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Need Advice How to get more views and subscriber?


New Member
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I am playing games on emulator android. I made about 60 videos and I have 2 subscribers. I have 2 games on my playlist. I want to know how to get more subscriber. I gave it my all nothing works. The second games I am playing I made it so challengin so I can impress people. I have a lot of skill playing the game I upload on youtube. I feel like my channel is garbage it doesn't entertain people enough.


Very Well-Known Member
TubeBuddy Pro
I am playing games on emulator android. I made about 60 videos and I have 2 subscribers. I have 2 games on my playlist. I want to know how to get more subscriber. I gave it my all nothing works. The second games I am playing I made it so challengin so I can impress people. I have a lot of skill playing the game I upload on youtube. I feel like my channel is garbage it doesn't entertain people enough.

A few thoughts:
1. I skimmed through one of you videos, where you play Legend of zelda: Voyager of time. You don't seem to say a word? No storytelling? No "interactions" with the viewer? No explaining what you are doing in the game? So it's not a chill talking about Zelda video? I's not a speedrun? It's not a tutorial? What is it and why should I watch it?

2. How do you differ from other people who do content for Legend of zelda: Voyager of time? Why should I watch you and not larger creators videos? Why are your videos better than their?

3. Do people search a lot for Legend of zelda: Voyager of time on YouTube?

4. You don't niche your titles at all for more specific search terms. Which means that you are competing against much larger and more popular channels. Some of them have 500k+ subscribers and even the smaller once are still 20k+ with a tiny channel as yours it will be almost impossible for your videos to compete against the more popular channels. What you probably need to to is to niche down a bit to less competeitive terms and more specific terms focus on search like:
How to get Legend of zelda: Voyager of time
Speedrun of Legend of zelda: Voyager of time
How to do X in Legend of zelda: Voyager of time
How to get 7 Y in Legend of zelda: Voyager of time
How to beat the boss Z in Legend of zelda: Voyager of time

The things I wrote here are just examples, I have no idea if they would be good for your games, if people search for does terms or if there are a lot of other channels doing that type of videos making the competition hard. But you need to look at YouTube as a search engine and try to find out what people search for, that you have a interest in and that not many other channels are making videos about. It's better to be number 1 in the search results for a term 100 people search for each day than to be number 200 for a term 1 million people search for each day.

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
TubeBuddy Staff
Subscriber Goal
You say that you 'don't entertain people enough.' I think that is going to be a big portion of the issue, that and getting in front of people.

You need to focus on two things:

1. Make better videos. This will never change, you need to be improving everything you do until the day you die. Keep getting better, keep studying and practicing and experimenting.

2. You need to study and learn proper SEO techniques. Watch the TubeBuddy youtube videos. Like, ALL of them. You need to eliminate watching TV, radio and video games from your life and instead watch Nick Nimmin, Roberto Blake and Darrel Eves videos.

If you want to do this for real you need to get committed. It is going to take years just to learn this stuff. It will take hard work and dedication and time, there's no two ways around it.
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Stanley is correct. As a smaller YouTuber, your views are going to come from YouTube Search and maybe a few Browse Feature impressions. YT Search impressions is rough, because it seems to be based on keywords + subscribers (then re-ranked on CTR + Watch time).

This means you really need to focus on good keywords that are searched for, but with few competitors. This way, you may be in 4th place out of 4 videos initially, but that's way better than being 400th in a really good keyword.

Also, either your English is a 2nd language, or.... you need to learn more. Having very good English descriptions that are coherent and spelled properly is important. If English is not your main language, ensure that the title(s) are translated in your native language. That will give you a key advantage if anyones' looking up something for that game in your native language.


Very Well-Known Member
TubeBuddy Pro
How do I get a lot of viewers and subscribe automatically?

You don't. Getting viewers and subscribers takes time and hard work. There are no shortcut that will work in the long run other than to create good quality content.