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YouTube Opinion Are Shorts worth your time?

Xavier De Buck

Well-Known Member
Subscriber Goal
I never said that you can;t get views from Shorts. Sure you can get millions. But they are worth nothing. Most people will not stop and bend over to pick a penny up off the ground, but YT thinks that a penny is a reasonable amount for them to pay for 1000 VIEWS on a Short video that take a whole hell of lot of more work to create than bending over to pick an up penny.

As far as "Converting" Shorts viewers into LF viewers, all of the top YT advisors agree that they do not convert. People who watch shorts are not the same crowd that watches LF content. That is just a fact. These are two different crowds of people. Is there some crossover? Yes, but it is minimal.

Shorts are not worth it from the standpoint of "AD Revenue". If people find other ways to make money from them, great! More power to them. But what bites my bacon is all the lying and deception that is going on about "Shorts Earning Potential". It is simply utter deception and playing people's ignorance against them to get them to work like slaves for nothing. It is wrong and dishonest.
Here's an interesting video from a few days ago at ThinkMedia on the topic:
View: https://youtu.be/UyEIvf2nAD8

And a few days before that, here's the recent ThinkMedia Podcast whose guest made quite the moves on YT:
View: https://youtu.be/J5c6eEgdRcM

Xavier De Buck

Well-Known Member
Subscriber Goal
In this case, the daily deception that is being spread by YT and associated companies and creators that, YT Shorts are a great revenue stream. There is a WHOLE lot of crafty deceptive marketing going on using keywords to fool and lead creators in the illusion that they can earn good ad revenue by creating Short for YT, and this is simply an outright lie!

100% agree with you there - hence, me saying earlier that one has to approach YT SHORTS videos NOT with the intent to think they're going to make some decent money, because you'll make peanuts, BUT it's all the other upsides you're getting from going along with the YT SHORTS trend while it lasts...

YouTube wants to promote Shorts, and knowing that there is no real money in it, they have decided to use deceptive practices to fool creators into working for nothing. That's bad enough. But what is really bad, is all the people that know what is going on and have the power to expose it, have joined in on YTs charade because they don't want to rock the YT boat.

It's obvious why they're claiming it's a great money-spinner for creators - we all know it's NOT - but the massive amount of (new) traffic/views/users generated because of it must be HUUUUUUGE.

The fact that this YT SHORTS trend won't last is a certainty, but just like I'm saying we all ought to jump on it while it's hot, you can't tell me YT management isn't aware that this whole 5-10 second video trend won't last, AND then you will have all these new users on YT realising it's time to focus on LT form... AND that, my friend, is the crux of it all.

My 2 cents.