Thank you so much. I guess I should have seen this mail before paying for ISBN and Library catloguing or something from the a publisher an using. Starting the new one during my October holiday. Used Evernote for my writing but will try your recommedation.
There's nothing wrong with buying ISBNs, and now you own them and you can use them anywhere. I just never tried the process (honestly, the price put me off), so I can't really comment on whether that's better than using the free ones that you can get from Smashwords, etc.
Sounds like you have your tools well at hand, but I will throw a couple of things out. I've tried so many writing tools and ended up loving Scrivener. You can setup sync on it so I can pop into my laptop, desktop or iPad and pick up right where I was. I know Evernote does that, but Scrivener was built ground-up for writers. I had mentioned elsewhere a second tool I use a lot. ProWritingAid. It is a very advanced grammar and writing analyzer. It can work on lots of file types, including MSFT Word and Scrivener.
I'll double down on the Scrivener recommendation. If you want to get it for cheap(er), check out NaNoWriMo. They often offer a free trial around this time, and then if you do participate in that challenge and "win", they have offered in the past a 50% off coupon as a reward, or a 20% off coupon as a participant.
There are often many writing-related coupons and deals on the NaNoWriMo website, to be perfectly frank. It's free to sign up and participate, and I've been one of their regional coordinators before, and still can't make myself stop trying it every year.