YouTube Question Getting control of my channels again?


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Hi from Maryland, new member here. I am pretty dysfunctional when it comes to navigating the web and it's a miracle I've managed to upload any videos at all. But here's the problem. I have two channels, and it looks like I have no access to managing either one or both of them. I'd really like to delete some silly content in the one channel but sadly I can only helplessly watch the videos but can't do anything about them.

Has anyone experienced this problem? I've been on youtube so long that it's gone through many changes and has probably left me in the digital dust, so to speak. I'd really like to start adding content to just one channel, get control over everything and just make a fresh start. I don't think I explained this very clearly but that's the gist of it. Thanks for ANY suggestions at all.

G in Maryland (my full name is on my channel so I guess it's no secret who I am)
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What exactly do you mean you don't have access to managing either of them? This sounds to me that you don't have access to the emails or you can't reset your password.

If you are wanting to start fresh, then the best thing to do would probably be to create a clean channel that has nothing on it. This way you are starting totally clean and upload what you like to your channel without it hurting any existing channels. I do not know where your existing channels stand when it comes to stats (views, subscribers, etc), but if you are wanting to stick to the same niche when "getting control of your channels" and starting fresh then you can try making an announcement video and a post saying what is going on so that if your subscribers want to follow you then they can do so on your new channel.

Let me know if there was something I missed about this and if you have more questions and I'll do my best to help you. Good luck !
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New Member
Thank you, Legacy. I am not sure I even understand what has happened. I'll revisit the same things I've gone through before, unpleasant as that is--to see if I can come up with a better explanation. In a nutshell, I believe I can't get into my "controls" for lack of a better term and edit any content or what people see on my channel. I have very few subscribers but would like to become a "player" on youtube but it's not going to happen with the state of things now. I think my most popular video has something like 13K views but it's been up for quite awhile. Some of my content is strong and would be popular, but I cringe at promoting it because some of this awful content is lumped together with the good videos. What a mess. As I said, I'll see if I can get you a better explanation. I appreciate your taking the time to respond. Gerrit


New Member
What exactly do you mean you don't have access to managing either of them? This sounds to me that you don't have access to the emails or you can't reset your password.

If you are wanting to start fresh, then the best thing to do would probably be to create a clean channel that has nothing on it. This way you are starting totally clean and upload what you like to your channel without it hurting any existing channels. I do not know where your existing channels stand when it comes to stats (views, subscribers, etc), but if you are wanting to stick to the same niche when "getting control of your channels" and starting fresh then you can try making an announcement video and a post saying what is going on so that if your subscribers want to follow you then they can do so on your new channel.

Let me know if there was something I missed about this and if you have more questions and I'll do my best to help you. Good luck !

I will check this afternoon after work. But yes, one problem is I get no email notifications. I only saw a comment asking about one of my videos by another established youtuber just yesterday. And he posted it SIX MONTHS ago. I have gone and reset passwords, etc. but there is some glitch making life difficult to manage my channels. However, I can blindly upload new content when I have any, but it mysteriously goes to one or the other channels and I can't really get a grip on what is happening. I talked to a friend and he said something similar happened with his channel. I may have to starte anew but there is some content I'd like to save from the other two channels even if I have to leave them in place. Thanks again for the reply.


Professional cat wrangler
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I will check this afternoon after work. But yes, one problem is I get no email notifications. I only saw a comment asking about one of my videos by another established youtuber just yesterday. And he posted it SIX MONTHS ago. I have gone and reset passwords, etc. but there is some glitch making life difficult to manage my channels. However, I can blindly upload new content when I have any, but it mysteriously goes to one or the other channels and I can't really get a grip on what is happening. I talked to a friend and he said something similar happened with his channel. I may have to starte anew but there is some content I'd like to save from the other two channels even if I have to leave them in place. Thanks again for the reply.
OK, I'm going to give you a quick path to support. And no, I'm not shilling for Google. I've just done this myself recently.

Go and quickly subscribe to Google One with one of the accounts you are having issues with. That provides access to priority support. Work the issue with them. Note - it is still via email, but it is a lot faster. Once you get it resolved, cancel Google One. This is not YouTube premium, but specifically Google One.



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I would agree that sometimes this stuff is way over my head! Don't give up. I find TubeBuddy more dif to navigate than YouTube! I agree with chatting with tech support. They are excellent.


New Member
OK, I'm going to give you a quick path to support. And no, I'm not shilling for Google. I've just done this myself recently.

Go and quickly subscribe to Google One with one of the accounts you are having issues with. That provides access to priority support. Work the issue with them. Note - it is still via email, but it is a lot faster. Once you get it resolved, cancel Google One. This is not YouTube premium, but specifically Google One.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll go to my channels again since it's been awhile and see what exactly I can and can't do so I can at least talk intelligently to support. Right now I can't get into my controls to delete any videos or at least make them so the public can't view. There's some content I'd just as soon forget about and other stuff I'd like to keep. I appreciate the tip, will follow up when I know a little better what's going on.

Beanie Draws

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If you're on desktop, what you want to do is click your icon in the top right corner (if you're actually logged in) and go to "youtube studio" which should be above "sign out"
If you haven't used youtube studio before, you might not be aware that that's the gateway to your video management and they changed that last year.

On mobile it's much the same, but you want to install the YouTube Studio app.

If you haven't been able to access controls of the video, but you have access to the account the videos are on, then you might not know about the creator studio changes that happened this past year, so they've moved things around a bit.


New Member
Thanks for the suggestion. It may be something that I'm able to work out on my own. THere was a long period of inactivity, no uploads on my channel and I neglected to check in. It's possible some changes took place that made it difficult to manage my channel like I was used to. I'll get this all straightened out and will check back in with any progress.
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Just an update. I am able to get to the window that lets me access my videos--make them public, do whatever on ONE Channel. I have quite a few videos on another channel that does not even appear under my "Channels" drop-down menu. I'd really like to clean up that channel. It has my name on it.

If all this weren't confusing enough, the same avatar for that channel shows up with some videos. SOmetimes it's 15 subscribers, other times it's the one with 33. I know these are two separate channels. Something has gotten terribly messed up. It's like reaching into the junk drawer and trying to get a paperclip but it's tangled up with about a mile of string, some scotch tape, and then someone spilled a milkshake all over it. Not trying to be dramatic about it, and I'll be first to admit I'm terrible at navigating anything in the electronic medium but this seems extra special bad. I'll keep plugging away, go through the suggestions and see what works. I appreciate the advice.


OH, here's a recent video from Iceland I posted from awhile back. This is on the channel I can no longer access. Not trying to promote the video, just wondering if there's anything strange about this channel when you take a look--other than the videos themselves. I really want to delete some videos under this channel.