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Video Review Is my Intro unnecessary and outro too long?


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For me, yes, I stopped it at 27 seconds. I usually like them 10 seconds or less except for my friend's intro. He comes in with info about the show, and awesome rock song, and then more fun babbling. But that's what the show is. What you do, go into your analytics and see where it drops and that is where people stop watching.

Super Cooper Hobbies

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I would say yes for your intro. You want to get right into the content, but this is slower and losing attention. I, for one, lost interest pretty quickly, and stopped the video. I would look at your retention graph and see how people are reacting to the first part of the video. Chances are, you have a huge drop right at the beginning, as its not very engaging and its hard to tell what the video will be about.

As for your outro, I would also say yes. When you say thanks for watching, people assume the video is done, and click away. However, the video isn't done, you had a whole minute left when you said thanks for watching. Chances are that no one watched the end of your video. I would recommend at least adding an endscreen there. But you probably should say thanks for watching when the video is actually over, and then I would direct people to another video, related to the video they just watched, using endscreens.


On sabbatical
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Your intro is a collage of photos. Any intro more than 3 seconds is too long as far as I am concerned. You went way longer than that. I initially thought that was the main content, the intro was so long.

I experimented with 5-second intros for a bit and they hurt my retention. I no longer bother with intros. I want all the retention I can get. Your outro needs more punch and energy if you are going to use it. It seems pretty passive.


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An intro will almost instantly turn off viewers. Get rid of an intro unless its absolutely needed. This intro will absolutely make viewers click off, due to the fact that its too long. Viewers want to see the main point as soon as possible, so spend time with jump cuts, editing, and instant information that goes by quick. Hope I can help
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Remove that intro. Nobody wants to watch it, people get bored and go away. Many famous tubers advice is not to use intro.

Dysphasia PV

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User name: NE GA Mountain Folk
Title of thread: Is my Intro unnecessary and outro too long?
Self review: I feel like the Intro is turning viewers away.
Channel review or Video review? Video review

Link to Video:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNHadHNqs8k&t=91s

Link to other review post: https://community.tubebuddy.com/index.php?threads/48841/post-154111

Sorry, but I ended up leaving it after a while because what annoyed me was the music, as it seemed to be looping on one bar. I know that it is too late for you to change it, but I feel that if you lowered the sound of the music and put a voiceover on it instead, then I may watch it.


New Member
TubeBuddy User
User name: NE GA Mountain Folk
Title of thread: Is my Intro unnecessary and outro too long?
Self review: I feel like the Intro is turning viewers away.
Channel review or Video review? Video review

Link to Video:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNHadHNqs8k&t=91s

Link to other review post: https://community.tubebuddy.com/index.php?threads/48841/post-154111
Hello I'm new here but yes your video feels long and without a point of reference. You need to tell a story with a beginning and end. Yes I hear you when you feel no one is watching your videos. I get mad and put out what i believe are bad video. But I never done what you have done, even when I get mad I try a little to do a good video. But what do I know? You have 1000 subscribers and I only have 24 on one channel, 47 on another channel and 95 on my gardening channel. Your doing better than me, keep trying your best. Because getting help is so hard and what I have seen they only want to get your money. That's why I have so many channels, Been doing this for 2.5 years trying my best and not getting any help. You see how you ask for help and someone told you that you did it the wrong way and next time he is going to block you. Well I don't know what I'm doing but trying to not get block and see If I can get some help from TB!


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When I saw this, I thought the intro was the actual main video, it went on for so long. While it did interest me, it would probably do fine as a trailer by itself, and that trailer could be linked in a card, description, end screen, etc. As a general rule, I try to use less than 4 seconds of intro.
I would probably not watch through the outdo, just a few seconds, so I would start with an end screen and add captions above or beside it. I personally think that end screens should be able to be shorted that what YouTube lets them be, but that's another topic.
Other than the lengths, neat video. It's so much better than any of mine.


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Yes, your intro is too long. I have a cool idea for you: 1) Delete intro 2) Add more personality - you can show flowers and at the same time tell interesting stories about your life for example, or you can stream this and talking to vewers while walking among the flowers ). 3) Compare average view time! I think it will grow :)