep posting great content and then one day one of your videos will just take off when you least expect it! Keep grinding, you're gonna get there. I have every faith in you :heart:
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Teawings Readings

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What a great article to read for motivation especially starting out as I am on youtube, my knowledge of how likes,views and subscribers works this is a really boost to see we are all in the same boat at the beginning ΓÖí Thankyou ΓÖí


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We all need to relax, keep making the videos that we love and make sure we enjoy it. Don't worry about what other You Tubers are doing. They are not you. Once you make the videos you love, people will love your videos as they'll see the passion you have whilst making them. If you enjoy the videos you are doing, people will view you as a genuine person and they'll enjoy watching you. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, not what others are doing. You are on your own journey. No one is you, and that is your power :heart:

Stumbled upon this thread while browsing through the forum, cant believe I didn't read this earlier. Thank you for this, it really helps me boost my confident.