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Official How To Get More Views and Subscribers

Amanda Summers

Known Member
Just thought YT could also start rewarding creators who are doing great and yet not getting the much needed views and subs, as a way of encouragement and motivation to be strong. Otherwise many could just abandon an otherwise good creative stuff they are are offering for not hitting the threshold.
I think they should have a newbie shelf and have people up or down vote the video, maybe with a box for things like topic, mechanical issues like lighting and camera, and maybe something about how they personally present. Some videos are really horrible and someone needs to tell them. I know it hurts, but if you cannot hold the camera still I think you need to learn that pretty early on. Most of the newbies in my nitch just walk around with their Gopro on their face instead of showing the place they have traveled to. Audio works even when the camera is pointed in the other direction. Even with my channel, I'd love to know if it just isn't good enough. It isn't growing like I think it should even when it's 100% SEO. I've tried everything I've heard anyone say that I could do. I do know I have a thumbnail issue. My editors just don't seem to get it. I don't get it either. I look at the thumbnails before I click and I am not impressed by the thumbnails in the top 5.

Nody | Team TB

TubeBuddy Staff
Subscriber Goal
Bhai please support my channel

Please refrain from begging people to support your channel or asking for subscribers, it's against our rules and please make sure you communicate on these forums using English only as it's a base language for everyone.


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I don't really believe in a 'reward' system. They are considering copying TubeBuddy's Milestone certificates which is kinda cool (but also... get something new guys! lol). But rewards? My problem with this is that it attracts the wrong element to the platform. It brings in people to contribute who aren't necessarily in it because they are passionate about what they are making content about, they begin filling the platform with some really undesirable content simply for the same of these rewards. We already see this issue with the sub4sub crowd and the people who think adsense is going to payout millions of dollars and all you have to do is post a video from your phone to go viral.

If anything I do think that YouTube should spend some time trying to figure out how to encourage smaller, newer creators who make really unique content. I've seen a TON of amazing channels with 400 subscribers, guys who went to school for their craft and have a passion for storytelling and cinematography. Fostering those skilled individuals who really shine and are basically 100k channels which just haven't produced enough content is the route that would most benefit all of us.

If we can increase the skill level, the talent and the overall quality of work that is featured on YouTube we increase the watch time by the public and we increase the value for advertisers. That in turn means more money for everyone and more opportunity for those who made it through the quagmire of those first 100 videos, 100 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time. Rather than cramming creators onto the platform we increase the value of the creators who persevere.


New Member
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TY has huge fund to promote shorts videos.
I guess itΓÇÖs also can create a ΓÇ£ Golden Buzzer ΓÇ£ button likewise in American Got Talent.
Of course, only itΓÇÖs for the worthy one to get such fast track to achieve to a upper level.
Cheer up!


Active Member
TubeBuddy User
How to get views and subs...I think, you need to be lucky and have a lot of enthusiasm with hopes and dreams :) And don't forget about collaboratins with other channels!
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Breathe taken, Thanks for this piece, much needed…..When you are at a point of asking yourself is YouTube really for me

Dos Bros southbay

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Ok, so here is the deal. This is the single most asked question not only on this forum... but in the entire world. I'm being dramatic of course, but the problem is that this gets asked so often that the people who have been around for a while are tired of giving the same answers over and over. So here is the deal; we are going to cover this topic one last time here. If you asked how to gain subscribers or views in the forum then you have been directed to this article and trust me that is a good thing... this is going to be your single best resource for this question. It isn't going to be pretty; there is no single, simple, elegant solution to gaining views. There is no way to purchase fame and fortune and you are not going to game the system. You are going to need to put in work. It will be difficult. It will take away a healthy portion of your free time, it will take years and when you finally get monetized you are going to go months before you even see a check. So sit back and be prepared for this to be a long, multiple-year journey. YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint.

How to Get More Views
The YouTube Search and Discovery Systems (what everyone refers to as the 'algorithm') is not some big bad guy out to destroy your channel. It has been put into place for one very good reason; it puts videos in front of the people who want to see that video. And luckily there are only two things that you really need to do in order for your video to be mega-successful. You need clicks and you need watch time. That is it. That is the magic formula; get viewers to click and when they do keep them watching. There is a third factor... but we'll cover that in a moment. For right now let's focus on the big two; clicks and watch time.

Getting clicks comes down to crafting clever titles that captivate the viewer. It needs to be intriguing; it should compel the viewer to stop scrolling and click your video. It also comes down to your thumbnails. The image that you use for your thumbnail doesn't need to be the single most impressive piece of graphic design ever... but it needs to be something that visually captures the attention of the viewer and compels them to click. It needs to captivate them. You need to spend time learning how to crat a title and design a thumbnail that not only describes the topic of your video but it needs to grab attention. Side note: do not make clickbait thumbnails/titles. It isn't a fine line. Just don't do it. That's bad and we shouldn't need to explain why.

Watch time is the other most-important factor. There isn't a whole lot to cover here, but basically if you are not getting your viewers to watch a good portion of your video then why on Earth would they watch another video or even consider subscribing? This is the single most important thing you need to focus on... Make Great Videos!!! You ay not be great yet. It may take 100 videos. It took Mr. Beast 400. If you want to grow your subscriber base you should spend the next 100 videos learning how to improve your content to make it more interesting, more entertaining and more valuable for the viewer so that they not only watch longer but so that they want to click on the next video and share them all with their friends. That is how you get views.

Nick Nimmin has an excellent video about gaining views on YouTube, I highly suggest watching this if you have never done so:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7uoNdROg4Y&t=567s

Right now is when you are asking but how can I get these views and watch time if YouTube isn't sharing out my videos? The better your videos perform the more YouTube is going to share them out. But you also have some measure of control over who YouTube shares your video out to. If you learn how to optimize your videos for search then you can put your video in front of people searching for the topic and get a ton of views that way. You need to learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and you are going to spend long hours researching the keyword phrases necessary to put your videos on the top of the search ranks... but it works. And a library of 100, 400 or 1,000 videos all performing in the search ranks will provide a solid foundation of views and income for years. If you are new to this and you are unfamiliar with SEO here is a video to get you started:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAqfpr91CCA

How to Gain Subscribers
People aren't numbers. Quit thinking about these human beings as a collection of numbers and start thinking about the person that represents that number. You are speaking to a person... how would you like a person to speak to you? Do you subscribe to YouTube channels who constantly spend their time talking about their own YouTube channel and are always reminding you to Subscribe? Or would you prefer if they were more social. Do you want someone who takes the time to explain the topic that you are wanting to watch a video about. Maybe you want someone who is approachable. Above all the single most effective thing that you can do to gain subscribers is to provide value. You need to be an authority in your niche; either be really good at what you do, be really entertaining about what you do or at the very least do it differently than anybody has ever done it. This is how it works; a human being clicks on your video because your thumbnail sold them on this being the video they need. They watched it because the content was strong. They subscribed to you because you provided the value, the personality and the experience that they needed now and will need again in the future. The more you can increase your value, your experience and your personality the more people are going to subscribe. You need to have a call to action... called a CTA these are the visual and audio prompts that you provide to remind the viewer to subscribe. It is entirely possible that they are so enthralled with your work that they forget to subscribe before the video ends. But make no mistakes; all the CTA's in the world are not going to convince someone to subscribe if you are not providing the value that they desire.
More is always more... per Roberto Blake:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqLrcMYRRCg

So this is it; this is everything that you need to know to begin your journey on YouTube and start growing your Channel, your audience and your exposure. It does not happen over night; this will take time and as many people will tell you the first thing you need to do is to focus on making that first 100 videos. You are going to make mistakes. You have things that you are going to need to learn and nobody can explain it to you. You are going to be a different, better creator 100 videos from now and it is important to go through that portion of the process. This is not the fun part of the process. Nobody enjoys being the channel with 17 subscribers trying to work their way towards 1,000 and 4,000 hours of watch time. But it is an extremely important part of the process that you must grow through.

We are here for you. We are a community of creators who are all at various stages of this journey and we all have a wealth of experience to share and to gain from you. We are here to bounce ideas off each other and help to brainstorm. We are all here to learn the different elements of graphic design, marketing, editing, scripting, filming and optimizing our videos. Welcome to the community!

Now take a deep breathe... get yourself a cup of coffee and clear your head. It's time to get to work!
Nick is great to learn this
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New Member
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Ok, so here is the deal. This is the single most asked question not only on this forum... but in the entire world. I'm being dramatic of course, but the problem is that this gets asked so often that the people who have been around for a while are tired of giving the same answers over and over. So here is the deal; we are going to cover this topic one last time here. If you asked how to gain subscribers or views in the forum then you have been directed to this article and trust me that is a good thing... this is going to be your single best resource for this question. It isn't going to be pretty; there is no single, simple, elegant solution to gaining views. There is no way to purchase fame and fortune and you are not going to game the system. You are going to need to put in work. It will be difficult. It will take away a healthy portion of your free time, it will take years and when you finally get monetized you are going to go months before you even see a check. So sit back and be prepared for this to be a long, multiple-year journey. YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint.

How to Get More Views
The YouTube Search and Discovery Systems (what everyone refers to as the 'algorithm') is not some big bad guy out to destroy your channel. It has been put into place for one very good reason; it puts videos in front of the people who want to see that video. And luckily there are only two things that you really need to do in order for your video to be mega-successful. You need clicks and you need watch time. That is it. That is the magic formula; get viewers to click and when they do keep them watching. There is a third factor... but we'll cover that in a moment. For right now let's focus on the big two; clicks and watch time.

Getting clicks comes down to crafting clever titles that captivate the viewer. It needs to be intriguing; it should compel the viewer to stop scrolling and click your video. It also comes down to your thumbnails. The image that you use for your thumbnail doesn't need to be the single most impressive piece of graphic design ever... but it needs to be something that visually captures the attention of the viewer and compels them to click. It needs to captivate them. You need to spend time learning how to crat a title and design a thumbnail that not only describes the topic of your video but it needs to grab attention. Side note: do not make clickbait thumbnails/titles. It isn't a fine line. Just don't do it. That's bad and we shouldn't need to explain why.

Watch time is the other most-important factor. There isn't a whole lot to cover here, but basically if you are not getting your viewers to watch a good portion of your video then why on Earth would they watch another video or even consider subscribing? This is the single most important thing you need to focus on... Make Great Videos!!! You ay not be great yet. It may take 100 videos. It took Mr. Beast 400. If you want to grow your subscriber base you should spend the next 100 videos learning how to improve your content to make it more interesting, more entertaining and more valuable for the viewer so that they not only watch longer but so that they want to click on the next video and share them all with their friends. That is how you get views.

Nick Nimmin has an excellent video about gaining views on YouTube, I highly suggest watching this if you have never done so:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7uoNdROg4Y&t=567s

Right now is when you are asking but how can I get these views and watch time if YouTube isn't sharing out my videos? The better your videos perform the more YouTube is going to share them out. But you also have some measure of control over who YouTube shares your video out to. If you learn how to optimize your videos for search then you can put your video in front of people searching for the topic and get a ton of views that way. You need to learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and you are going to spend long hours researching the keyword phrases necessary to put your videos on the top of the search ranks... but it works. And a library of 100, 400 or 1,000 videos all performing in the search ranks will provide a solid foundation of views and income for years. If you are new to this and you are unfamiliar with SEO here is a video to get you started:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAqfpr91CCA

How to Gain Subscribers
People aren't numbers. Quit thinking about these human beings as a collection of numbers and start thinking about the person that represents that number. You are speaking to a person... how would you like a person to speak to you? Do you subscribe to YouTube channels who constantly spend their time talking about their own YouTube channel and are always reminding you to Subscribe? Or would you prefer if they were more social. Do you want someone who takes the time to explain the topic that you are wanting to watch a video about. Maybe you want someone who is approachable. Above all the single most effective thing that you can do to gain subscribers is to provide value. You need to be an authority in your niche; either be really good at what you do, be really entertaining about what you do or at the very least do it differently than anybody has ever done it. This is how it works; a human being clicks on your video because your thumbnail sold them on this being the video they need. They watched it because the content was strong. They subscribed to you because you provided the value, the personality and the experience that they needed now and will need again in the future. The more you can increase your value, your experience and your personality the more people are going to subscribe. You need to have a call to action... called a CTA these are the visual and audio prompts that you provide to remind the viewer to subscribe. It is entirely possible that they are so enthralled with your work that they forget to subscribe before the video ends. But make no mistakes; all the CTA's in the world are not going to convince someone to subscribe if you are not providing the value that they desire.
More is always more... per Roberto Blake:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqLrcMYRRCg

So this is it; this is everything that you need to know to begin your journey on YouTube and start growing your Channel, your audience and your exposure. It does not happen over night; this will take time and as many people will tell you the first thing you need to do is to focus on making that first 100 videos. You are going to make mistakes. You have things that you are going to need to learn and nobody can explain it to you. You are going to be a different, better creator 100 videos from now and it is important to go through that portion of the process. This is not the fun part of the process. Nobody enjoys being the channel with 17 subscribers trying to work their way towards 1,000 and 4,000 hours of watch time. But it is an extremely important part of the process that you must grow through.

We are here for you. We are a community of creators who are all at various stages of this journey and we all have a wealth of experience to share and to gain from you. We are here to bounce ideas off each other and help to brainstorm. We are all here to learn the different elements of graphic design, marketing, editing, scripting, filming and optimizing our videos. Welcome to the community!

Now take a deep breathe... get yourself a cup of coffee and clear your head. It's time to get to work!

Definitely a ton of game and value in this post. I'm glad I started and I'm just uploading to get data and see what's working what's not as I tweak and make adjustments. Can't wait to reach those first 1000 subscribers and start getting my first adsense checks
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Stanley | Team TB

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
TubeBuddy Staff
Subscriber Goal
Definitely a ton of game and value in this post. I'm glad I started and I'm just uploading to get data and see what's working what's not as I tweak and make adjustments. Can't wait to reach those first 1000 subscribers and start getting my first adsense checks
The good news: You are in the right place sir and thank you for the kind words! If there is anything we can do to help or any information we can provide don't hesitate to ask. We are all in this together!!!

The bad news: The first adsense check typically takes a while to get after you are monetized. They only cut checks after you have earned $100. If you are getting $8 CPM's (which is high... some CPM's can be as low as $0.25) then you will need to earn nearly 13,000 views just to get that first check. Not a big deal and I don't want to be a Debbie-downer... 13,000 views is a different number when you are at the 1,000 sub mark (so don't fret too much). But I also don't want this to be a shocking revelation at that time lol.

ProTip: I highly advise that you focus on the 4,000 watch hours. It is a far more important and far harder to attain metric than 1,000 subs. Also, 4,000 watch hours will likely get you 1,000 subscribers. But 1,000 subscribers rarely gets you 4,000 hours of watch time. It sucks to hit 1k subs only to spend another two years trying to get that watch time requirement and you must have both.
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The good news: You are in the right place sir and thank you for the kind words! If there is anything we can do to help or any information we can provide don't hesitate to ask. We are all in this together!!!

The bad news: The first adsense check typically takes a while to get after you are monetized. They only cut checks after you have earned $100. If you are getting $8 CPM's (which is high... some CPM's can be as low as $0.25) then you will need to earn nearly 13,000 views just to get that first check. Not a big deal and I don't want to be a Debbie-downer... 13,000 views is a different number when you are at the 1,000 sub mark (so don't fret too much). But I also don't want this to be a shocking revelation at that time lol.

ProTip: I highly advise that you focus on the 4,000 watch hours. It is a far more important and far harder to attain metric than 1,000 subs. Also, 4,000 watch hours will likely get you 1,000 subscribers. But 1,000 subscribers rarely gets you 4,000 hours of watch time. It sucks to hit 1k subs only to spend another two years trying to get that watch time requirement and you must have both.

You are 100% correct and I appreciate you redirecting my focus in the right direction. It is definitely the smarter path.

Even tho I'm not toooo concerned with either as much as I am being consistent and providing value to my audience as I am about getting the checks or whatever, tat this point of the journey

Thank you so much for all you are doing for this community. I will definitely be around with a ton of questions.

To start I do have a question or issue yu may can help me with.

When I started building my music production business in a way to provide value to my clients I created a education / coaching platform called The Rappreneur, separate from the music production services offer.

I made a seperate website, and social media including youtube account to give educational tips and advice to artist, which is my primary customer / leads for both businesses.

At first it would be it's own business. Now I'm trimming it down to just a podcast and blog. Still offering all the services just under one umbrella now.

My question is do you think it makes since to shut down my youtube account for The Rappreneur and just build / grow the podcast under the production channel?

I'm not sure if it would mess with the algorithm going back and forward from music uploads to educational uploads..

Also I hear that YouTube is releasing a Podcast specific platform on YouTube and I'm not sure if I need or should have a separate channel just for that.

Any advice would be helpful
Stanley | Team TB

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
TubeBuddy Staff
Subscriber Goal
You are 100% correct and I appreciate you redirecting my focus in the right direction. It is definitely the smarter path.

Even tho I'm not toooo concerned with either as much as I am being consistent and providing value to my audience as I am about getting the checks or whatever, tat this point of the journey

Thank you so much for all you are doing for this community. I will definitely be around with a ton of questions.

To start I do have a question or issue yu may can help me with.

When I started building my music production business in a way to provide value to my clients I created a education / coaching platform called The Rappreneur, separate from the music production services offer.

I made a seperate website, and social media including youtube account to give educational tips and advice to artist, which is my primary customer / leads for both businesses.

At first it would be it's own business. Now I'm trimming it down to just a podcast and blog. Still offering all the services just under one umbrella now.

My question is do you think it makes since to shut down my youtube account for The Rappreneur and just build / grow the podcast under the production channel?

I'm not sure if it would mess with the algorithm going back and forward from music uploads to educational uploads..

Also I hear that YouTube is releasing a Podcast specific platform on YouTube and I'm not sure if I need or should have a separate channel just for that.

Any advice would be helpful

I have not heard anything about YouTube providing a separate platform for Podcasting... in fact I think it's the other way around; Spotify is transitioning to allow video presentation for Podcasts on their platform. In fact I would advise that you actually record your podcast with a video and then cut that up into excerpts to be repurposed as YouTube VOD's. From there that podcast could then be disseminated between all the other platforms you want it out on. So... in that sense no I don't think it makes sense to shut down the YouTube. Also, I wouldn't worry about going back and forth between music/educational uploads. No; this is not ideal. But that's where the line is drawn. That's not an algorithm thing... that's an issue with viewers interests. So long as the content is something that both your educational audience as well as your music fans enjoy then there is absolutely nothing wrong providing both under one channel.