I know out there , there are many who will be interested to watch simple, easy , tasty , healthy & Traditional recipes but I don't know how to let them find me.
essay writer
Should I Introduce myself in others comments sections or post reels on insta or what to do ? I am unsure how to let others discover me ...
Please share your experiences .
You need to have a good title, a good description, and good keywords that people in your niche are looking for, and you also need a good thumbnail, otherwise people will see you have a video, but could scroll past it in search of a more interesting title.
At the end of the day you're always going to have competition, and there's already so many people cooking, so even on that side, an amazing title can only get you so far.
To REALLY get people clicking your video after they've discovered you, is to have a great clickable thumbnail. A great thumbnail makes the différance between looking like an armature who doesn't know what they're doing, and best skipped for someone more competent... and looking like you really know what you're doing, and having a thumbnail so amazing someone takes one look, gets hungry and can't help but click your video.
You need good targeted keywords in order to actually show up in searches, but your thumbnails need to be as delicious to look at, as they are to eat and cook.
You also want to focus on community and not just for the views and promotion. If you love food, find others who love cooking so you can all discuss the different recipes you've discovered, and ideas on how to make your recipes even better in ways you haven't even considered, and from there you grow a community and a reputation and a BRAND.
How I got discovered myself? I drew dinosaurs that no one else was drawing. I got sick of seeing dinosaurs that weren't drawn to the standard I liked at the time (the standard of drawing has grown since then)
My tags weren't that great but my thumbs were "good enough" where once they were seen, people wanted to click out of sheer curiosity. I essentially just let my art speak for myself, and I built a relationship with other artists by interacting with them and giving them real feedback and advice outside of "nice work". Show that you're actually interested in what people are doing, and people will begin to be interested in what you're doing. If your work looks amazing, they'll click it. That's the "easy" part. Good keywords give you better opportunities to be seen.