I've been listening to this (warning, swearing and dark themes and imagery) Marilyn Manson has been one of my favourite bands since I was a kid in the late 90's early 2000's, this particular song reminds me a LOT of his Mechanical Animals era, which was one of my favourite eras. It's like a Manson version of the Beatles and Bowie (two of his favourite inspirations)
The theme behind the video is interesting too. He's always stated "America made me what I am" "I am a reflection of America" there whole point of Marilyn Manson was to be a commentary of America Marilyn (monroe, goodness) Manson (charles manson, evil) so his whole shtick has always been good vs evil and to challenge your comforts, by reflecting the evil of society and what makes America uncomfortable. Instead of sweeping America's issues under the carpet, he pulls out the mirror and shows America for what it is, and often America doesn't like that, which is why he's always been the target of blame and such.
So the video really goes back to his origins. I also love the fact the imagery goes back to his artistic style in the 2000's which was abstract and surreal. If this is what the next album has in store, I'm looking forward to it. The vocal production isn't the greatest, but it's a good song for what it is.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQJFP1INGxs
I also have to pop these in as I've played all of them on high rotation (more explicit lyrics)
Very long, surreal, etheral and dark. One of my favourite songs because of how ghostly and goth rock it is.
View: https://youtu.be/K7l3tIsRM7s
Korn seems to have an uncanny ability to make songs that express how I'm feeling. It's dark, heavy, with a theme of persistance 2:58 won't appeal to the religious, but I love it sonically and lyrically you can hear a lot of pain and depression
View: https://youtu.be/2T2C-bS8qkI
This one is beautiful musically and is a good example of art and music expressing pain. His singing is amazing in this, well sung, and also highly emotion. And I love the drums throughout.He wrote the lyrics after his wife dies from a drug overdoes. So it pretty much epitimises expression of pain through music as a release.
View: https://youtu.be/lSyIP-ijicE
I've been hearing Roberto talk about "doom scrolling" and it seems I like to "doom listen" sometimes it's good to feel emotions in your own personal space, so I like to zone out and create while listening to dark things