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Educational Channel My Chanel contains v├¡deos of the catholic Faith, learning to grow in youtube


New Member
User name: Lapropiayola
Title of introduction: My Chanel contains vídeos of the catholic Faith, learning to grow in youtube
Your name/ Alias: La Propia Yola
Where are you from? From Venezuela
How did you find TubeBuddy? Frontera a tutorial that shows me has to increase views in my vídeos
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? Because I want to be Part of the comunity
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: Increase my followers and views laso want ti
Learn to be a Better YouTuber so the catholic faith can be spread to more people ... heló catholics be moré prepared in their faith
How frequently do you upload? Depends as I have a lot of vídeos Sometimes promote
What are your hobbies? Sharing the word of God, Also cooking and sports
What is your biggest dream? To finish my misi├│n with my family... that all my Daughters and boys become wonderful persons and families
YouTube Channel Link: https://youtube.com/c/LaPropiaYolaPildoras


Professional cat wrangler
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First - How do I fix the error at the bottom of my posts? You can fix it by following these instructions to add a "Subscribe" button:

Second - How do I get access to the Promotion board and how do I ask for YouTube Feedback? You can learn more about the requirements here:

A lot of the same questions come up frequently (how do I grow? how do I get subs?) and many of those answers are pinned at the top of each board. You can also search the forums using the search box at the top of the screen.


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Hey there buddy glad to have you here.

Welcome to the community.We are here to help you out.If you have any doubt feel free to post them here.
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