Answered 100/100 weighted and unweighted but keyword only ranks at #22

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Hi there,

I'm wondering if anyone can offer any insight or advice on why the keyword 'Port Lympne' shows as 100/100 on both weighted and unweighted but on the search ranking it only shows as #22.

Below are the weighted and unweighted scored



Here is the ranking that shows #22

Also here is my channel link and video if that helps
Channel -



Professional cat wrangler
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I have posted this elsewhere, but it is worth repeating here.

There is no guarantee that any video will do well. But a well optimized video has a much higher chance of doing well. Think of it as a bet:
- An unoptimized video might have a 20% chance of doing well. It most likely won't do well, but there is always a chance it might. People often make the mistake of pointing to a video that did well without being optimized. No one is saying a video can't do well if it isn't optimized, but that it has a lower chance of doing well.
- A highly-optimized video might have an 80% chance of doing well. That doesn't mean it is guaranteed to do well - just that is has a higher chance of doing well. People often complain that their 100%-score-keyword videos don't do well. But that can happen. There is not guarantee.

Why is none of this guaranteed? You can have a highly-optimized video with poor sound quality, poor lighting and a horrible presentation and a really poor thumbnail.. The high-optimization may not overcome the negatives.

On the other hand, you can have a video that is perfectly lit, perfect sound, great editing, wonderful presentation and a fantastic thumbnail, but it may not be optimized. It still has a chance of doing well because it is quality content.

You cannot take one element by itself and assume it will make you successful. There are three parts to having a successful video:
- Great SEO optimization
- Excellent, highly-clickable thumbnail
- Great content that sounds good, looks good, is presented well and is edited well.

You have the best chance of success when you have all three right.


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It doesn't even have a rank number now, it's only been live 2 hours



Professional cat wrangler
Subscriber Goal
I have posted this elsewhere, but it is worth repeating here.

There is no guarantee that any video will do well. But a well optimized video has a much higher chance of doing well. Think of it as a bet:
- An unoptimized video might have a 20% chance of doing well. It most likely won't do well, but there is always a chance it might. People often make the mistake of pointing to a video that did well without being optimized. No one is saying a video can't do well if it isn't optimized, but that it has a lower chance of doing well.
- A highly-optimized video might have an 80% chance of doing well. That doesn't mean it is guaranteed to do well - just that is has a higher chance of doing well. People often complain that their 100%-score-keyword videos don't do well. But that can happen. There is not guarantee.

Why is none of this guaranteed? You can have a highly-optimized video with poor sound quality, poor lighting and a horrible presentation and a really poor thumbnail.. The high-optimization may not overcome the negatives.

On the other hand, you can have a video that is perfectly lit, perfect sound, great editing, wonderful presentation and a fantastic thumbnail, but it may not be optimized. It still has a chance of doing well because it is quality content.

You cannot take one element by itself and assume it will make you successful. There are three parts to having a successful video:
- Great SEO optimization
- Excellent, highly-clickable thumbnail
- Great content that sounds good, looks good, is presented well and is edited well.

You have the best chance of success when you have all three right.
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