Lifestyle Channel 30 year old Man WATCHES CARTOONS!


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User name: JoeyTCartoonP
Title of introduction: 30 year old Man WATCHES CARTOONS!
Your name/ Alias: Joey T.
Where are you from? New Jersey
How did you find TubeBuddy? Im not sure! It may have been through other youtubers...
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I have been a pro member since 2017 back when I was taking youtube seriously. Since then I took time off to focus on my education, and found that some viewers of mine continue to watch my videos and send me comments.
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: It's been a couple of years since I posted content, and I was wondering on how to give my channel a good solid reboot. I started this channel as a teenager, so I feel like I want to evolve while not alienating what people came to watch my videos to begin with.
How frequently do you upload? When I was active, I was posting 3-5 videos a month
What are your hobbies? Playing golf, drawing, and recently... collecting fountain pens!
What is your biggest dream? Knowing that before I die that I did something to help someone do something nice.
YouTube Channel Link:


On sabbatical
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Hi Joey,

I stopped by your channel and it is quite impressive what you built up.

I am looking forward to hearing the next steps of your journey after a 2-year break. What is it that you have in mind?

You got 10K subscribers and nearly 2.8 million views. So you are MUCH further along than most people here who have NOT take any breaks! LOL!


New Member
Thank you so much... and very reasssuring! It does blow my mind that I am still picking up a few dollars in revenue here and there with an inactive channel which is why I really don't want to leave it behind.

Near the end, my views stagnated and I did start to get anxious/jealous of other youtubers that were doing better than me that it did effect the content I was producing. Do I stick to my guns and continue doing what I set out to do or do I evolve to meet with what my audience wants.

For some reason, my more popular videos tend to be the cartoon reviews. Therefore I think if I did get back into it, I would just focus on making movie reviews. The only thing is how much time do I dedicate to it while not breaking the bank. I would have to reinstall Premiere Elements which is about 150, however I do think it would benefit me to invest in the Adobe suite with the monthly subscription.

The other thing is do I go back to making a video every week or do I focus on one review a month?


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User name: JoeyTCartoonP
Title of introduction: 30 year old Man WATCHES CARTOONS!
Your name/ Alias: Joey T.
Where are you from? New Jersey
How did you find TubeBuddy? Im not sure! It may have been through other youtubers...
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I have been a pro member since 2017 back when I was taking youtube seriously. Since then I took time off to focus on my education, and found that some viewers of mine continue to watch my videos and send me comments.
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: It's been a couple of years since I posted content, and I was wondering on how to give my channel a good solid reboot. I started this channel as a teenager, so I feel like I want to evolve while not alienating what people came to watch my videos to begin with.
How frequently do you upload? When I was active, I was posting 3-5 videos a month
What are your hobbies? Playing golf, drawing, and recently... collecting fountain pens!
What is your biggest dream? Knowing that before I die that I did something to help someone do something nice.
YouTube Channel Link:

Hey man, your channel's a lot of fun! I love cartoons as well. Check my channel out I bet you'll get a kick out of the toys I'm unboxing! I'll definitely subscribe to your channel! Keep it up!


Active Member
It's great that you've built up such a large following doing reviews. That means there's hope for me! I wouldn't bother spending the money on Adobe, though. Get Davinci Resolve from Black Magic Design. It's totally free, although there is a paid version that has a few more bells and whistles most people don't need. Just as good if not better than the Adobe suite. That'd save you a few bucks.


On sabbatical
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Near the end, my views stagnated and I did start to get anxious/jealous of other youtubers that were doing better than me that it did effect the content I was producing. Do I stick to my guns and continue doing what I set out to do or do I evolve to meet with what my audience wants.

For some reason, my more popular videos tend to be the cartoon reviews. Therefore I think if I did get back into it, I would just focus on making movie reviews. The only thing is how much time do I dedicate to it while not breaking the bank. I would have to reinstall Premiere Elements which is about 150, however I do think it would benefit me to invest in the Adobe suite with the monthly subscription.

The other thing is do I go back to making a video every week or do I focus on one review a month?

You will have to decide where your priorities are. You stopped once due to mindset and expectation issues. You will have to sort that out in order for you to be happy and fulfilled otherwise you will end up stopping again. I know people say you have to produce content that people like, which is true. But it is also true if the creator doesn't like what they are doing, they will stop. So, given this, the creator has to start with themselves first then gradually integrate audience sensibilities.

Most people don't go from zero to 60 in one video. There is a ramp up time. Some people like me take a long time to ramp but I am very much in the game. It is one video at a time over an extended period of time.

It sounds like you might want to dip your toes in the water. Start basic and see how it all feels to you before committing too many resources.