YouTube Tips What Niche Should I Choose?


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Well, to be honest, this wasn't the topic I was going to post about today "because the SEO live event was happening" but because I'm running 12 channels I was about 20 minutes late and found out that I was locked out? Well maybe? Not locked out, but I needed to go post in another forum for assistance and wait for someone to respond, etc, etc. Sorry to say that I don't have idle time like to wait around. But I have choosen to post about another important topic for new YouTubers. And that is "Choosing The Right Niche"

Now a lot goes into this depending on your goals and what you're getting into YouTube for. If this is for a hobby, or just having fun, then it doesn't really matter. But if this is to specifically make money then you have two choices "an oursourcing niche" and a "personal brand"

Natrually an "outsourcing niche" is one that you oursource the content for on Fiverr, Upwork etc but that is a little intermediate to advance. Then there's "personal brand" which would probably be where most of you gravitate to either doing Makeup, Health, Cooking, Fishing (as a couple users here are into), etc.

There's also Pros and Cons for each niche too, but your first focus "after all you're here to "Make Money" is to pick a high CPM niche. So what would be the areas for that?

For Outsourcing:
Movies (I have one channel in this niche)
Tech (I have one channel in this niche)
Health / Fitness (I have a cooking channel that's Health directed)

For Personal Brands:
(I have one channel where I teach MMO and YouTube)
Personal Finance (I have one channel in this niche)
Travel (I have a blog in this but traveling is so screwed up right now, it's a little on hold. But still getting visitors for that Ad revenue. LOL)

I could go on but no need for this to get too big. You get the point that the niche you choose will have a big effect on your success, naturally along with a lot of other things that are hard to foretell at this stage.

Hopefully the moderators won't see this as advertising "even though it kind of is" but I believe before someone takes the time to listen to you they should first do a little research into making sure you know what you're talking about. This is especially true on YouTube and with blogs. This is why I have listed the niches I have channels in. Now I'm teaching people "using these 12 channels" too so they can actually see the process, and evolvement, on how a channel is built. I have "hard" channels also "such as X-Plane" which is a flight sim and limited avenues to make money with. But it is still possible. Depends again on your particular situation. Hopefully you have multiple channels of income and don't have to depend JUST on this one channel.

I'll end with that, like I said, I don't want this to be a book. Besides I had a short script built already on the Live event this morning but I missed it and had to come up with something else. This also is important if you are going to be self-employeed. You STILL have to treat it like a job. It would have just been easy for me to say "forget it" because "none would be the wiser." No one, but me, knew I had a post planned. But that's NOT a business.

Hope you guys/gals enjoyed the post and give me your thoughts.

See you next time.



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I am totally confused as to the purpose of this post besides dangling for some low-hanging fruit.

This post looks and sounds like a "copy and paste". The way you opened the post with "SEO live event" has no relevance to us because as far as I know you are a new person here on the TB forums. You are anonymous and use no real name. BlenderSith means very little, just another anonymous tag name.

You claim to have 12 channels but the one channel in your signature shows zero subscribers because you hid the number? But in your "my other channels" show 8 channels (all look to be new at a quick glance with few subscribers)?

You say you don't want moderators to see this as advertising but "it kind of is"? And the name of your channel on display is "TheOnlineMoneyCoach" with a total of 77 views? So, you are saying your post is a veiled ad?

If you are fishing for business, I think you are not supposed to do that here. If you got something legitimate to share, then share it vs. dangling nuggets.

Right now, it sounds like you are bragging for the purpose of fishing for business. But with the 8 channels I see, you are a beginner yourself. I could be wrong.

However, as it stands, there isn't much you have posted that sounds credible to me because of how your anonymous "out of the blue" statements with zero context, little track record, and very little I can see.

If you are legit, I apologize but you should improve your opening statement and presentation and give more context.
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I am totally confused as to the purpose of this post besides dangling for some low-hanging fruit.

This post looks and sounds like a "copy and paste". The way you opened the post with "SEO live event" has no relevance to us because as far as I know, you are a new person here on the TB forums. You are anonymous and use no real name. BlenderSith means very little, just another anonymous tag name.

You claim to have 12 channels but the one channel in your signature shows zero subscribers because you hid the number? But in your "my other channels" show 8 channels (all look to be new at a quick glance with few subscribers)?

You say you don't want moderators to see this as advertising but "it kind of is"? And the name of your channel on display is "TheOnlineMoneyCoach" with a total of 77 views? So, you are saying your post is a veiled ad?

Well, the "live event" was a TubeBuddy live event on the Discord channel. So, I'll assume you're not familiar with promotions and events that TubeBuddy does "outside the forum here." And yes, when I made this account, I used the wrong account name for my signature because I forgot which account I was signing up here under. So that was an honest mistake "that I'm sure you won't believe" and I can't help that. Sorry.

I also forgot that I signed up on TubeBuddy under another account already "that was established already too" so I will have to delete this account because "only one account allowed on TubeBuddy."

So, for those who think I'm scamming or anything, I will end up deleting this account "or the moderators can do it if they feel it deserves it" but I will post with the original account that I started here and the one I use on the TubeBuddy Discord server.

It's not of importance but yes I get confused sometimes with forums because I love helping people succeed. I have an account here, on VidIQ, WarriorForum, etc and I help out whenever I have the free time to follow up on the forums.

But thanks for your reply as I'm sure you are probably not alone in thinking that. It's just you were the one that inquired about it.


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Like I said above as BlenderSith "and for those interested you can search on BlenderSith on YouTube and find the channel" so it's not like I was trying to scam anyone "as I was telling people the importance of choosing the right niche."

I've already said pretty much everything else above so want go into more detail except this is to just be upfront with the moderators that I will be deleting BlenderSith account as I do have two accounts now and that was my intention.

Sorry for anyone who read all of this and feels they didn't get anything out of it, or scammed?



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Well, the "live event" was a TubeBuddy live event on the Discord channel. So, I'll assume you're not familiar with promotions and events that TubeBuddy does "outside the forum here." And yes, when I made this account, I used the wrong account name for my signature because I forgot which account I was signing up here under. So that was an honest mistake "that I'm sure you won't believe" and I can't help that. Sorry.

I also forgot that I signed up on TubeBuddy under another account already "that was established already too" so I will have to delete this account because "only one account allowed on TubeBuddy."

So, for those who think I'm scamming or anything, I will end up deleting this account "or the moderators can do it if they feel it deserves it" but I will post with the original account that I started here and the one I use on the TubeBuddy Discord server.

It's not of importance but yes I get confused sometimes with forums because I love helping people succeed. I have an account here, on VidIQ, WarriorForum, etc and I help out whenever I have the free time to follow up on the forums.

But thanks for your reply as I'm sure you are probably not alone in thinking that. It's just you were the one that inquired about it.

I am familiar with TB's Discord and what happens there. As I said, it seemed you came "out of the blue" because you had only made 4 posts.

There are people who "bomb" the TB forums with weird stuff but I was unsure about your account, hence, the inquiry.

But thank you for giving more context, so that helps a lot.


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Like I said above as BlenderSith "and for those interested you can search on BlenderSith on YouTube and find the channel" so it's not like I was trying to scam anyone "as I was telling people the importance of choosing the right niche."

I've already said pretty much everything else above so want go into more detail except this is to just be upfront with the moderators that I will be deleting BlenderSith account as I do have two accounts now and that was my intention.

Sorry for anyone who read all of this and feels they didn't get anything out of it, or scammed?


Hello Lonnie "Cybersorcerer".

You definitely want to use your Cybersorcerer account going forward because you have good TB posting record there.

I do look at people's TB posting record to get some perspective on what they posted before.

In fact, on May 17, 2022, I responded to you that I was genuinely interested in what you were doing and how you were executing on so many channels.

Most of us have our hands full with one channel, much less two or more channels to ramp up.


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No problem and I fully understand as I see it a lot on other forums and that is why there are moderators and such. There was no offense taken as I can see from your stats that you're here to help out also.

I'll leave this post here and let the moderators decide if they want to delete it or not. After all someone might get something out of it.


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In fact, on May 17, 2022, I responded to you that I was genuinely interested in what you were doing and how you were executing on so many channels.

Most of us have our hands full with one channel, much less two or more channels to ramp up.

Yea, I'm going to be creating a YouTube playlist on exactly this topic on another channel. BlenderSith is strictly a Blender tutorial channel "as a channel should be focused on one niche or topic" but even that has been debatable so I have created a "Branded" channel under my name "Lonnie Gardner" that covers multiple topics, subjects "or niches if you will" on the same channel. This is because I have been asked about this subject "a lot" from people who are seriously interested in creating and managing "just one channel" but there are into 4-6 different things and don't want a channel on each one but when they take courses, or here advice from others they highly "do not" recommend doing multiple topics on one channel so they feel kind of stuck.

So this is something I'm going to explore, look into "in-depth" and figure out if it's good or bad for myself and give my opinion of it.

Also, I feel that I need to qualify myself for anyone who might not know me here and my speaking on starting a YouTube channel. Again this is going to sound like boasting, and it is in a sense, but I also feel that people need to know who they are listing to for advice on a particular topic "YouTube in this case and making money online" and what qualifies them. After all, people reading this post might say "ok you're giving a lot of advice and stuff but why am I listening to you? What makes you an expert on ***?"

So, on that, I do have 12 channels that was started, around the end of 2020 because of friends and social media followers of mine losing their job, business closing, etc because of COVID and needed to really do something and found making money online and feel down the MMO rabbit hole by searching for that on Google and YouTube. So why did they ask me for help? "Trust" is the only reason "and what anyone in this niche needs to be building with their audience" because they have known me for many years. I'm 60 "this month" and have been self-employeed working online since 1996. So that's 26 years "close to half my life (43%) that I have been self-employed." And this is how I got into the MMO niche and started a YouTube channel. I have NEVER been an MMO guru, teacher, etc because I was busy enough just with managing and working with the websites I had, products I was selling, etc. But I was ready to retire in 2019, outsource about 80% of my workload, and kind of semi-retire. Then COVID hit and my friends asked for help.

So I did what I always did when researching a new niche. I hit Google, YouTube, etc "except I didn't fall into the rabbit hole because I knew a lot already" but I did purchase about EVERY YouTube course available for like the past 5-8 years. I use multiple tools such as HubSpot, Ahref, TubeBuddy, VidIQ, etc. Again this is for me to learn them so I can teach them to the people who do want to use them, like them, etc. Because I'm not a believer in that "it's the tool" as so much "it's up-to you." Every tool in existence has it's pros and cons, everyone just needs to learn how to work with what they got. Maybe you can't afford the best tool available out there, so become an expert in what you have. This is what I did with Blender. I didn't want to spend the money for Maya so I went with Blender "FREE" and learned EVERYTHING about it.

I'm going to have to cut it off here because anyone who has seen my videos knows I am a talker. Hope someone gets some good advice from my opinions "and that's exactly what they are because I am no expert" on YouTube. Enjoy everyone until next time.



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I could tell it was you, @CyberSorcerer. I remember you from earlier this year, especially with 12 channels. I know you had 10 channels before. @MattCommand1, yeah, he just has the gift of gab.

@CyberSorcerer, however, it would be nice to flesh out the outsourcing content via Fiverr in much more detail. If I had the cash I'd hire a film crew of university students to go out fishing everyday. That way I could stay home and edit footage. Seriously, all of us will have to scale our businesses at some point. I can only shoot and edit so many videos, or make so much fishing tackle in a day, month, year. Scaling can really be a difficult for a one-man band.

The original post does have some value, just needs to be trimmed, refined & detailed.
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I strive to be a possibility thinker. Having multiple channels is possible because others have done it. However, for me, my having multiple channels over a decade ago lead me to not do anything well. So, I decided to "start over" from scratch and learn from my mistakes where I am very SLOWLY getting to 1K subscribers although I have well over 5K watch hours. As it is going, I may end up with 6K watch hours as I cross over the 1,000 subscriber mark.

It's interesting that @Damon says he wants more time to edit. I want more time to write outlines and be in front of the camera, and NOT edit. The editing is what slows me down. I've already failed twice this year trying to bring aboard an affordable editor.

I think it is interesting to hear how different people will approach multiple channels. There is another channel I am starting because the videos are intended for a different audience. But that channel is currently meant for hosting the out-of-place videos than me trying to do the 4,000 hours and 1,000 subscriber thing.

I don't want to be too scattered as I have been guilty of in years past.
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Totally agree @Damon. If you are going to get serious and become a full-time YouTube content creator at some point you'll be looking to outsource because of vacation, just needing to get away, starting another channel, even cutting down the work load and semi-retiring "like I was going to do at one time." LOL

But learning how to deal with freelancers is just "another thing" you'll have to learn as a YouTube entrepreneur and it's basically trial and error. This is truly what I recommend everyone do. Even though I do have a membership course that teaches EVERYTHING but that's for people "MOST IMPORTANTLY" can afford it. But also those who are on the fast track and don't have the time to spend on YouTube, blogs, etc learn fro FREE. Because learning for FREE takes A LOT OF TIME "most of it wasted on bad advice, scammers, etc" but it's part of the process. That is what makes this niche the way it is.

I've watched a few of your videos and LOVE them. I grew up fishing with my dad "I can remember when I caught my first big catfish ('noodling' in Kellyville Oklahoma). So you videos take me back. LOL

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Hey man
Look one of the key factors of starting anything is money
What I say is start repost YouTube videos
Not exactly the same
But change the tone and voice
To earn views and subs

It is perfectly okay to use other people's videos for inspiration and present your version. However, if your idea is to simply use someone's script/wording and change a few words and the voice, I don't think that is quite what many creators have in mind. It may not be "illegal" or a violation of YT rules but an informed viewer will know something is amiss when the presentation and content don't match the voice. If there is incongruency, people instinctively know.

I know there are a lot of people who want to be anonymous and grind out content at any cost but a lot of creators are involved for the credibility and personal or corporate branding aspects.

I am not just going to take someone's videos, words, and script and simply copy it replacing my own voice. I have my own brain, knowledge, opinions, and style. I don't need to use someone else's content and "change a few things". I don't think it is good long-term strategy for personal success.


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If I teach how to recreate the same content to be uniquely my and create a speech all using Ai for free
Would like to learn it?

You have asked the same question twice. Why are you asking? This is a discussion forum. Feel free to share what you got unless it is a veiled sales pitch.


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In some forums in comments I wanted to see if any people are interested or not
I just want to share things that they need
I donฮ“ร‡ร–t think its a bad thing

I am interested in your ideas and hearing what you have to say as long as it is not a sales pitch or you are trying to recruit me or beg for a subscribe. I get ideas and nuggets from different people.

I think others might be interested too as long as you don't violate TB forum rules.


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You right
But itฮ“ร‡ร–s like put your feet into the water
And I saw how effective it is
And after they been around the work their mind will be ready to work on something they good at
Isnฮ“ร‡ร–t that right?

That is a fair statement. Everyone starts somewhere.


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I didnฮ“ร‡ร–t think I sales anything or bag you for anything
I just asked if I create video in a subject like this
Would anyone interested
You can say no
And it would be ok
I donฮ“ร‡ร–t care about people donฮ“ร‡ร–t want anything from me
I care about people are interested about what I have to say

If you have a tech background and have the ability to tap into AI voices as an option to create content, I see value in that because not everyone has vocal talents or English speaking abilities. So, I say YES! Go for it. You got my attention.

I know how to speak and voice my own content. I am fluent in English, nevertheless I do see value in what you are suggesting.
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Thatฮ“ร‡ร–s great
Iฮ“ร‡ร–ll make a video
Iฮ“ร‡ร–m Ben nice to meet you Matt

Because this is a discussion forum, there is a presumption that you will share your knowledge and insights directly in this forum in text format. You can make a video but I am not sure how people will respond. Using a video to illustrate an example is fine but are you planning on embedding a video as a response?

I am not saying that it isn't allowed but the vast majority people who embed videos as a response do so for less than honorable purposes.

Why not type your response unless you feel your English ability is insufficient?