Reddit Is REDDIT has a good platform in promoting videos?


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Is REDDIT has a good platform in promoting videos?

It can be, but like on these forums you must follow a 90% be in the community interact, and know people 10% self promo, and that is different per sub reddit too, so it really depends. Remember most people see content they didn't ask for as spam, so how do you feel when you get spammed?
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Yoni Arousement

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According to the analytics on a video I shared to a Subreddit, more of the views came from when I shared it to Drummitup and Game Jolt than on Reddit.

Video promotion can probably depend on the Subreddit. What might work best is to have a build up within the community before sharing.
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Stanley | Team TB

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Performance will vary for everyone. You can never tell which social media platform is going to work and which isn't without testing it. But there are some things you can do to make it more successful.

Reddit can be tough, beware. Those guys are brutal, and you are going to need some thick skin. I suggest you find 1-2 subreddits that pertain to your niche and become and active participant in those threads. Make friends. Comment on their posts. Engrain yourself in their culture. Then post the occasional video. I wouldn't post every video, but your best vid every week or twice per month.

DamoΓÇÖs Paintings

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Performance will vary for everyone. You can never tell which social media platform is going to work and which isn't without testing it. But there are some things you can do to make it more successful.

Reddit can be tough, beware. Those guys are brutal, and you are going to need some thick skin. I suggest you find 1-2 subreddits that pertain to your niche and become and active participant in those threads. Make friends. Comment on their posts. Engrain yourself in their culture. Then post the occasional video. I wouldn't post every video, but your best vid every week or twice per month.
You say Reddit can be tough, oh yeah theyΓÇÖre tough, but for good reason, theyΓÇÖre just doing what any good platform does, protect from spam, IΓÇÖm not too active on there as IΓÇÖve had to deal with moving homes, but IΓÇÖm gonna get back into creating my content and making some online friends etc.


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I've had pretty good results with reddit. You do have to make sure you are following the thread rules though. As with most places they expect you to engage not just focus on self promotion.


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I found that it's great if you're in the right subreddits. I've done some best of videos and edits, and I was able to ost them in the subreddit of the specific people the videos were about and they clicked.


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If you're in the right subreddits and make interesting content, then i'm sure you can get a lot of karma. The problem is that the majority of them are run by Power Mods/users like Susan and Gallow and you need to be real popular if you want to make it in the big leagues.
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Beanie Draws

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I have to explore a bit more, but I don't think Reddit is the "drop and go" kind of place to self promote over there. I once promoted a video on reddit a LONG time ago, trying to get all fancy with an "epic" title, and shortly got downvoted and ripped apart. I'm now checking out reddit more casually to see how it works. You want the right people coming to your video anyway. Promote to the wrong audience and you'll not only get downvotes, you'll also get dislikes as well so you have to be very mindful.

Paddle & hike

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Oh yes it is... You just need to find the groups that accept links to videos and not Spam too much.
It brings a lot of views for me. In my top 3 for audience.
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I find it's hit or miss. Sometimes I feel like I'm just there to spread the word of the channel or video, but I try to participate in the subreddit as well. You can also join a subreddit specific to your niche. For example, there is an unboxxing subreddit that's specifically for sharing content involving unboxing products. I tend to go above and beyond a mere unboxxing, but it still applies.

Having said that, I tend to blanket promote: I'll tweet, I'll update my own FB page for the channel, and I'll use Reddit. The former two allow for more organic word spreading IMO b/c you can utilize # and @ for companies. I'm not sure how to do that in Reddit.


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From what I seen in reddit, most of thr subreddits that allow you to post are full of gaming channels. So if that's your niche its gonna be difficult to stand out. Its definitely better to go to the subreddit that is your niche or the ones that limits spamming. But like everyone said you have to participate


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like any of these platforms I think you will get out what you put into it, and by that I mean if you just use the platform for self promotion its not going to work out, but if you spend time in some of the subreddits and keep active and try and help out other people.
you are more likely going to gain some traction when you do a bit of self promotion.
I have seen a LOT of selfish people on there, people who just auto-reply to every video post with a stock response that asks you to sub to their channel. You need to put in the work to stand out from those parasites.
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