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YouTube Question Helps Youtube Shorts to grow your channel or destroy it for a Small channel?

DigiDesign Zina

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I want to upload more Youtube Shorts.
But is this a good idea for a small channel?

For example:
For a normal video, I get around 100+ views on these videos
For a Short video, I get around 1000+ views on these kinds of videos

Is this a good impression to Youtube? Because of the big difference in numbers?

I can't post a Youtube Short every day.

Thanks for helping me out!


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I take various parts from my long form videos and chop them up into Shorts, and post 1 per day. That might be beneficial for you.

I definitely average far more viewers on my Shorts than long form content, as I think most people do. I definitely get a handful of subscribers from them as well, although they don't translate to my long videos. Which again, I think this is the case for most people.

That said, I do gaming content which is very saturated and only has so much room for creativity and innovation. Seeing as you do graphic design/art content, you may have more that go from Shorts to long form, and vice versa.

Stanley | Team TB

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Shorts are a good way to provide prospective subscribers with a glimpse into the type of content which they can expect to get from you. So you really do need to keep it on brand. The only way Shorts will really hurt you is if you create a Shorts video which has nothing to do with your core content and then it explodes and you get a ton of subscribers from it. This could cause issues in that these subscribers will not be in tune with the actual content you put out and therefore are not going to watch your regular content... making them empty subs which can have a negative impact on your CTR and watch time for future videos.

I want to upload more Youtube Shorts.
But is this a good idea for a small channel?

For example:
For a normal video, I get around 100+ views on these videos
For a Short video, I get around 1000+ views on these kinds of videos

Is this a good impression to Youtube? Because of the big difference in numbers?

I can't post a Youtube Short every day.

Thanks for helping me out!
Some say it's useful and some say it's not good for the channel I don't know the truth anymore


New Member
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I take various parts from my long form videos and chop them up into Shorts, and post 1 per day. That might be beneficial for you.

I definitely average far more viewers on my Shorts than long form content, as I think most people do. I definitely get a handful of subscribers from them as well, although they don't translate to my long videos. Which again, I think this is the case for most people.

That said, I do gaming content which is very saturated and only has so much room for creativity and innovation. Seeing as you do graphic design/art content, you may have more that go from Shorts to long form, and vice versa.

Hey how's this been going for you? As I've restarted on my channel with both shorts and longs, I'm doing 1-2 shorts per day and 1-2 longs per week now.

Wondering how to try and assess if it's having an effect on long-form watching with all the shorts...poking around YT analytics and such.

What I've just started doing is linking to a long form in my pinned comment with a strong-a$$ and specific CTA at the end of the short, just FYI.
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New Member

I want to upload more Youtube Shorts.
But is this a good idea for a small channel?

For example:
For a normal video, I get around 100+ views on these videos
For a Short video, I get around 1000+ views on these kinds of videos

Is this a good impression to Youtube? Because of the big difference in numbers?

I can't post a Youtube Short every day.

Thanks for helping me out!

make a long video and make a short video as well as a long video promotion, it will speed up your channel to grow


Recognized Member
It's great way to increase subscriber count but make sure not to divert it from the main content you are doing. Usually many people just cut parts of their long form video and ask the users to watch the full video by giving out a link which is a great way to boost subscriber and getting more audience to your main content(long form video).


New Member
Absolutely, Yes... My view is that YouTube shorts opens up your video to a new audience you would not normally reach. As suggested above cut up your long form video into a shorts and use it to grow your channel. Yes there a little more work, but I believe it's worth it. I'm a newbie just starting out so this the approach I'm taking. I hope this he.


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I know Im a newbie at alot of things but when it comes to shorts--- I really dont think it affects the long form very much and I mainly look for shorts to REMIX with already over 1million views and If there are ANY comments on your shorts---- make sure to reply and acknowledge it. Ive made a few new friends.. Im a musician-- I love motocross and animals..... and heres my kicker.... I dont care what Youtube was like 4 or 5 years ago--- Facebook/Instagram are competing hard- There new metaverse looks VERY similiar now to youtube with there video content and descriptions -- They are competing hard and so alot of things are changing and quick and so a subscriber is a subscriber in my eyes and shorts to me doesnt have to be exactly what my content is.... I much agree with the above also- alot of my shorts I do 1 minute of my song and point back.... those I average about 300 -1000 views... but a remix of a cougar attacking a dog- I woke up to 26000 views and a few comments..... Again maybe it doesnt work on youtube but my ol school ways says you have to get a customer in the store before they can buy anything and a subscriber is now a customer.... Smile- its a great day to have a great day....

Xavier De Buck

Well-Known Member
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Curious to everyone's opinion on YOUTUBE SHORTS - there have been so many threads on the topic that I'm somewhat lost where to go to find the latest info/feedback from people.

I created https://community.tubebuddy.com/index.php?threads/54569/ on Tuesday but ZERO responses thus far?

Is there no more interest in YT SHORTS? Is that what it is or inactivity on the forum user-side?

Xavier De Buck

Well-Known Member
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In my case shorts have helped to reach a broader audience and gain a few more subscribers. So I'm definitely keep investing in creating those as part of my strategy.
Likewise here - I just posted a lenghty response on the above-mentioned link for your perusual.


New Member
Imo, Yes posting more YouTube Shorts is a good idea for a small channel since viewers are leaning more towards short form content these day. Even if you can't post Shorts every day, aim for consistency by uploading them regularly. You could probably put a positive impression on YouTube's algorithm by doing so. I think I read an article about this in one of Adobe's published article about Youtube growth. You can read about it if u want too.


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Ich m├╢chte weitere YouTube-Shorts hochladen.
Aber ist das eine gute Idee f├╝r einen kleinen Kanal?

Zum Beispiel:
F├╝r ein normales Video erhalte ich mehr als 100 Aufrufe dieser Videos
F├╝r ein kurzes Video bekomme ich mehr als 1000 Aufrufe dieser Art von Videos

Ist das ein guter Eindruck für YouTube? Wegen der großen Zahlenunterschiede?

Ich kann nicht jeden Tag einen YouTube-Short posten.

Danke, dass du mir geholfen hast!

Also, Shorts sind im Moment der Hit und wenn du da reinspringst und es benutzt, kann es den kleinen Youtubern helfen, wacksen. Es gibt auch eine Shorts-Kategurie und viele schauen bei der Arbeit usw. mal einige Shorts an, deshalb solltest du diese verwenden. So kann auch ein unbekannter Youtuber in der Yt-Suche bekannt werden.


New Member
Some say it's useful and some say it's not good for the channel I don't know the truth anymore
I follow the YouTube direct reports. According to them, your shorts videos do not negatively affect your regular content as individuals that are purely shorts viewers will not be included in an algorithm for long content.

In other words, the only reason posting shorts will negatively impact you is if you post a bunch of shorts to get the subs, then completely stop posting shorts all together. You will loose all the subs from viewers strictly interested in shorts.