Hey guys,
I just wanted to put this out there to everybody, DO NOT GIVE UP.
Sometimes, we will post and get no views.
Sometimes, we may get views one day but none the next.
I watched a You Tuber who said that they spent ages trying to get views, almost a year trying their hardest, posting a few videos a week. They said they felt like they were getting no where and thought about giving up. They said the day after, their video went viral. The point I'm trying to make is that none of us should ever give up. No matter how slow our channel is progressing. You never know, one day you could wake up and your video may have gone viral. That'll happen one day. But until then, DON'T GIVE UP.
We all have TubeBuddy to help us, we have our forum so we can support each other. Use it!
We are all learning and all trying our best. Don't compare your channel to others as everybody is different. We are all unique, all have our own individual personalities. Some people may like one person, but not the other. There will always be people who don't like you or your videos, but I can bet there will be a million more who will love you and love your content.
It's all about staying persistent and keeping going. Trying our hardest, not giving up when we don't have the amount of views or subscribers we want. At the end of the day, Sub4sub doesn't work. Having people subscribe to your channel just for the sake of gaining another subscriber doesn't help anything. They will not be a viewer. It's important that our viewers are genuine and are interested in us and our content. We need people who will stay loyal to our channel and people who will watch our whole videos. Not just somebody who doesn't bother to watch but just subs so we will return the favour.
We all need to relax, keep making the videos that we love and make sure we enjoy it. Don't worry about what other You Tubers are doing. They are not you. Once you make the videos you love, people will love your videos as they'll see the passion you have whilst making them. If you enjoy the videos you are doing, people will view you as a genuine person and they'll enjoy watching you. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, not what others are doing. You are on your own journey. No one is you, and that is your power
I just wanted to put this out there to everybody, DO NOT GIVE UP.
Sometimes, we will post and get no views.
Sometimes, we may get views one day but none the next.
I watched a You Tuber who said that they spent ages trying to get views, almost a year trying their hardest, posting a few videos a week. They said they felt like they were getting no where and thought about giving up. They said the day after, their video went viral. The point I'm trying to make is that none of us should ever give up. No matter how slow our channel is progressing. You never know, one day you could wake up and your video may have gone viral. That'll happen one day. But until then, DON'T GIVE UP.
We all have TubeBuddy to help us, we have our forum so we can support each other. Use it!
We are all learning and all trying our best. Don't compare your channel to others as everybody is different. We are all unique, all have our own individual personalities. Some people may like one person, but not the other. There will always be people who don't like you or your videos, but I can bet there will be a million more who will love you and love your content.
It's all about staying persistent and keeping going. Trying our hardest, not giving up when we don't have the amount of views or subscribers we want. At the end of the day, Sub4sub doesn't work. Having people subscribe to your channel just for the sake of gaining another subscriber doesn't help anything. They will not be a viewer. It's important that our viewers are genuine and are interested in us and our content. We need people who will stay loyal to our channel and people who will watch our whole videos. Not just somebody who doesn't bother to watch but just subs so we will return the favour.
We all need to relax, keep making the videos that we love and make sure we enjoy it. Don't worry about what other You Tubers are doing. They are not you. Once you make the videos you love, people will love your videos as they'll see the passion you have whilst making them. If you enjoy the videos you are doing, people will view you as a genuine person and they'll enjoy watching you. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, not what others are doing. You are on your own journey. No one is you, and that is your power