Here's a piece of advice. And I'm gonna be totally honest and straightforward with you and I might come off a bit harsh. But... Be yourself.
Trying to copy other people's success will not likely help you find success. You're trying to find a shortcut to YouTube success that does not exist. Viral videos are like the lotto, they happen simply because they do. Trying to force it by attempting to ride someone else wave will only bring you disappointment when it doesn't work. Success takes work. Even someone with a viral video still has to work hard to maintain and extend the 15 minutes of fame they got from the viral video.
As yourself this: what will you do if you manage to create a viral video by searching for other content creator's viral success? Are you gonna continue to make more of that content? What if it's content you're not really interested in but you just wanted to go viral?
In today's YouTube most viewers want specific content from specific creators. The days of mixed content on the same channel are long past. Only those who made themselves the focus of their channel, the reason to watch their videos, can have a channel that has mixed content such as Markiplier who can play just about any game he wants because his viewers are mostly there to see him play the games, not to see the game itself. But for newer channels most viewers come to see a specific game, like Minecraft for example, and as soon as the creator starts making content on other games, say like Elden Ring (which is nothing like Minecraft), their new content is not likely to get as many views since their main audience is there for the Minecraft content. It might bring him new viewers, but his views will now be divided and they risk alienating their core audience. Now, if they made the content about them, like Markiplier, then perhaps they can grow the channel more, but that takes time.
It's simple. There are no shortcuts on YouTube. Going viral is not a guarantee to becoming successful. You still have to work to maintain the lucky success.
That's my 2 cents. Take it as you will. We all have to learn our own way.