YouTube News The Hidden Message Behind YouTube's New Monetization Requirements

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
TubeBuddy Staff
Subscriber Goal
On Tuesday, June 13 YouTube came out with a grand announcement; they were reducing and re-working the requirements to get accepted into the YouTube Partner Program. This effectively opened the doors for thousands of creators to earn revenue on their YouTube channels, some of them foregoing years of hard work and perseverance in an instant. No longer were creators requires to toil through the quagmire of 4,000 hours of watch time. Gone were the restraints of a 1,000 subscriber milestone and the shackles of amassing 10 million views in a 90-day window. The new requirements:

500 Subscribers

3 Public Uploads in the Past 90 Days

And either 3,000 Watch Hours in the past 365 days or 3 Million views in the past 90 Days

Immediately creators began to celebrate and rightfully so; while the old requirements still remain in order to gain access to ad revenue these new requirements gave immediate access to the community and fan-funding elements available on YouTube… but it also gave us a message, and it’s one that nobody seems to hear.

Before we can address that message and what YouTube is telling creators we need to take a look at the history of monetization on the platform. While there have been ads on videos since YouTubeΓÇÖs 2006 inception it was a pair of decisions in December 2007 and early 2008 that saw YouTube provide a more central focus for creators to utilize their content in order to collect revenue. They started the original YouTube Partner Program and focused more heavily on the creator community and then later introduced the Creator Studio to give these creators insight into the performance of their videos so that they could improve their work based on the analytics and data provided.

It was the inception of the YouTube Partner Program that was of most interest here. Gone were the wild, wild West days of simply collecting ad revenue; creators were now required to earn 4,000 hours of video watch time in the previous 365 days and they had to amass 1,000 subscribers before they were allowed even to apply for access. This system sat in place for over a decade, a thorn in the side of so many fledgling creators. Viewership exploded; YouTube tripled the number of annual users from 2012 (700 million) to 2020 (2.3 billion). Hot names like PewDiePie, Markiplier, the Paul brothers Jake and Logan and Mr. Beast began to create a dreamy sense of what life could look like as a YouTube star and more and more creators began to jump on to the platform. The competition between creators became fierce. Many YouTube creators cite a very big difference in what growth looked like on YouTube in 2015 versus 2023 and while there have been changes to the YouTube Search and Discovery Systems (what everyone calls ΓÇÿthe algorithmΓÇÖ) the real culprit has been the flood of new creators swarming the platform and making discovery in general a far more difficult undertaking than it had ever been. But this was just the beginning.

Known as Douyin in China, the 2016 introduction of Tik Tok gave a meteoric rise to a once dead form of content: the short form video. And the landscape of content creation changed overnight. Tik Tok landed in the U.S. in 2017 and was an instantaneous sensation; it was the most popular app of 2019 and 2020 and despite only have been in existence for two years Tik Tok was the 7th most downloaded app of the 2010ΓÇÖs. Later Tik Tok would surpass YouTube for the most ΓÇÿAverage Watch TimeΓÇÖ on the internet. Many questioned whether the media behemoth could hold on against the upstart app and their glitzy, flashy approach which aligned well with younger viewing audiences. The argument could still be had today, were it not for a distinct ruling in the worldΓÇÖs largest market.

In the wake of a clash with the Chinese military (over border disputes in the Himalayan Mountains) and citing privacy and security concerns India banned several Chinese apps in the summer of 2020, the most notable being Tik Tok. YouTube seized the opportunity gain a drastic foothold on the worldΓÇÖs largest viewing audience and in what felt like mere moments after the ban introduced their own take on the presentation of short form content, YouTube Shorts. The introduction of this reinvigorated the creators on YouTube. The format was proven and now it was available to help spark a creatorΓÇÖs growth on a platform that paid far more. But with the inception of this new form of viewing came problems; creators could easily surpass the YouTube Partner Program requirements with a single video, and this threatened to alienate the hundreds of millions of long-form creators who had spent years laboring with content that was still the foundation of the platform.

So YouTube introduced a new set of requirements specifically for Shorts creators. Creators were now given the option of being able to apply for the YouTube Partner Program either by following the original requirements or by gaining 10 million views in the previous 90 days and 1,000 subscribers.

And this is where things get interesting. While the change itself meant very little (creators who were monetized in this fashioned typically earned CPMΓÇÖs of $0.04 - $0.08 per 1,000 views versus the platform average of nearly $18 per every 1,000 views) the nature of the change itself excited creators in a way that few platform advancements had. It has never really been the actual earnings that enticed creators, rather it was the dream that their art could earn revenue. And if it could earn revenue then they might be able to make a living off of the things they enjoy most.

With the dazzling response YouTube received after this update the team went on to look into other ways they could improve revenue on the platform. The recent monetization adjustment unearthed a glaring fault in the system; long-form and short-form creators were now both represented well in a system that supported their ability to earn revenue… but creators who focused on livestreaming were not. Due to the conversational and engaging nature of a livestream these creators are known to pull large audiences while a stream is live, but often these streams hold little or no value afterwards and often fail to produce the long-term views and watch time needed for a creator to attain the 4,000 hour watch time requirement. Those who are monetized make the majority of their revenue from fan-funding sources like super chats, donations and channel memberships. And despite what can amount to some fairly large audiences for some of these unmonetized streamers their ability to collect revenue is still beholden to that watch time requirement.

That is what JuneΓÇÖs update addressed. The new requirements did three things:

1. They allowed for less-strict requirements on subscriber counts and watch time hours in order to allow creators to collect revenue from fan-funding sources.

2. It lowered the threshold for Shorts creators to begin earning revenue.

3. It sent a very loud message to creators regarding what YouTube wants in return.

That last part is key for all creators, not just those who have now been ushered into the YouTube Partner Program. Let’s take a deeper look at what YouTube did with this update. They cut the number of Subscribers required to gain revenue in half. That was always the easier part of the equation, and what used to take most creators a year and over 100 videos to accomplish now feels like it can be earned over a weekend. But look at what they did to the watch time requirement. It was reduced by 25%. It was not cut in half. It was effectively reduced by half of one-half. And this speaks volumes. This tells us exactly what YouTube wants from their creators. They don’t care about subscriber counts… YouTube wants watch time. They want eyes on content. They want you to be a current and consistent creator (hence the 3 videos in the previous 90 day rule), they want you to bring viewers onto the platform and keep them here.

The reduction in requirements for monetization are being widely accepted as a big-hearted and generous offering to creators struggling through the formulative years of their YouTube channels and rightfully so. Access to fan-funding revenue sources only serves to benefit everyone. But the lack of reduction in this requirement is flying far below the radar. It is still the most difficult part of the process when it comes to monetization… and this is a good thing. Creators are happy, and at the end of the day only those who are able to create content which is engaging and interesting will be able to take advantage of this. It does nothing but provide encouragement to the scores of creators dumping mindless dribble on the platform in the hopes of making a few quick bucks and vanity clout. Those videos were never going to get their creators monetized and thanks to this update it still won’t… only these creators will figure that out faster. They’ll reach their 500 subscriber threshold only to discover that the real barrier for entry was always going to be the quality of their content. Because that is what makes a successful channel. That is what YouTube wants.

Honestly… it is what we all wanted all along. We want to watch quality content. And if we succeed as creators we want it to be because our content is the quality that aligns with that we have come to love from our peer creators.

So go make something great.


New Member
Hello, I'm writing this message to add a few details to Mr Stanley's message.
(To clarify, as I don't speak English I had to translate my text into English, so forgive me if there are any inconsistencies)

To begin with, this update introduces its various elements
(the elements already existed in the past, but the threshold for accessing them has been lowered! )

* Access to channel subscription :

- From $0.99/month to $500/month

- To support the creators and in exchange for this subscription you can
exclusive/VIP content for subscribers who have taken the monthly subscription!


* Super Tchats and Super Ctickers :

- During Youtube lives, you can make donations to your YouTubers with these 2 elements that once again allow you to support Youtubers financially .


* The "Super thanks" button :

- Donate directly on our Youtube videos !


* Offer products for sale

- We can also create our own products with the YOUTUBE SHOPPING program ( Youtube x Shopify)
to offer products to our subscribers ( Mug, Sweater, Objects, ...)


And to do this, we need to meet the conditions cited by Mr. Stanley, which are as follows:

- 500 subscribers

- 3000 views during the year ( Youtube )
- 3 million views within 90 days ( Youtube Shorts )

- Publish 3 videos within 90 days

- No active violation of community guidelines

And all this can be found in the revenue/monetization tab in the YouTube settings.

So the YouTube ad monetization system is still active !
- (1000 subscribers + 4000 H views)

So this new YouTube system doesn't replace the old one
( as I've heard everywhere! )
but it does give us another means of financing other than ad-supported systems, and also the strength not to give up and reach 1000 subscribers
and also unlock monetization through advertising!

Here's some additional information, I hope it's clear to you ;)
And the source comes directly from a Youtube coach certified by Youtube themselves,

The Youtubers :

- Devenir YouTubeur .

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
Subscriber Goal
I respectfully disagree. To me, it is a sign of exactly what I predicted would happen over and over again. It is a sign that YouTube has chased away great creators by their insane endeavor to try to compete with TikTok while cutting the feet out from under their bread-and-butter creators. YouTube was the only game in town when it came to long-form content, which was a niche YT had all to its own. No one was competing with it. Short-form content has always been around because it is easy to make, but generally useless and offers no real-world value outside of fluff and hollow entertainment. YT had real value in its YouTube University Creators, which all statistic show is what the vast majority of YT viewers come for and desire in the platform This is not even debatable. YouTube was like the only Chinese restaurant in town and everyone knew exactly what YouTube served.

Then a new Taco restaurant opened up in town named, TikTok. People who wanted cheap junk food were flocking to it, and YT decided that it wanted to become the biggest Taco joint in town, so it started offering Tacos and paying the gourmet Chinese chefs (YT University creators) less money so they could give some of their pay to the Taco chefs (Shorts Fund). When YT customers showed up looking for Chinese food, YT shoved a Taco menu in their faces (tweaked the algo to favor Shorts and Binge worthy content) and said LOOK AT THIS! So a bunch of Chinese chefs quit (myself included) and went somewhere else. But YT was undaunted in their quest to become the #1 Taco joint. So they lowered the requirements for the chefs so they could attract more junk food chefs to their restaurant (lowered the YPP requirements), so they can replace the great chefs that quit. And that my friend, is what is going on in my honest opinion.

YouTube is not God, and everything they do is not a great idea. At some point, someone has to step up and say the King has no clothes on. I will be happy to step up and say it if no one else will. If I am wrong, I am fine with that, but the latest development from last week (YouTube threatening to block people who use ad blockers unless they pay for premium), is just more proof that YT is struggling. I stated in a post two years ago that YT was headed for a Paid Only service platform if did not abandon their quest to topple TikTok, and this latest announcement is one huge step in that direction. After their bad decisions on Shorts drove 1 billion dollars in ad revenue away from them, good creators are abandoning the YT ship. There is maybe time for YT to turn things around, but I doubt it will happen.

There is an old saying that goes like this. "Do one thing. Do it Well." A word of wisdom YT leaders should have paid attention to.
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Cats, Isolated Vocals and Vlogs is the Specialty
TubeBuddy Star
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I don't know. My channel still says I need 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours. The channels I recently created say it only requires 500 subs to join the program. I guess since my main channel was created in 2011, it didn't make the cut.


Trusted User
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It does nothing but provide encouragement to the scores of creators dumping mindless dribble on the platform in the hopes of making a few quick bucks and vanity clout.

Yup! I remember way back when, the wild wild west days of YouTube. I remember when everyone just heard of SEO, thinking it was going to be the big thing that gave them millions of subscribers. Yes, I did not ignore SEO, but I also decided to commit to a higher technical standard. I literally wanted every fishing trip to filmed like a NatGeo or Discovery Channel documentary. While I don't think I've ever achieve that level of production as there are many limitations as a solo creator, I really wanted storytelling and cinematography to take center stage. Documentary storytelling.

Yes, there were tons of people who surpassed me in chacing vain things like views, but so many of them have fallen away over the years. The ones who rose quickly and have sustained their channels eventually figured out what I adopted early on: if your content is hard to watch, you will not grow.

I see people who have achieved in no time what took me three to five years to achieve, but few take the time to learn the skills.
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The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
Subscriber Goal
Yup! I remember way back when, the wild wild west days of YouTube. I remember when everyone just heard of SEO, thinking it was going to be the big thing that gave them millions of subscribers. Yes, I did not ignore SEO, but I also decided to commit to a higher technical standard. I literally wanted every fishing trip to filmed like a NatGeo or Discovery Channel documentary. While I don't think I've ever achieve that level of production as there are many limitations as a solo creator, I really wanted storytelling and cinematography to take center stage. Documentary storytelling.

Yes, there were tons of people who surpassed me in chacing vain things like views, but so many of them have fallen away over the years. The ones who rose quickly and have sustained their channels eventually figured out what I adopted early on: if your content is hard to watch, you will not grow.

I see people who have achieved in no time what took me three to five years to achieve, but few take the time to learn the skills.

Totally agree. However, as the old saying goes, "Quality is better than quantity, but there is a certain quality to quantity."

You and I are of the old generation where quality mattered. We think along those lines and we believe in this philosophy. I am afraid that YouTube does not. YouTube has gone all in on Binge-Worthy Content. They care absolutely nothing about the quality, as long as it gets a lot of views. They care nothing about "Good Creators" they only care that someone has figured out how to manipulate human emotions to get them to go down the digital rabbit hole of video consumption. Case in point:

Here is a nature video of the poorest production quality imaginable. It is literally a Short produced from a poor-quality $40 trail camera video.

Now here are two videos that were shot in National Geographic 4K quality on top-of-the-line video equipment costing many thousands of dollars. It took months of dedicated hard work and expense to capture the footage in these videos and hundreds of hours of editing to produce them.



Guess which one has gotten more views, comments, and Likes on YouTube?


This is the reality of the new YouTube. They don't care about quality. They don't care about honesty. They don't care about anything, but your ability to deceive, fool, and manipulate people into binge-watching crappy videos about mind-melting putrid garbage.
Last edited:


Motorcycles, since the 80's......
TubeBuddy User
Subscriber Goal
This is the reality of the new YouTube. They don't care about quality. They don't care about honesty. They don't care about anything, but your ability to deceive, fool, and manipulate people into binge-watching crappy videos about mind-melting putrid garbage.
A sad reflection of modern Western civilisation I'm afraid.............
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Known Member
Subscriber Goal
On Tuesday, June 13 YouTube came out with a grand announcement; they were reducing and re-working the requirements to get accepted into the YouTube Partner Program. This effectively opened the doors for thousands of creators to earn revenue on their YouTube channels, some of them foregoing years of hard work and perseverance in an instant. No longer were creators requires to toil through the quagmire of 4,000 hours of watch time. Gone were the restraints of a 1,000 subscriber milestone and the shackles of amassing 10 million views in a 90-day window. The new requirements:

500 Subscribers

3 Public Uploads in the Past 90 Days

And either 3,000 Watch Hours in the past 365 days or 3 Million views in the past 90 Days

Immediately creators began to celebrate and rightfully so; while the old requirements still remain in order to gain access to ad revenue these new requirements gave immediate access to the community and fan-funding elements available on YouTube… but it also gave us a message, and it’s one that nobody seems to hear.

Before we can address that message and what YouTube is telling creators we need to take a look at the history of monetization on the platform. While there have been ads on videos since YouTubeΓÇÖs 2006 inception it was a pair of decisions in December 2007 and early 2008 that saw YouTube provide a more central focus for creators to utilize their content in order to collect revenue. They started the original YouTube Partner Program and focused more heavily on the creator community and then later introduced the Creator Studio to give these creators insight into the performance of their videos so that they could improve their work based on the analytics and data provided.

It was the inception of the YouTube Partner Program that was of most interest here. Gone were the wild, wild West days of simply collecting ad revenue; creators were now required to earn 4,000 hours of video watch time in the previous 365 days and they had to amass 1,000 subscribers before they were allowed even to apply for access. This system sat in place for over a decade, a thorn in the side of so many fledgling creators. Viewership exploded; YouTube tripled the number of annual users from 2012 (700 million) to 2020 (2.3 billion). Hot names like PewDiePie, Markiplier, the Paul brothers Jake and Logan and Mr. Beast began to create a dreamy sense of what life could look like as a YouTube star and more and more creators began to jump on to the platform. The competition between creators became fierce. Many YouTube creators cite a very big difference in what growth looked like on YouTube in 2015 versus 2023 and while there have been changes to the YouTube Search and Discovery Systems (what everyone calls ΓÇÿthe algorithmΓÇÖ) the real culprit has been the flood of new creators swarming the platform and making discovery in general a far more difficult undertaking than it had ever been. But this was just the beginning.

Known as Douyin in China, the 2016 introduction of Tik Tok gave a meteoric rise to a once dead form of content: the short form video. And the landscape of content creation changed overnight. Tik Tok landed in the U.S. in 2017 and was an instantaneous sensation; it was the most popular app of 2019 and 2020 and despite only have been in existence for two years Tik Tok was the 7th most downloaded app of the 2010ΓÇÖs. Later Tik Tok would surpass YouTube for the most ΓÇÿAverage Watch TimeΓÇÖ on the internet. Many questioned whether the media behemoth could hold on against the upstart app and their glitzy, flashy approach which aligned well with younger viewing audiences. The argument could still be had today, were it not for a distinct ruling in the worldΓÇÖs largest market.

In the wake of a clash with the Chinese military (over border disputes in the Himalayan Mountains) and citing privacy and security concerns India banned several Chinese apps in the summer of 2020, the most notable being Tik Tok. YouTube seized the opportunity gain a drastic foothold on the worldΓÇÖs largest viewing audience and in what felt like mere moments after the ban introduced their own take on the presentation of short form content, YouTube Shorts. The introduction of this reinvigorated the creators on YouTube. The format was proven and now it was available to help spark a creatorΓÇÖs growth on a platform that paid far more. But with the inception of this new form of viewing came problems; creators could easily surpass the YouTube Partner Program requirements with a single video, and this threatened to alienate the hundreds of millions of long-form creators who had spent years laboring with content that was still the foundation of the platform.

So YouTube introduced a new set of requirements specifically for Shorts creators. Creators were now given the option of being able to apply for the YouTube Partner Program either by following the original requirements or by gaining 10 million views in the previous 90 days and 1,000 subscribers.

And this is where things get interesting. While the change itself meant very little (creators who were monetized in this fashioned typically earned CPMΓÇÖs of $0.04 - $0.08 per 1,000 views versus the platform average of nearly $18 per every 1,000 views) the nature of the change itself excited creators in a way that few platform advancements had. It has never really been the actual earnings that enticed creators, rather it was the dream that their art could earn revenue. And if it could earn revenue then they might be able to make a living off of the things they enjoy most.

With the dazzling response YouTube received after this update the team went on to look into other ways they could improve revenue on the platform. The recent monetization adjustment unearthed a glaring fault in the system; long-form and short-form creators were now both represented well in a system that supported their ability to earn revenue… but creators who focused on livestreaming were not. Due to the conversational and engaging nature of a livestream these creators are known to pull large audiences while a stream is live, but often these streams hold little or no value afterwards and often fail to produce the long-term views and watch time needed for a creator to attain the 4,000 hour watch time requirement. Those who are monetized make the majority of their revenue from fan-funding sources like super chats, donations and channel memberships. And despite what can amount to some fairly large audiences for some of these unmonetized streamers their ability to collect revenue is still beholden to that watch time requirement.

That is what JuneΓÇÖs update addressed. The new requirements did three things:

1. They allowed for less-strict requirements on subscriber counts and watch time hours in order to allow creators to collect revenue from fan-funding sources.

2. It lowered the threshold for Shorts creators to begin earning revenue.

3. It sent a very loud message to creators regarding what YouTube wants in return.

That last part is key for all creators, not just those who have now been ushered into the YouTube Partner Program. Let’s take a deeper look at what YouTube did with this update. They cut the number of Subscribers required to gain revenue in half. That was always the easier part of the equation, and what used to take most creators a year and over 100 videos to accomplish now feels like it can be earned over a weekend. But look at what they did to the watch time requirement. It was reduced by 25%. It was not cut in half. It was effectively reduced by half of one-half. And this speaks volumes. This tells us exactly what YouTube wants from their creators. They don’t care about subscriber counts… YouTube wants watch time. They want eyes on content. They want you to be a current and consistent creator (hence the 3 videos in the previous 90 day rule), they want you to bring viewers onto the platform and keep them here.

The reduction in requirements for monetization are being widely accepted as a big-hearted and generous offering to creators struggling through the formulative years of their YouTube channels and rightfully so. Access to fan-funding revenue sources only serves to benefit everyone. But the lack of reduction in this requirement is flying far below the radar. It is still the most difficult part of the process when it comes to monetization… and this is a good thing. Creators are happy, and at the end of the day only those who are able to create content which is engaging and interesting will be able to take advantage of this. It does nothing but provide encouragement to the scores of creators dumping mindless dribble on the platform in the hopes of making a few quick bucks and vanity clout. Those videos were never going to get their creators monetized and thanks to this update it still won’t… only these creators will figure that out faster. They’ll reach their 500 subscriber threshold only to discover that the real barrier for entry was always going to be the quality of their content. Because that is what makes a successful channel. That is what YouTube wants.

Honestly… it is what we all wanted all along. We want to watch quality content. And if we succeed as creators we want it to be because our content is the quality that aligns with that we have come to love from our peer creators.

So go make something great.
YouTube's recent changes are a game-changer, making monetization more accessible. It's clear they prioritize content quality and watch time. This emphasizes creating engaging content and rewards creators who keep viewers on the platform. It's a positive shift that benefits both creators and viewers. Keep making great content!
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The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
Subscriber Goal
I agree with most of what you said here, however there is kind of a slight misunderstanding that could be confusing to new readers. Here is what I am talking about"

YouTube wants watch time. They want eyes on content. They want you to be a current and consistent creator (hence the 3 videos in the previous 90 day rule), they want you to bring viewers onto the platform and keep them here.

This is 100% true. What you described here is what I call "Binge-Worthy Content, or BYC, for short" This not only what YT wants, it is what YT DEMANDS. That is if you want to be loved by the YT algo and suggested. How measures your channel and determines of your content is BYC this is based on three factors.

1. The Click
2. The Stay
3. The Return

YT wants viewers to Click on your video, Stay on your video, and Return to watch more of your videos. In order for the YT algo to love your content and your channel, you have to tick all three of these boxes. Tick just one or two is not enough, and it can actually be bad.

We want to watch quality content. And if we succeed as creators we want it to be because our content is the quality that aligns with that we have come to love from our peer creators.

So go make something great.

This is also 100% true, but there is a problem. Quality content is not always the BYC content that YT demands. In fact, a huge majority of BYC content is total crap in my book. However, this BYC crap makes it big on YT because there are millions of people who want to watch mindless dribble. TikTok proved this beyond any question.

So, making real quality content is NOT the magic wand that will make you successful on YT. Making BYC content is the magic wand. These two are not always aligned and, many times, are in direct conflict. YT does not care if you make quality content. YT only cares if you can get people to watch your content, regardless of whether it is quality or total crap.

If you are an educational creator who creates one-and-done style long-form content, you are no longer welcome on YT. It might be great quality, but if it does not tick the three boxes that YT demands it tick, the YT algo will not love you.
Stanley | Team TB

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
TubeBuddy Staff
Subscriber Goal
I agree with most of what you said here, however there is kind of a slight misunderstanding that could be confusing to new readers. Here is what I am talking about"

This is 100% true. What you described here is what I call "Binge-Worthy Content, or BYC, for short" This not only what YT wants, it is what YT DEMANDS. That is if you want to be loved by the YT algo and suggested. How measures your channel and determines of your content is BYC this is based on three factors.

1. The Click
2. The Stay
3. The Return

YT wants viewers to Click on your video, Stay on your video, and Return to watch more of your videos. In order for the YT algo to love your content and your channel, you have to tick all three of these boxes. Tick just one or two is not enough, and it can actually be bad.

This is also 100% true, but there is a problem. Quality content is not always the BYC content that YT demands. In fact, a huge majority of BYC content is total crap in my book. However, this BYC crap makes it big on YT because there are millions of people who want to watch mindless dribble. TikTok proved this beyond any question.

So, making real quality content is NOT the magic wand that will make you successful on YT. Making BYC content is the magic wand. These two are not always aligned and, many times, are in direct conflict. YT does not care if you make quality content. YT only cares if you can get people to watch your content, regardless of whether it is quality or total crap.

If you are an educational creator who creates one-and-done style long-form content, you are no longer welcome on YT. It might be great quality, but if it does not tick the three boxes that YT demands it tick, the YT algo will not love you.

Not the first time I've heard this argument... but every time it's always the same issue. The subjective nature of the term "quality."

We are all content creators here... none of us are producing the next Game of Thrones or To Kill A Mockingbird. And while I am exaggerating that comparison the immediate thought when we talk quality are the big-budget, Netflix and Disney+ pushing producers with $20,000 cameras and a production staff. YouTube is the reality TV of today, and you can do high quality content without a computer using only a 5-year old cell phone and some panache.

Making real quality content is the magic wand. But you have to be understanding of what real quality content is.

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
Subscriber Goal
Not the first time I've heard this argument... but every time it's always the same issue. The subjective nature of the term "quality."

We are all content creators here... none of us are producing the next Game of Thrones or To Kill A Mockingbird. And while I am exaggerating that comparison the immediate thought when we talk quality are the big-budget, Netflix and Disney+ pushing producers with $20,000 cameras and a production staff. YouTube is the reality TV of today, and you can do high quality content without a computer using only a 5-year old cell phone and some panache.

Making real quality content is the magic wand. But you have to be understanding of what real quality content is.

I totally agree with you on this, but I think you misunderstood what I was referring to as "Quality". I was not referring to the quality of the equipment used to capture the video. There are plenty of crappy movies that cost millions to make. When I say quality, I am referring not only to the technical quality, but also to the value of the content. Let me give two examples from my own channel.

Exhibit A:

This is a video caught on a $30 trail camera of a really sick mangy dog. I added a completely false click-bait title and thumbnail. It 40k views.

Exhibit B:

This is a super high-quality recording that was captured using $5,000 worth of camera and audio equipment and took months of dedicated work to capture. It has a completely honest title and thumbnail. It has less than 200 views.

I could give you a billion examples like this. This is the difference between crap and quality I am referring to. This is what the new YT algo has resulted in. YT prefers dishonesty and clickbait. It rewards people for using any underhanded method to get people to watch videos. The YT algo does not reward honesty and quality. It encourages people to be fake and false. It encourages dishonesty. It wants you to use marketing techniques to manipulate human-based emotions to get people to interact with your content. This is what all the stupid Mouth Open thumbnails are about.


When I say quality, I am talking about the whole specturm, not just about the capture equipment. I am talking about the actual content itself. Is it content that is a some person lighting their farts on fire and acting like a complete idiot, or is it content that actually has some value for humanity. There are many YT creator that do produce great quality content. Unfortunately, many of them are leaving YT because the YT algo favors crappy emotional REACTION content over real quality content.


Trusted User
Trusted User
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There are plenty of crappy movies that cost millions to make.
Yup. And what's so sad there are also many low-budget, well-made films with great cinematography and storytelling that most people have never heard of.

There are many YT creators that do produce great quality content. Unfortunately, many of them are leaving YT because the YT algo favors crappy emotional REACTION content over real quality content.

Yup, I agree. It's like the Peloton craze. They've some how managed to convince people buy a $2,500 bicycle that doesn't go anywhere.

Yet, REI sells a real bicycle for a thousand dollars less than can literally take you around the world:

What do people buy? Yup! The real clue is that, at least here in America, people have been convinced that a bicycle is a piece of exercise equipment and not a legitimate form of transportation. This is in part due to about a 100 years of marketing from the auto industry to convince people that cars are the only way to travel. Yes, we need highways, but it makes no sense to crank up a car just to travel 0.8 of a mile to Wal-mart of General Dollar.

What does that have to do with videos? Everything. Much of what people do is dictated rulers and authorities both now and in centuries past. Tik-tok, and shorts fundamentally changed how people view content online. As such what gets promoted is the junk. It's a fact. People have to dig to get the quality, helpful type content. In fact I have to go make the content I want to watch.

We say value first, but the perception of value has been dictated and manipulated by the powers that be. I mean I can literally put nothing but 15 second short of my fish catches and get 15k views, literally one fish catch. I had a subscriber complain and wanted longer videos. I produced a 10 minute video like I "normally" do. 75 views.

I mean people will tell you what they want. you can provide exactly what they say they want, and it turns out that they never wanted that in the first place.

Now on the other side, I must say that most of my views come two or three years after I product a video--the quality videos, I mean. Shorts people are looking for cheap dopamine fix right now. People looking for real solutions to real problems are far fewer, and sometimes it takes years for them to find your content.

A few weeks ago some one asked me about my Catfish Pudding cheese bait. I haven't made the stuff in about 8 years. 8 years! It took 8 years for them to find my content. Same for my catfish chum throwing device. While it's great that those videos still get views, it's very difficult to stay on that path when all you have to do now is throw up one unedited crappy fish catch for 15 seconds and get 15k views.

Another fellow asked about my boat. I've had the boat since October. I had to copy and paste the link to the review. While I'm grateful, it took six months for this subscriber to notice I had a new boat, and I had to link directly to the content about it. Literally one of my subscribers. Why didn't YouTube point this subscriber to the content when it came out? Maybe he wasn't interested then. Maybe he was watching other stuff. I don't know, but the lag is so big that you almost can't predict when people will watch your stuff. Yet, with shorts, I can just about predict when, what and how to post junk content and about how well it will do. That's very discouraging.
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The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
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Hey there, brother. So great to see you back on here. I thought you were gone. To be honest, I seldom come back here anymore. Life has been real hard for me as of late. I had to take six months off due to multiple family tragedies (murder, cancer, death, etc). I got covid on New Year's Day and was sick all of January and February. Just now getting back into making vids. I have abandon my former genres and am working on a whole new series, but that is for a different discussion.

You could not have been more accurate when you said:

" Much of what people do is dictated rulers and authorities both now and in centuries past. Tik-tok, and shorts fundamentally changed how people view content online. As such what gets promoted is the junk. It's a fact. People have to dig to get the quality, helpful type content. In fact I have to go make the content I want to watch. "

The truth is, I have been keenly observing a complete shift in how YT suggestions work now. It used to be that YT tried to figure out what you were looking for and deliver that to you. But the new goal of YT is to keep you on the platform, not to serve you the content you want. YT wants you to binge-watch. They have stated this outright in no uncertain terms. If they give you exactly what you want, you will watch it and leave. This is counterproductive to their ultimate goal of keeping you on the platform watching one video after the other. If your goal is to keep someone playing the game of catching the ball, then what you want to do is play "Keep Away". I have done several experiments, and I believe that YT is doing this to some extent. They are not necessarily preventing you from finding what you want, but they are pushing similar content that "Appears" to be what you want but ultimately fails to deliver, so you go back to searching and watching other videos. In some cases, I have had to type in the exact title of the video I wanted to watch encased in quotes to force YouTube to deliver the video I knew was there.

The new WEB method is not to serve the user but to coral and CONTROL the user. They don't care what you want to find or watch. They exist to make money, and they are going to guide you kicking and screaming to what THEY want you to see because it makes them more money. Google is so bad at this that I have given up using it to find stuff anymore.

Honestly, I am just waiting for microtransactions to become a reality. Once that happens, I am moving every piece of my content onto my own website that people will have to pay to visit. I have a website that get about 30k views a month. It has Google ads on it, and I make about $3 a month from those ads. If I could charge visitors $0.10 for a 24-hour pass to access my website I would be making $3,000 a month. If I moved all of my content onto my website, I would be making over $10k easy. Microtransaction are the real solution for good creators like you and me.

Side Note: I am getting my boat fixed up, and I am going to be doing some Drift Fishing for Catfish. Hav you tried this before?
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