I was browsing my analytics and saw something I had not noticed before - bell notifications (it is probably not new, but I have not seen it ha ha). I see my percentage of viewers but have no real basis of comparison. Does anyone know what is normal/good for notification percentage?
One if my problems is that most of my subs are old (like me), and computer illiterate (unlike me). I have had many people say they will not sub because they do not want YT to track them. I try to nicely tell them that if they are logged in and commenting... well... So getting them to go the extra step and enable notifications is tough. The 18% and 10% seem low to me, but is it?

One if my problems is that most of my subs are old (like me), and computer illiterate (unlike me). I have had many people say they will not sub because they do not want YT to track them. I try to nicely tell them that if they are logged in and commenting... well... So getting them to go the extra step and enable notifications is tough. The 18% and 10% seem low to me, but is it?