User name: lesbrasdemorphee
Title of introduction: Hello, and good night! Or should I say "bonne nuit"
(French speaking bedtime story channel here!)
Your name/ Alias: Morphée
Where are you from? Belgium
How did you find TubeBuddy? Recommended by another YouTube channel
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I'm always looking to better my channel, and this looks like a good place to have conversations about it!
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: My channel is there for the (French speaking) troubled sleepers who don't like meditation. My goal for it is to develop the business I started. I reached 16k subscribers last month, so I'm looking to grow more over the next months/years in order to be able to quit my day job and do this full time.
How frequently do you upload? I upload a new bedtime story every Sunday and Wednesday
What are your hobbies? I used to be a singer, but when covid started it became impossible to perform. That's why I turned to bedtime stories instead, so I can still use my voice but do so on my own terms. I still sing under the shower though! I also write and draw.
What is your biggest dream? A publishing deal! For my YouTube channel, I only use works that are in the public domain. But I also write, so I'd love to publish my own book some day.
YouTube Channel Link:
Title of introduction: Hello, and good night! Or should I say "bonne nuit"
Your name/ Alias: Morphée
Where are you from? Belgium
How did you find TubeBuddy? Recommended by another YouTube channel
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I'm always looking to better my channel, and this looks like a good place to have conversations about it!
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: My channel is there for the (French speaking) troubled sleepers who don't like meditation. My goal for it is to develop the business I started. I reached 16k subscribers last month, so I'm looking to grow more over the next months/years in order to be able to quit my day job and do this full time.
How frequently do you upload? I upload a new bedtime story every Sunday and Wednesday
What are your hobbies? I used to be a singer, but when covid started it became impossible to perform. That's why I turned to bedtime stories instead, so I can still use my voice but do so on my own terms. I still sing under the shower though! I also write and draw.
What is your biggest dream? A publishing deal! For my YouTube channel, I only use works that are in the public domain. But I also write, so I'd love to publish my own book some day.
YouTube Channel Link: