Your channel is off to a great start. Graphically it looks professionally done, to the point where I'm unsure if you've hired a designer, or if you're just naturally skilled and understanding in design. I would say that the banner doesn't tell me much. "the happy kid show" is presented well, looks good, is straight to the point, but I see no value proposition for parents. Your banner should also say WHY someone should watch, what's the value proposition? When do videos come out? What's the channel the story of? It's still incredibly vague, but visually presented well.
The other thing to think about is the future. What do you plan on doing with the channel when these kids grow up and decide they don't want to be in videos anymore? THAT will be a very important fact to keep in mind in the future. There's a channel called "What's inside" that used to be about a father and his younger son and they'd open up varying items to see "what's inside" and as the son grew up, he was in less and less of the videos, so a portion of the original proposition (a father and son channel) had to take a strong turn as the son was less and less interested in being in the channel anymore. The father was fine with that, and was able to take the channel in a direction to allow for that change and respected his son's wishes to not be in as many of the videos... heck, we all change out interests as we grow up.
So that's going to be something to keep in mind. I've noticed not many kids channels take that into account. And also be very mindful of "success" as the bigger the channel gets, I personally think "views" and "likes" should be the least of your concerns. The ONLY thing (And this is just personal opinion) you should care about, is the presentation of the channel (which is already great) and making sure that the kids involved are having fun making the videos. It's about what THEY want, not what you want out of the channel. If THEY want the views and attention, that's fantastic, but if they DON'T care about the views and attention, keep that in mind as well. Children's entertainment when using children as the talent is an ever evolving subject which is subject to even more change in the future.
I'd also be keeping in mind release forms and permission slips, because maybe one day they won't want to appear on the channel anymore, and that will be their right to decide.
The point of a channel like that is obviously to have fun, but as a parent, you need to be mindful of the business and legalities when it's not YOU on screen.