YouTube Question What should I expect starting a channel with 0 subscribers?


New Member
Hi guys,

Im new to all this. So I just started my youtube channel, read and watched a lot of the basic strategies, trying to create interesting videos, and of course, using Tubebuddy. I think Im doing all the basics
- Creating nice thumb image ... at least I think they're ok, but Im sure I can improve them.
- Doing keyword research and trying to hit above 80% at least for SEO scores
- Uploading videos. I've only uploaded 6 videos + 3 shorts. Trying to use shorts as a way to promote main videos. Ive added a few more initially cause I didn't want it to look empty but will probably just do 1-2 per week later.

I know its only been a bit over a week, but there are no subscribers haha. maybe 2 - both are me on other accounts.
And I know I need to be consistent, its a marathon etc. I'll try to at least do 50 videos.
But I feel like the first 6-9 videos are already "dead". Is this the case for most new channels? Or will they pick up 3-4 months later?
Or maybe my videos are really crap. Im creating virtual walks in different places.


New Member
i think based on your post you have understood the basics of being a creator on Youtube and have also done your research well. The main thumb rule of success is being unique, appealing and consistent. You can look at uploading 2 videos at the most every week but try to keep a schedule if you can but if you cant do 2 videos u can do 1 but make sure content quality is good. Also watch few videos of Tubebudy experts where they have explained how to keep your channel all prepped up. Hope this help and very important do not loose hope.

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
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It can be rough. That first 100 subscribers are the hardest (as are the first 100 videos). The more subscribers you get the more you'll get. Everyone has to go through this kickstart phase; keep posting, keep researching your SEO and make sure you have amazing thumbnails. Of course sharing out on Social Media helps when you are starting from scratch as well. It's all part of the game, good luck!


New Member
Thanks for the motivation guys.

Yeah I guess its a small niche, but I have seen many other get thousands, even millions of views consistently. But I did also see them struggle in their first few videos.
I'll keep going. 2 videos per week seems to be doable for me and I'll see how things are at the end of each month.

I'll try to keep everyone updated, and maybe learn from my journey too.
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On sabbatical
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I have seen some a couple channels do very well with similar content as yours. I see a lot of potential for your channel. For example, they take advantage of 4K like you do. There also people who would truly appreciate nature and the journey. It helps if you love producing your content, not just for monetization purposes.

The nice thing about your videos is that they are many longer videos. That means it won't take as many viewers to get to 4,000 view hours. I wish I had produced longer videos earlier on but I was overly concerned that people would not sit through it. But even if people only sit for 40%-50% of your videos, it is good for your overall view hour goals.

As others have said, you should look into improving thumbnails. The text is too small to read, for example.

As Stanley said, the first 100 subscribers are the toughest. I know because I am living it but I knew that was going to be a challenge going in. But I hope to cross that first 100 within the next 2-3 weeks.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. Marathon = committing one to two years posting at a steady, consistent rate while slowly improving all your YT skill sets.
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I expected nothing when I started my Youtube channel. I didn't see it as a broadcast studio, I see it as an online storage. I was just happy there's a platform where I can save my videos.
I was laughing after getting my first subscriber.
Then I started learning to use video editor. Then, I started using Youtube Studio. Then, I started learning to use keywords.
I'am still learning until today.


New Member
Hi guys,

Thought I'd share a quick update. It's been almost a month since my first published video. The first couple of weeks, there was really no visits at all, but then I saw some small momentum as I made these changes:
- After a couple of weeks, I changed all my thumbnail images. Made the text larger as people suggested. I saw small improvements in CTR.
- After 3 weeks, I added Timestamps to all my videos. Saw a little more progress

A few things I noticed:
- #shorts got more instant traffic so I uploaded a few to promote the main videos.
- I had 1 video on a trending topic "Squid Games" and it's going crazy - 10k views, while my other videos are still just getting 20-30 views. But...there does seem to be a slow increase in these videos after I made the changes.
- While "squid games" got the most views so far, view time was quite short, around 1min 30secs. My other videos are more targeted and have longer view times ranging from 5mins to 10mins.

Still - only 30 subscribers so far hahaha. But some good signs and findings from the small data set I guess.

Anyone else have similar experience to this?
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Nothin' But Gadgets

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One thing I noticed is that you are not showing any subs when I view your channel or your videos. Do you have showing subscriber count turned off?

As there have said, it is a slow grind to 100. I like your thumbnails. Make sure you have your channel branded and also make sure you ask for subs in your video tactfully.


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It may be a little rude but in the first 3 videos you will only get disappointment
Because u will assume that in the first 3 videos you will get 10-30 views but u will end up getting 1-5 views . But don't let this stop you from posting because everything starts from zero


On sabbatical
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It is definitely a slow grind, I've been going at it for about a year now

I think you are making great progress given your young age. You are going to be a dynamo within a few years. Your peers will be looking to you for advice before too long.

You have time on your side compared to many of us who are decades older than you.
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The fact you have started is GREAT!
I "started" my channel in 2011 but didn't upload anything until 2015. I REALLY wish I had started uploading 4 years earlier.
The first part is the most difficult part... it can be sooooooooo slow. For now, just focus on creating (awesome) videos, like you are slowing creating a netflix catalogue that people can come and choose what they would like to see. Take advantage of this time to learn and perfect new skills (editing, SEO, about your topic). Eventually one of your videos could TAKE OFF or be a "hit" and then viewers will have other videos to watch.... BUT until then, expect single-digit views for most videos during a long long time.

One thing you can do to create awareness about your channel is to comment in a NON-SPAMMY way on channels with a similar topic as yours. Leave a well thought out comment that is helpful on one of their videos. Not just a short "thanks" or "this was cool" ... a comment that will make people think... wow, that person knows his/her stuff.... or... wow, that was helpful/good to know. From there they may (or may not) visit your channel by clicking on icon. NEVER put a link or mention your own channel. Personally, I always appreciate viewers who leave these types of comments on my own channel... answering other viewers' doubts or actually answering whatever question I said in the video.
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New Member
I'm new to all this. I've just started my YouTube channel and have been learning about the basic strategies. I'm trying to create interesting videos and using Tubebuddy to help. I think I'm doing all the basics:

- Creating nice thumbnails (though I think they can be improved)
- Doing keyword research and aiming for SEO scores above 80%
- Uploading videos consistently. So far, I've uploaded 6 videos and 3 shorts. I'm using shorts to promote my main videos. Initially, I uploaded a few more to avoid an empty channel but plan to stick to 1-2 videos per week.

It's been just over a week, but I don't have any subscribers yet (except for 2 that are my own other accounts). I know I need to be consistent and patient, aiming for at least 50 videos.

However, I feel like my first 6-9 videos are already "dead." Is this common for new channels, or will they gain traction in 3-4 months? Or maybe my videos aren't good enough. I'm creating virtual walks in different places.