If you don't have TubeBuddy installed, Replying to a reply that has replied to your reply (essentially a thread) is tricky as that doesn't always show up in the actually comments section (youtube really needs to fix this) AND you don't see the replies that OTHERS make to comments on your videos, that opens up a lot of potential for bullying in comments which is unfortunatly.
how on earth do you leave a reply to a reply, when you have ad sense running - as surely you are breaking the T&C if you open up your video and ASAP pause it... to get to the comments section?
Thanks for any answers
So there's 2 levels to this.
1, as far as I know, you ARE allowed to load up a video to reply in this way. In relation to adsense, you only have to be careful to NOT click any ads shown (if you're monetised) pausing a video SHOULD be ok. I can't 100% confirm this, but I've been doing that for 5 years with no issues (and it's taken them 5 years not to be able to fix the issue)
2, you can actually go into your notifications (on the Creator Studio app) and in the notifications in the creator studio app in the top right, that will show not only your most recent comments (you can swipe them away to clear them) but it will also show replies when someone replies to your comment.
the issue there is there's I believe a 20-50 or so limited, and once you've gone through those notifications, it won't pull up historic notifications which is a shame.
Your BEST option is having TubeBuddy
Make sure you have YouTube's filters that you've responded, and then with TubeBuddy, you want the comments started by ANYONE (then you reply to those, they respond back) and then you want "Replies that need following up"
This will do all of the above so much qucker. I've been using this feature for years, long before YouTube ever had a filter sorting option.
One last note, thank's for reminding me that I really need to go through my responses and follow on them