User name: Cheche004
Title of introduction: An asian girl trying to make a change in the world
Your name/ Alias: Cheche
Where are you from? Sri Lanka
How did you find TubeBuddy? A youtuber
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I was curious to know what's happening here
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: Make my own personal brand while feeding people with my experience and knowledge. I also have a goal of 10k subscribers for now
How frequently do you upload? Weekly
What are your hobbies? Filming, Photography , playing Chess
What is your biggest dream? Make my parents happy, me live in that life I always dreamt about and make the world a better place
YouTube Channel Link: UCh-cPhwaVIJTFLMq0ZNf-hg
Title of introduction: An asian girl trying to make a change in the world
Your name/ Alias: Cheche
Where are you from? Sri Lanka
How did you find TubeBuddy? A youtuber
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I was curious to know what's happening here
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: Make my own personal brand while feeding people with my experience and knowledge. I also have a goal of 10k subscribers for now
How frequently do you upload? Weekly
What are your hobbies? Filming, Photography , playing Chess
What is your biggest dream? Make my parents happy, me live in that life I always dreamt about and make the world a better place
YouTube Channel Link: UCh-cPhwaVIJTFLMq0ZNf-hg