I've started my channel almost a month ago with vidIQ Pro Plan. After I discovered Tubebuddy I searched a bit and frankly people were always saying that they're almost same. Yesterday I finally decided to go with Tubebuddy and OMG! It may sound like I'm promoting but now where around, I'm just very impressed with Tubebuddy.
Maybe I was using Pro plan which was not allowing me to use many futures. But they didn't have this much support that Tubebuddy gives. Even though I was watching lots of tutorials from VidIQ,they were talking about the same things that other people talks on Youtube. I kind of felt fully fully equipped since I switched to Tubebuddy. Everything is very well explained, and there are tons of things to learn even just from the forum itself!
Also I liked the fact that I am able to plan my video topics, easier to use keyword engine. The other thing that I like is, being able to see my keywords and channel id on my dashboard.
Yesterday I reorganised my titles and descriptions with Tubebuddy keyword search engine and I really noticed a difference on my views ans search rank.
I can see them very clear because I don't have so many views yet so it's easier to see the difference

Before I even felt as I'm invisible but not anymore. Still learning, finding my mistakes and changing. Learning is never ending process but at least I'm on the right track

Just wanted to say how much I appreciated, Cheers!