Well, I'm going to have to think about this for a bit. I've already lost over a week of the service this month plus the lost time in trying to get the account back to Pro status. Also, I don't just have one account but I have 10 which tells me already that have any problems on one or more of those accounts means more time dealing with support "which at this point isn't that impressive." To me that is. Might be different for others but I'm only speaking from my experience.
Also, you gave the general support department email? I've worked support a few times in my career too, someone will probably just send me a generic email response to my problem "being some link to a knowledge base help article" and leave it at that.
It's not so much that I'm complaining "which I am" but I'm seriously trying to show people that you can manage multiple YouTube channels and have them successful, in varying degrees. That is they ALL can't be doing great. I mean I have one that is approaching 100K views out of 10. So that's a 1% great result. The others are taking much more work. But this means "time" is VERY important to me therefore wasting it is not an option.
So give me a little time and I'll get back to "you" if that's alright. Sending an email to "
support@tubebuddy.com" probably isn't going to happen, I'll just move on because I've already sent an email there, and still no response. And this is exactly what I mean.
I understand that most customers of Tubebuddy probably aren't as serious about developing a sustainable business for supporting there themselves and family and that's fine. But those who are serious entrepreneurs usually won't put up with such things and move on and try another service or stick with one they already know.
Yea, this might belong in answer to your response but I have found "both here and other product forums" that this is what makes me popular in helping people. Apparently serious people love the detailed explanations. Who knew?
Anyway, I'll get back to you in a bit if that's alright.
Also, to those who've been asking me questions, I'll get back to you all later too. I just don't feel comfortable helping people with a product I'm not currently using myself.