The Tubebuddy browser extension for YouTube is an amazing way to do all the SEO research etc, and the weighted part of the keyword explorer is extremely useful. However, myself along with many other creators much prefer to get a closer idea of how many people are searching for a term, rather than just seeing a mark on a diagram with no numbers attached to it, before we go ahead and invest the time into making that video - we want to be certain that people are looking for it. For some keywords, a number of monthly searches is shown and this is extremely useful, however, it is very very rare for this to show up. It would be nice if there was this number for every keyword explored in the explorer, or if there was a graph display showing the search number for that (monthly) over the last 6 months to see whether it is still something worth targeting, as obviously the average monthly searches could seriously fluctuate. This is a feature that I and many others would love to see incorporated into the tool, and I'd really appreciate it if this post could be passed onto the team and looked into. Thank you so much for your time reading this and have a good day