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Video Review Review my 'Day in my Life' video please


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User name: Kindred
Title of thread: Review my 'Day in my Life' video please
Self review: I think I've done a good job with my thumbnail as the text is large, easy to read and shows elements of the video. With the video itself, I'm happy that there are loads of clip changes as that keeps the video engaging but I was wondering if you guys had any advice for stopping that hockey stick in audience retention. Is there something I should change about my edit or the way I talk? I don't know whether I should include more chatty aspects or if that causes the audience to zone out.
Channel review or Video review? Video review

Link to Video:
View: https://youtu.be/6g7iiwmFU3Y

Link to other review post: https://community.tubebuddy.com/index.php?threads/36652/post-119907

Beanie Draws

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I can see what you're going for and It seems like you've been inspired by peter mckinnon. What do your hockey sticks look like? how many minutes or seconds do people stick around for?

The next little bit is more of a personal taste thing, and might sound a bit harsh, but I found the beginning a bit boring. I'd have filmed the intro completely differantly.

Saying the outside was dark day, probably would have been more interesting to actually film that by the window... Maybe I'd have filmed yourself by the window going "it's such a dark day" and actually walk to your filming studio. I really like the look of rain dripping down a window and I think that could have been a really nice opportunity to get some b-roll. Personally would have been more interesting to me than watching you making the sandwich. I get that it was an artistic style you probably wanted to try out, but it was all quite a bit slow. I'd rather have liked to hear you talking from the very beginning, talking over the rain on your window and then transition right to your kitchen.

I get why you filmed your intro talk peice where you did because the sound is far more echoy in your kitchen, but I wonder if people might have forgiven that as it gets right to the point.

Another thing you could have tried a little bit, is using some of the audio you recorded in your introduction talking, and had that over the top the food preparation scene.

Also, the talking section looked to have 4 minutes of static shot which is probably too long these days for a talking head. You can edit in some little zooms and pull outs to modify the framing slightly to make things interesting every 10-15 seconds visually. That's something you could easily try in future videos.

I'm really good at making hockey stick videos lol so not sure how overly helpful I am, but I'd consider re-crafting your intros to get to the point FIRST, and then have the arty shots and b-roll during or after your intro so people aren't waiting to get to the point.

I will say though, your shots are lit well and they look nice and sharp. I assume you're using a pretty good camera for it. I'd just re-consider the structure and pacing of your editing a bit to see if that helps.


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Wowwww that was incredibly useful!!! thank you so much - I agree with you. I think I need to stop talking for too many minutes straight and yess - I think my kitchen is a bit echoey- I kind of thought viewers would prefer to see the food first and then see me and hear my voice - but maybe I was wrong this whole time! I think it's interesting that you would find it more engaging to see me first thing in the video - I will definitely try that out next - it's these things that I never considered before. I sort of made assumptions. Also I love your idea about the frames when I'm speaking (zooms and pull outs).


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Also, my hockey sticks tend to look like this.


  • Screenshot 2021-02-21 at 23.02.53.png
    Screenshot 2021-02-21 at 23.02.53.png
    42.8 KB · Views: 188
Here's my review:

- initial intro looks a bit pretentious - I'd make it more genuine. Like the dancing etc. looks like you're doing it for the camera as opposed to being natural. I prefer to watch videos that look more natural so I'm guessing a lot of people might feel similar.

- you talked about how it's such a rainy day and awful day to do a vlog but you're inside & we can't see the rain anyway, so it doesn't actually affect your vlog like you say. This just came across a bit like fake chatty talk again. I feel if your chats are more heartfelt & genuine then you'd grow much faster. I could be wrong on that as many new millenials do not value "genuineness" so it's possible you could be popular with younger generations.. but if you watch other successful youtubers like Jonna Jinton, they talk about negatives and at least pretend to act genuine.

You're pretty so you'll end up with a lot of subs by default, but if you act more genuine (i.e. talking about positive and negative things you're experiencing instead of all positive)- then I think you'll get even more.

You I think have the makings of a natural youtuber in that you're female & pretty by mainstream standards so you're already way ahead of the game simply in terms of genetics for youtube- this means you can break through the over-saturated market in terms of views / clicks simply by thumbnails alone..

...if you increase the quality of your vids you'll get even more subs. Here are my suggestions to increase quality of your videos:
- get better lighting (e.g. lights from ebay or film next to a window)
- talk about your real life problems or struggles (not just superficial things). You can do this during your healthy eating video.
- less of the fake dancing / stretching for video purposes (unless you can pull it off / make it look real)
- your thanking people at the end for subscribing & telling them "subscribing is free, it doesn't cost anything" could put people off as it's not free- subscribing costs time, and people subscribe to more channels than they can handle so why would they want to subscribe to you? Better to put something like "if you like & want to see more of xyz then feel free to subscribe as I'll be making more xyz."

I think the above will help you grow A LOT more, but misunderstand me- you're a pretty female so will be success on some level by default, so feel free to ignore the above.

Remember that a lot of people watch youtube vlogs to get away from their own lives because they have too many problems to bear or because they suffer depression etc. so when some people see a pretty girl acting happy all the time it can become a bit unrealistic and/or make them feel worse. If you just remember your audience it'll connect them to you a bit more.

Rise Of Jay Cee

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I am not that good when it comes to giving feedback or review but this is what I can say

Pretty good videos I would say! Your video thumbnail is spot on, it not that simple and yet not too messy, it just right. The audio is clear enough to hear and the music is choice fit in some parts. It interesting to know that you are vegan. I try to be one but fail at it because it difficult to do so at least in my country but of course I lean more toward vegetables and other healthy stuff! I love your accent by the way. Are you by any chance from UK?

The only thing I do want to add if I do this kind of videos is that I think it better to show a bit of the outdoor part as some people are curious what is the current weather especially when you mention the weather is dark. Anyway, it fine for me!

Hopefully you get good amount of views overtime as your videos is pretty nice to look at!

Beanie Draws

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Also, my hockey sticks tend to look like this.
So if you see the video player above that graph, at the end of the pink area is where your video SHOULD have started, and I suspect that's when you started talking. To be honest though, that graph isn't that bad, mine are significantly worse than that, so you're actually doing rather well. Of course we always want to be doing better, so strive to be better, but that graph will show you EXACTLY where the fall off ends, and where the audience stays, and that's the point to study, what did you do there, and do more of that.


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I am not that good when it comes to giving feedback or review but this is what I can say

Pretty good videos I would say! Your video thumbnail is spot on, it not that simple and yet not too messy, it just right. The audio is clear enough to hear and the music is choice fit in some parts. It interesting to know that you are vegan. I try to be one but fail at it because it difficult to do so at least in my country but of course I lean more toward vegetables and other healthy stuff! I love your accent by the way. Are you by any chance from UK?

The only thing I do want to add if I do this kind of videos is that I think it better to show a bit of the outdoor part as some people are curious what is the current weather especially when you mention the weather is dark. Anyway, it fine for me!

Hopefully you get good amount of views overtime as your videos is pretty nice to look at!

Thanks for your review - ah the weather thing is really annoying me now!!! I wish I showed a clip outside. Yes I am from the UK hahaha. I'm glad my music, audio and thumbnail is decent though.


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So if you see the video player above that graph, at the end of the pink area is where your video SHOULD have started, and I suspect that's when you started talking. To be honest though, that graph isn't that bad, mine are significantly worse than that, so you're actually doing rather well. Of course we always want to be doing better, so strive to be better, but that graph will show you EXACTLY where the fall off ends, and where the audience stays, and that's the point to study, what did you do there, and do more of that.

ah this makes sense - and that is exactly where I started talking - I'm pretty mindblown at the moment

KS Moto Cafe

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Your video editing is great. The transition is good and music choice is relaxing and the energy from one activity to other is also great. The flaw comes with your audio. I am so pampered with great youtube channels that use dedicated audio recording devices that if I don't hear proper voices clearly, especially vlogs such as this, it makes me move on. The intro is a nice summary but maybe 5 seconds too long. I made the same mistake on my first intro video where I made it like 45 seconds and after a third watch, it became super annoying. Yours is only 15 seconds which is great but shaving few more seconds will allow me to watch the whole section without skipping forward and potentially missing the beginning part of your episode. And this is just my pet peeve but I can not stand hearing knife tapping/sliding on ceramic or glass service - on wooden service it sounds great but on something hard like glass or ceramic, it reminds me of nails on chalkboard that instantly gives goosebumps. You have very calm and soothing voice which is definitely a plus and I think if you improve on getting a proper audio recorder with lapel mic (I use tascam DR-05x), you will find that your voice will travel so much better. Keep it up!

Rise Of Jay Cee

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Thanks for your review - ah the weather thing is really annoying me now!!! I wish I showed a clip outside. Yes I am from the UK hahaha. I'm glad my music, audio and thumbnail is decent though.
No problem! Haha it alright, at least you know next time what to do. That cool, keep it up!

By the way how do you access to the hockey sticks statistics?