User name: Florian from ITTT
Title of introduction: Are you looking for general IT Knowlege? Then IT Tech Tips is the place for you!
Your name/ Alias: Florian (from IT Tech Tips)
Where are you from? Switzerland
How did you find TubeBuddy? Advice from other Creators (Roberto Blake, Think Media and others)
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I would like to read and share experiences as a Creator with other Creators
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: I was lucky to get multiple great educations in my country. This channel is my way of giving back to other people who also like to work in the IT Business or already work in the IT Business and want to grow - and may not have had the opportunities I've had in my Life. It would also be nice, if I sometimes could make this channel a part-time-Job.
How frequently do you upload? Weekly
What are your hobbies? Mostly everything is IT related. I'm also working part-time as an IT Expert (employed by the State) for assessing younger IT Professionals.
What is your biggest dream? To see my little daughter grow up in a World without war and hunger.
YouTube Channel Link:
Title of introduction: Are you looking for general IT Knowlege? Then IT Tech Tips is the place for you!
Your name/ Alias: Florian (from IT Tech Tips)
Where are you from? Switzerland
How did you find TubeBuddy? Advice from other Creators (Roberto Blake, Think Media and others)
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I would like to read and share experiences as a Creator with other Creators
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: I was lucky to get multiple great educations in my country. This channel is my way of giving back to other people who also like to work in the IT Business or already work in the IT Business and want to grow - and may not have had the opportunities I've had in my Life. It would also be nice, if I sometimes could make this channel a part-time-Job.
How frequently do you upload? Weekly
What are your hobbies? Mostly everything is IT related. I'm also working part-time as an IT Expert (employed by the State) for assessing younger IT Professionals.
What is your biggest dream? To see my little daughter grow up in a World without war and hunger.
YouTube Channel Link: