You may not use videos from the TubeBuddy channel as content on your own channel. It also is part of the affiliate agreement and TubeBuddy terms of service that you may not use our videos or intellectual property as your own. If you were to take an entire video and put it on your channel, you would still be subject to copyright violations and takedown requests. We do offer logos and certain images under the affiliate section of our website but our videos are not part of assets that can be used elsewhere.It's possible to use TubeBuddy as your content on your channel which has no copyright issues and also has an affiliate centre there where you could check for your affiliate tracking code and add to your video as well so whoever installs TubeBuddy using your affiliates, you then earns commission from it.
i think so....its can help other YouTube creator to be part of it.CAN I USE TUBEBUDDY AS ONE OF MY CONTENT??
You may not use videos from the TubeBuddy channel as content on your own channel. It also is part of the affiliate agreement and TubeBuddy terms of service that you may not use our videos or intellectual property as your own. If you were to take an entire video and put it on your channel, you would still be subject to copyright violations and takedown requests. We do offer logos and certain images under the affiliate section of our website but our videos are not part of assets that can be used elsewhere.It's possible to use TubeBuddy as your content on your channel which has no copyright issues and also has an affiliate centre there where you could check for your affiliate tracking code and add to your video as well so whoever installs TubeBuddy using your affiliates, you then earns commission from it.