I am not sure what this thumbnail conveys aside from the idea the face is a character within the game.
Oh okay, so just to clarify, It's Assassin's Creed Valhalla game thumbnail and the character displayed in it is the protagonist.
Yes, I gathered all that by your title and the image. But that may not compelling enough for many people to click. Otherwise, you are largely dependent on the Title and the thumbnails is just background. IN my view, a character's face is not compelling enough to click. You may want to experiment a bit more than simply a character's face.
I am not sure what this thumbnail conveys aside from the idea the face is a character within the game.
Sure I'll consider your points, thanks for your support.I agree, the thumbnail doesn't really say much. You always have to take into account that the thumbnail is likely gonna be the first thing viewers will see before the title of the video so you want them to be drawn to it and get at least a little bit of what the content is about right away.