Hey y'all
This game is pretty simple,Just answer the prevoius question in yes or no.(truthfully!
) and write your own question as well.The next person will answer your question!
Some Rules:
1.Don't post long answer questions.Only yes or no questions are allowed.Though they can go into detail if the want.(eg Question.Is pizza your favourite food? Answer:No,Its Meatballs with spagetti.)
2.No personal questions!!!
3.If you want to answer a question which has already been answered,thats okay.Just reply to that question so that we know the question you are answering to!
4.Answer truthfully,Nobody's judging you!!

Okay I'll start,so the question - Is pizza your favourite food?
This game is pretty simple,Just answer the prevoius question in yes or no.(truthfully!
Some Rules:
1.Don't post long answer questions.Only yes or no questions are allowed.Though they can go into detail if the want.(eg Question.Is pizza your favourite food? Answer:No,Its Meatballs with spagetti.)
2.No personal questions!!!
3.If you want to answer a question which has already been answered,thats okay.Just reply to that question so that we know the question you are answering to!
4.Answer truthfully,Nobody's judging you!!
Okay I'll start,so the question - Is pizza your favourite food?