Sorry for the double post, but SEO for an educational, business, informational channel is not going to make you grow quickly. It's a long-term strategy. Once you niche down to something like Growing African Wicker Beetles, you then proceed to answer every conceivable question regarding the subject. In two or three years, you would have literally covered every conceivable portion of that niche. Literally hundreds of videos all pointing to you. All SEOed, highly valued, strategically placed pieces of content that people find every where they go online.
That kind of SEO strategy can build a business, grow an audience, make you an authority figure in your niche. When you're old and ugly like me, I don't have youth, beauty and popularity on my side. What I have is wisdom, experience and know-how. The best way to leverage that is slow-growth, highly-niched SEO.
There's a reason you don't see 50 year old rock stars who come out of know where. They're all young, barely into their 20s if that. Likewise a professional in their 40s should not expect to grow a YouTube channel in the same way, in the time, or use the same methodology as a 19 year old college student who could go on to be a supermodel.
That kind of SEO strategy can build a business, grow an audience, make you an authority figure in your niche. When you're old and ugly like me, I don't have youth, beauty and popularity on my side. What I have is wisdom, experience and know-how. The best way to leverage that is slow-growth, highly-niched SEO.
There's a reason you don't see 50 year old rock stars who come out of know where. They're all young, barely into their 20s if that. Likewise a professional in their 40s should not expect to grow a YouTube channel in the same way, in the time, or use the same methodology as a 19 year old college student who could go on to be a supermodel.
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