User name: Growing Up Walls
Title of introduction: Professional Human provides Videos for the Overwhelmed and Discontent
Your name/ Alias: Nicki
Where are you from? USA: IA & PA
How did you find TubeBuddy? I found TubeBuddy totally through a YouTuber - likely a tie between Annie Dube┬┤ or Nick Nimmin.
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I joined the forums because I'm looking for more information on TubeBuddy itself and also feedback for my channel and videos. I have tried FB groups and they're letting me down, so I'm hoping this will be *the one* place that lets me be supportive but also be seen and supported.
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: I want a silver play button.
I mean, I could dance around it, but I won't. It's like a bucket list item. I can't say that I've wanted to be a professional YouTuber forever, I haven't always known that I was meant to be in media. But I am a very creative person.
I'd say I'm a writer before I'd say I'm a YouTuber. But with some recent life events (pandemic included but not primary, unfortunately), it's been too much to write. I am able, however, as a shy and introverted individual, to make videos. (I have no idea how that happened, by the way.) And I like to try to help people.
So I would like to make my channel a profitable companion business to the writing I would like to get back to, because words are my true love. And that silver play button would be a nice way to "prove" to myself that I've accomplished that.
How frequently do you upload? I (am currently trying to) post weekly on Mondays and Thursdays, and I'd like to be able to add a vlog/rambly video on Saturdays.
What are your hobbies? I write! I herd cats (literally - I have four). I manage the guinea pig and bird population (2 of the former, one of the latter) in my house. I parent. I read (not as much as I want to).
What is your biggest dream? To be recognized as having made a difference, whether that's with my writing, with videos, or with another accomplishment. That's so vague, but that's what I have.
YouTube Channel Link:
Title of introduction: Professional Human provides Videos for the Overwhelmed and Discontent
Your name/ Alias: Nicki
Where are you from? USA: IA & PA
How did you find TubeBuddy? I found TubeBuddy totally through a YouTuber - likely a tie between Annie Dube┬┤ or Nick Nimmin.
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I joined the forums because I'm looking for more information on TubeBuddy itself and also feedback for my channel and videos. I have tried FB groups and they're letting me down, so I'm hoping this will be *the one* place that lets me be supportive but also be seen and supported.
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: I want a silver play button.
I mean, I could dance around it, but I won't. It's like a bucket list item. I can't say that I've wanted to be a professional YouTuber forever, I haven't always known that I was meant to be in media. But I am a very creative person.
I'd say I'm a writer before I'd say I'm a YouTuber. But with some recent life events (pandemic included but not primary, unfortunately), it's been too much to write. I am able, however, as a shy and introverted individual, to make videos. (I have no idea how that happened, by the way.) And I like to try to help people.
So I would like to make my channel a profitable companion business to the writing I would like to get back to, because words are my true love. And that silver play button would be a nice way to "prove" to myself that I've accomplished that.
How frequently do you upload? I (am currently trying to) post weekly on Mondays and Thursdays, and I'd like to be able to add a vlog/rambly video on Saturdays.
What are your hobbies? I write! I herd cats (literally - I have four). I manage the guinea pig and bird population (2 of the former, one of the latter) in my house. I parent. I read (not as much as I want to).
What is your biggest dream? To be recognized as having made a difference, whether that's with my writing, with videos, or with another accomplishment. That's so vague, but that's what I have.
YouTube Channel Link: