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Video Research Research Hack! Have you ever wondered where your videos have been shared?

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
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Have you ever wondered where your videos have been shared? Years ago, I got a bunch of traffic from a Other Source that analytics did not show. Someone was sharing my videos, but I could not see where they were sharing them. This sent me on a journey to find a way to track down exactly where my videos have been shared around the web. In case you are wondering how to do this, here is how it is done.

YouTube provides no internal way to do this, but it is actually quite easy. All you have to do is create a "Unique Identifier". It can be anything, as long as it exists nowhere else on the web. For demonstration, I will test the word "OKOIMOROMAKU" Next, I am gonna do a forced search on google for the word to see if it exists on the web. (Just in case you were wondering. The word here is a real word. It is an Amazonian word that means "Huge Anaconda").


Okay, now that we know that the word is unique and not found anywhere else on the web, let's add it to all of our videos using the Bulk Edit feature.

Head over to your CONTENT page in YT Studio and select ALL VIDEOS and then select DESCRIPTION from the dropdown menu.


Next click on "Insert at End".


Next, input the unique identifier word into the box and click UPDATE VIDEOS.


Now, just wait. The Google crawler is constantly indexing websites and it will begin finding websites that have embedded your videos in about 24-hours, but it takes about a full month for every one of your shred videos to be found. However, most will be found in about a week. Whenever you want to see where your videos have been shared, just search for that unique identifier word and you can see exactly where they have been shared.

Have fun!


New Member
Love to try do this on all of my videos.. looks like someone shared it on Facebook. But why and i wondered who... is someone stealing my videos perhaps ? And also if i was to do how you stated..... this means my all videos (description) information on all videos will be wiped out... And i wouldn't want to do that otherwise people don't no what the video is about since i write a description below the video what the video is about and so on.
The Jungle Explorer

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
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Love to try do this on all of my videos.. looks like someone shared it on Facebook. But why and i wondered who... is someone stealing my videos perhaps ? And also if i was to do how you stated..... this means my all videos (description) information on all videos will be wiped out... And i wouldn't want to do that otherwise people don't no what the video is about since i write a description below the video what the video is about and so on.

No. This does not wipe out any data. It just adds the one word (identifier) to the end of the description. It does not take anything away. It would only wipe out data if you chose the "Replace All" function.
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New Member
No. This does not wipe out any data. It just adds the one word (identifier) to the end of the description. It does not take anything away. It would only wipe out data if you chose the "Replace All" function.
Will give it a try but why would someone do such a thing ? Could it be that type of spammers stealing videos around to gain cash to themselves ?
Usually i have below the description of the video that this is a copyright video from (me) and that would take action against the person consent.. So why would someone share the video else where without my permition and also witness someone from Facebook but i want find out of course. Also ones u do this can you delete that unique name so there's no mix up confusion with things in the long run with videos ? all i want to see is find out something from my current videos. Thanks
The Jungle Explorer

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
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Will give it a try but why would someone do such a thing ? Could it be that type of spammers stealing videos around to gain cash to themselves ?
Usually i have below the description of the video that this is a copyright video from (me) and that would take action against the person consent.. So why would someone share the video else where without my permition and also witness someone from Facebook but i want find out of course. Also ones u do this can you delete that unique name so there's no mix up confusion with things in the long run with videos ? all i want to see is find out something from my current videos. Thanks

Someone sharing a link to your video on YouTube is not copyright infringement. YouTube is already a public platform. Anyone can share a link to your video or embed a link to your video without violating your copyright. They would only infringe on your copyright if they downloaded your video and shared it as their own on their own channel or hosting. Additionally, it is extremely beneficial for your channel for people to share links to your videos on YouTube. These external links are very good for your video and ranking because they draw people onto YouTube and YouTube loves it when you bring people to their platform.

People will share videos for many reasons. Maybe they like it and want to share it with their friends and family. Maybe they think it has good information and they want to embed it into their website. As long as they leave the video on YouTube and only share a link to it, they are not hurting, they are actually helping you.


New Member
Someone sharing a link to your video on YouTube is not copyright infringement. YouTube is already a public platform. Anyone can share a link to your video or embed a link to your video without violating your copyright. They would only infringe on your copyright if they downloaded your video and shared it as their own on their own channel or hosting. Additionally, it is extremely beneficial for your channel for people to share links to your videos on YouTube. These external links are very good for your video and ranking because they draw people onto YouTube and YouTube loves it when you bring people to their platform.

People will share videos for many reasons. Maybe they like it and want to share it with their friends and family. Maybe they think it has good information and they want to embed it into their website. As long as they leave the video on YouTube and only share a link to it, they are not hurting, they are actually helping you.

Thank you that makes total sense... I did that a theory it would more or less be like that as you stated. Thanks for the information. Just curious that i don't want to messed up all my videos i have with all the descriptions written in each video as i don't want to wipe the information off the videos below the video description.

Out of interest.. if i may aloud to ask you since your the only active user to help me out here since it is much appreciate your time and value... I only got into YouTube account since last month im on star member now and i was getting users subscribers one by another day... days ago i was getting 2 or 5 or 6 new subscribers per hour... odd... And then i end up getting a mile stone of 113 subscribers.. (Most i cant see who they are they all invisible and wouldn't no who subscribed) then a day later as i woke up there was only 103 subscribers..... and hours later there was only 98 subscribers... and then it went to 58 subscribers...... And then 8 hours later i am back to 98 subscribers.... So what on earth is going on here ? Sounds like fake statistic numbers.... I had Many Likes on the videos and these Likes are all gone because the the Subscriber (numbers) some how disappeared Now leaving me less LIKES with current state of just 98 subscribers so far as i wrote this..... So what just happen and is happening? My videos are usually travel videos... Its not possible that subscribers by a dozen all disappeared a the same time... Thought i was reaching goal to success.. But it all seems like fake numbers.. I even go to a public computer and see the same numbers of subscribers as been at home on my computer.. So it seems that the whole scenario of new subscribers are coming and then hours or iun 24hours later they all vanished and then it slowly see new subscribers coming back but not the same amount of subscribers. So what is happening? Maybe YouTube finds out that im using TubeBuddy and they aint happy or there is a cross confusing and is making my account messy for youtube ? I wish i knew what just happen.

But strange enough since i only began last months... its now 2 months... And 90% of all the subscribers are actually invisible unable to know who they are or what the profile is like from them... Unless they are spammers trying to add me as a subscriber i wouldn't no.. What happen is uncleared and like to investigate is it TubeBuddy or YouTube problem. Or YouTube just deleted my subscribers leaving me less people kept. That day that i reached 113 users just 2 days ago i was happy to know... But then hours later most of them all disapred and the Likes disapraerded and only leaving just half the amount i currently have with half the amount of likes.. So would u know what just happen and is happening? makes no sense for people to subscriber and disappeared by a dozen people doing the same thing in just the same hour and same day.


Life ain't no Nintendo Game
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And, let's not ignore the fact that TubeBuddy makes this very easy to do for all your videos with the bulk features found in our Star and Legend subscriptions.
Pricing - TubeBuddy - The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit.png
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The Jungle Explorer

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
Subscriber Goal
Thank you that makes total sense... I did that a theory it would more or less be like that as you stated. Thanks for the information. Just curious that i don't want to messed up all my videos i have with all the descriptions written in each video as i don't want to wipe the information off the videos below the video description.

Out of interest.. if i may aloud to ask you since your the only active user to help me out here since it is much appreciate your time and value... I only got into YouTube account since last month im on star member now and i was getting users subscribers one by another day... days ago i was getting 2 or 5 or 6 new subscribers per hour... odd... And then i end up getting a mile stone of 113 subscribers.. (Most i cant see who they are they all invisible and wouldn't no who subscribed) then a day later as i woke up there was only 103 subscribers..... and hours later there was only 98 subscribers... and then it went to 58 subscribers...... And then 8 hours later i am back to 98 subscribers.... So what on earth is going on here ? Sounds like fake statistic numbers.... I had Many Likes on the videos and these Likes are all gone because the the Subscriber (numbers) some how disappeared Now leaving me less LIKES with current state of just 98 subscribers so far as i wrote this..... So what just happen and is happening? My videos are usually travel videos... Its not possible that subscribers by a dozen all disappeared a the same time... Thought i was reaching goal to success.. But it all seems like fake numbers.. I even go to a public computer and see the same numbers of subscribers as been at home on my computer.. So it seems that the whole scenario of new subscribers are coming and then hours or iun 24hours later they all vanished and then it slowly see new subscribers coming back but not the same amount of subscribers. So what is happening? Maybe YouTube finds out that im using TubeBuddy and they aint happy or there is a cross confusing and is making my account messy for youtube ? I wish i knew what just happen.

But strange enough since i only began last months... its now 2 months... And 90% of all the subscribers are actually invisible unable to know who they are or what the profile is like from them... Unless they are spammers trying to add me as a subscriber i wouldn't no.. What happen is uncleared and like to investigate is it TubeBuddy or YouTube problem. Or YouTube just deleted my subscribers leaving me less people kept. That day that i reached 113 users just 2 days ago i was happy to know... But then hours later most of them all disapred and the Likes disapraerded and only leaving just half the amount i currently have with half the amount of likes.. So would u know what just happen and is happening? makes no sense for people to subscriber and disappeared by a dozen people doing the same thing in just the same hour and same day.

YT has very advanced AI that checks for Sub and Like spamming that comes from bot farms. If it detects what it considered to be subs and likes from bot farm accounts, it will delete them. If YT suspects that you are paying for this bot activity, they will delete your account as it is a a BIG No No to buy subs, likes, and comments from a bot farm. For some odd reason, bot farms will spam a channel that has not hired them. This happened to me recently and I made me extremely nervous. I have grown my channel totally organically, over 15 years and to have it deleted because some bot farmer targeted my channel was a very scary thing for me. Based on what I have heard, there is no way to get YT to reverse their decision to delete a channel, even if they made a mistake. It took it very seriously and spent days deleting all the bot activity as fast as I could so that YT would see that it was not me that was requesting it.

Evidently, YT thinks those subs and like you got were from bot farm. Whatever you are doing, you may have attracted the attention of a bot farm. I would do everything in my power to combat this on my own. I know that is sucks to have subs and like deleted, but at least they did not delete your account.
The Jungle Explorer

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
Subscriber Goal
Ok, so I used this and found this website where most, if not all of my videos are on. Does anyone else know what this website is?


Just wait a bit, you are gonna find a lot more sites like this with your content on it. In a month or so you will be floored by how many sites are sharing your content. These sites are bot-created sites that gather up content to attract viewers to their site to show them their own ads. In the case of the site you posted, it is a porn site. People come there to watch your video, but they see porn ads around it. This is sad, but there really is not much that you can do about it that I know of, other than changing the privacy of your video to PRIVATE, and then what's the point.

At least with this hack, you can find out where your videos have been shared. Some will be disturbing, but you find some good ones too. At the end of the day, all external links leading back to your content are generally beneficial to your ranking.
The Jungle Explorer

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
Subscriber Goal
This is what i was looking for.. But does it actually tell you exactly whos page is the person sharing your videos? or does it say just on facebook but you cant tell where in Facebook? despite facebook is huge. Also changing this means u have to delete what the description of your videos where before... it would ruined your titles and descriptions and whatever confusions after that

I want to know whos sharing my videos it seems its coming from facebook LITE but i never heard such thing as Facebook LITE to begin with..... and thats it.. it wont show me the actual page at all. So how to investigate whos actually sharing my videos from youtube to facebook ? I now its facebook but where exactly ? And why its telling me video shared on facebook LITE and the actual facebook lite... i never heard what LITE is.

So there has to be a form way to investigate futher? If its been shared on Facebook... Then u want to know exactly where on Facebook despite facebook is huge with millions of users using it same time.

To answer your question, Yes and No. Yes, this hack will give you direct links to where your videos have been shared on the internet. No, it will not ALWAYS give direct links to videos shared on Facebook because Facebook is an "Intranet". Google's crawler is only allowed to crawl and index content that is posted on Facebook if it is listed as PUBLIC. If the poster sets it to any other privacy level, Google's crawler cannot index it. And even if it does, you still would not be able to see it, unless you are Friends with the poster. When you try to view content on Facebook that is not set to Public, you will be faced with a Facebook Log In page. Once you log in, what you can see will be determined by your relationship with the poster of the content.

The thing to understand is, if someone posts something on Facebook that is not public and you can't see it, the rest of the world can't see it either. Unless the poster has blocked you. Now it is always good to keep a couple of alternate FB accounts in your hip pocket, so you can go back see if someone has blocked you. I get a kick out of people thinking they have some kind of power to prevent things because they use these useless blocking features on Facebook. It takes like a minute to create a new Facebook account.
The Jungle Explorer

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
Subscriber Goal
Thank you for the information. Will keep that to mind. However doing this set up like you show with the images above this discussion means im going to ruined my videos i already have on my youtube account? I really dont want to mess around with my public videos otherwise people wont be able to see and find my videos out there.... I dont want to make my youtube channel complicated with diferent set ups otherwise my youtube channel will be confusing and people might find me less if they wish to subscribe to me. Isnt there a single way to find out only by 1 video i have ? I want to see whos this USER is on facebook that has 5 LIKES but i never post anything on facebook to start with. I want to see who inside facebook is and how this Mysterious USER is actually sharing my videos. Only to just curious to find out. Isnt there any other way around ? I try the URL and post the name of the Full url or half of the URL onto google search and doesnt search anything all it search is my actual channel on youtube but it wont detect facebook. Then.... Why is there 5 LIKES my video been shared on facebook to start with ?

Also remember sharing people will see the video on other sharted websites and wouldnt be bothered to come directly to my youtube channel most of the times aniways. Which is a fact in terms...

I want to investigate just 1 video of mine on youtube. All i can investigate using this TubeBuddy is that its someone from (FACEBOOK LITE) and i have no idea what facebook LITE actually means..... Anyways any other form way to investigate without the need to mess around my youtube channel under settings because that can be critical in the long run otherwise my channel might end up messed up for messing around the settings.... ?.

You are only adding a single word, not replacing your whole description. It will not mess with anything. If you just want to track one video, then just edit that video and add the key word to it. Not need to do the bulk editing thing.
The Jungle Explorer

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
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How long it takes for the actual info shows up? And also who teach you this trick?

You should start seeing a few results in about 72 hours, but it will take about a month for all results to become available. As far as where I learned this. It is a technique I used elsewhere. Before I was a YouTuber I was a webmaster. I did a lot of study into how search engines work so I could program the metadata of pages. There is a lot of coding behind every web page you see. With the right coding, you can create a web page today and have it hit the number spot in a google search tomorrow. Most of my videos are number one on Google. Anyway, I just figured out how to employ that technique on my YT videos, a long time ago I had this one video that was getting a bunch of external traffic, but YT Analytics would not tell where it was coming from. I wanted to know where it was coming from so I developed this technique to find the source of the traffic. YouTube could easily off this feature but they are lazy developers, which BTW, is why they are losing ground to other platforms.
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The Jungle Explorer

The Jungle Explorer

I should have been born 200 years ago!
TubeBuddy Pro
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prior before you created that vdieo which i thank you. I did that tequenie like the images shown how to at the above of this threat. But which ever way its all goes the same way. Well my friend thank you for sharing that here. Thumbs up to you for that. Lucky you know how to.

I start to wonder if this goes the very same way where for example lets say you create a video you upload it on youtube.. But your adding tags..... so when you add tags for that video.... your video will be spread among all those tags you given to your video. So does it take like (days) or weeks in order of that video to show up in every tag? Or it will show quickly regardless ? If the technique you did is the same fundamental as to what im saying we have all learned something new. And that your video will be spread out to all those tags but not straight away fro example your video is a walking video and you are adding tags like @walking @city #walkingvideos and so on will the videos show up in all of them catagoies straight away or it takes time to show up bit by bit ? Which is interesting to find out... Only recently i sort of wondered about that... Sorry this part if slightly off topic but still in the same discussions otherwise.

Wish i was you like a pro like you. Lucky you and wonder else else you wish to share us.. By the way see if you can also let us know (If i change my URL name again after 8 months later) will my New Name will show up on every videos i have ? I notice in the past that when i change my URL name again.... If my previes example name was Kenken and the new name now is Kenkensmith then when i google search the name KENKEN in the youtube search and google search it shows my videos with the old name KENKEN but if i waited a few (weeks) that KENKEN name slightly started to disapear off the radar as in search and the only way to find my videos is with the new current URL name as Kenkensmith. So it took time but doing the progress i could see my videos as KENKEN on search as much the same with Kenkensmith name as well... But took a while until KENKEN doesnt exist in my videos anymore. But it was still implemented for a few weeks.. Took a while.

You have asked a lot of questions. It would take a couple of books to even begin to answer them all. How search engines work is extremely complex and changes constantly. The thing you need to understand is that Google Search is completely different from YouTube Search. The SEO you do on your videos is to help YouTube index your video, but only has a short-term affect when the video is first posted. YouTube's index is not an SEO index anymore. It used to be, but it is not now. YouTube's index I now what is called a Human Index. How your videos show up on YouTube is now governed not by what you put in the description and tags, but by how people interact with your video. How people interact with your video is what determines where your video shows up in the YT index. There are only three factors that matter when it comes to the YT Index.

1. The Click. The ratio of people that see your video and click on it.
2. The Stay. The percentage of your video people watch.
3. The Return. How many people click on another one of your videos after watching the first one.

This is all that matters to YouTube. Nothing else matters to them. So the only thing that matters is your thumbnail and description. These are what get the click. Then your content must keep people watching at least 50% of your video and also make people want to watch more of your content. You can have the best SEO score on the planet, but if your content does not tick all three of those boxes, it will get moved farther and farther down the index.
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