I say make your content speak for it'self. I'm not into politics (though I often find myself debating it haha!) but in terms of numbers, just make your content, and the presentation of your content, look more impressive than whatever numbers you may or may not be getting.
I've seen some fantastic artists (completely differant niche, but the theory still applies) with very tiny sub counts, 15 subs, but with art getting hundreds of views because their art and their videos are fantastic with fantastic thumbnails.
If you can present your videos well that are watchable (great personality driven) and can present your content in a way that looks like a professional made it, rathe than someone learning to use MS Publisher, then people were instead be saying "this person deserves more subs" rather than discrediting you for your sub count. Make great content that's presented well and people will naturally share.
For me personally, I don't "trust" a channel that has poor design, just like I don't "trust" a business with a really shoddy logo. A company with a really bad looking logo, and bad presentation makes me think there's something wrong with the company where they aren't professional enough to present themselves professionally. The same goes for a channel, if the thumbnails are busy and look like a school kid learning computers did it, the banner is a mess, and the display picture doesn't seem professional, I'll assume on face value, that the content will also be low in quality, so I won't even bother clicking.
If a channel has well thoughtout design (even if you go with fiver or a designer friend to help you) that will give your audience the impression that you're professional and know what you're talking about. Even if you don't have the numbers to begin with, you'll have visual social proof, and you need that visual authority to persuade audiences you know what you're doing and taking your channel seriously.
Everything else will come organically from that.
I never told my family about my channel. I hate facebook, and I've never really bothered sharing my content on other platforms except for occasionally on twitter. I let my content do it's own thing and be found. Maybe if I put more effort into promoting myself I'd be even "bigger" but 5 years, 25 thousand subscribers, 6 million overall views, and I haven't done much more than just put my heart into my videos, and care about how they're presented, I believe with the right presentation, the videos will speak for themselves and people will naturally share without having to ask them to
Just my 2 cents.... or a whole novel here haha

hope it's helpful food for thought.