YouTube Opinion Have you been uploading following your schedule?


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Season 2 my blog I schedule video and post according to schedule and results are way better than it was before.


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Yes, I have been uploading twice a week consistently since around April. My intention is to start uploading 3 times a week hopefully but I will only start if I am sure I can commit fully to this but definitely within the next couple of weeks. I am also planning to live stream weekly.


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Yeah, my schedule has changed since all the lock downs. I've restructured a few things. I was uploading three to four videos a week. Then I started learning more about documentary filmmaking. Now I can't upload the quality of storytelling/filmmaking as often. Now I'm down to about four videos a month. Fortunately I have a backlog of 743 videos on the channel.

Also I'm starting to produce paid content for my Teachable page in the form of classes, courses and guides. That takes time away from the channel, but it's important to flesh out the back end of the business for long-term financial growth.

My original goal was to produce 1,000 videos, but I realized that the 743 videos is accomplishing that purpose. Given the lock downs, it was a perfect time to shift gears.

DamoΓÇÖs Paintings

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IΓÇÖve been aiming to upload at least twice a week, unfortunately IΓÇÖve hit another road block yet again, just moved homes and having to continue packing away all our stuff, that was really unexpected and really inconvenient for my channel, now IΓÇÖve gotta go play catch up, IΓÇÖm nearly there though.

Also IΓÇÖm not just gonna be focusing on channel building, IΓÇÖve been doing a bit of homework on how I can sell some of my work, but thatΓÇÖs a discussion for another forum.
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Initially I thought of doing some news trending stuffs on my channel where I knew I would be posting everyday, but the truth is that I Just love to create content on my own. Creating personal content moves slowly within a period of time unlike trending stuffs, that automatically means that I have to be posting weekly. I'm keeping at that & its Okay for me.


New Member
I am trying to keep a schedule of uploading 2 - 3 videos weekly and is working for me as i really enjoy making the videos , editing and etc. So at the least will keep to posting 1 videos weekly

Beanie Draws

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I remember a time when I used to upload to a schedual... those days are loooong gone :joy:

Maybe once I have a video editor working for me so I can focus on just my drawing, then I'll be able to get to a set schedual, but I don't think artists are know for keeping to a set schedual (unless they're commissioned by a client of course)