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Video Review My first YT video. Matchstick Art Project: The Great Pyramid of Giza. 13 hours to build, 2700 matches, 10 seconds of epicness


New Member
User name: PyroDad
Title of thread: My first YT video. Matchstick Art Project: The Great Pyramid of Giza. 13 hours to build, 2700 matches, 10 seconds of epicness
Self review: I'm pretty happy with my first video. My son did a great job editing and selecting the music. Overall camera work was okay. Our camcorder that didn't seem that old, wasn't good (outside shots of me), so last time I use that for YT. Best part is the slow-mo burn.
Channel review or Video review? Video review

Link to Video:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwe1R7cWBEQ

Link to other review post: https://community.tubebuddy.com/index.php?threads/27684/post-83455


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thumbnail can be improved other than that everything is awesome .. keep up the good work


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I've definitely watched a few match stick model videos before! Pretty good for your first go!

As Ameen said, the thumbnail was a bit bland - but still decent. I imagine someone putting some high contrast text on the thumbnail something like "2700 Matches!" with an arrow pointing to the pyramid to just spice it up a bit (also to keep the 2700 out of the title as not relevant to search, but still shown).

Then also the video title. I doubt people searching for the "Pyramid of Giza" want match stick burn videos specifically. Rather I'd lead the video title with something more pyro-related. Maybe "Pyro Match Stick Model Burn! Pyramid of Giza" (emphasizing the match stick part at the front of the video title).

I'm still learning the video titles thing myself - maybe someone else on here will have an even better video title suggestion!


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I like the theme music you decided to incorporate in the burning of a pyramid. Good job. Never watched match stick model burning, but it was pretty interesting. :)

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
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Ok Pyro Dad... as far as content is concerned I think you have something really special here. You guys obviously have a strong foundation for making quality videos and I gotta say projects like this offer a LOT of potential on YouTube. This SCREAMS viral, trendy video. You could literally take the most trending topic of the week, make a matchstick design to reflect that topic and then BURN IT TO THE GROUND! Imagine if two months ago you had made a Coronavirus out of matchsticks... you'd be sitting on a gold pay button right now lol.

But in order to really capitalize on your potential you need to do a few things. For starters you need to overhaul the thumbnail. Not that it is bad... it just doesn't do this content justice. The thumbnail on this needs to be insanely good. Take TONS of pictures when you do these projects so that you have a lot to work with, and I would suggest investing in a few can lights so you can manipulate and improve your lighting. Outdoor light was a good call... but a few improvements to overall presentation would go a long way.

Second, this is what I would consider to be a more 'suggested traffic' type video. I don't see many people searching for this, but it is content that people will click on if it has a good thumbnail and they see it in their feed. Be mindful of that when putting together your title, keywords etc. IMO that should all be catered to suggested traffic. Also, I'm not a fan of the channel introduction at the beginning of the video BUT if you are going to have it you should maybe go ahead and include a visual Call To Action for viewers to subscribe and check out Social Media directions. You have a good CTA at the end, but a visual reminder at the beginning will catch more eyes.

Awesome work sir, this is some good content. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in the very near future!


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TubeBuddy Pro
Hey PyroDad

This is definitely super excellent as a 1st video. And seems you have a thousands of views in such a short time. So you must be doing things right :)

I also noticed that you are used a Rode mic which made the sound very good (1st priority in videos).

The following comments are just suggestions based on what I learned from others:
1) The thumbnail should have some text and be more prominent and clickable when it shows up in the suggested videos.
2) When filming the building process of the pyramid (0:26-0:58) , there was a lot of camera movement and it felt even a bit dizzy.
It would be great if you could maybe put a tripod in a fixed position while creating the models.
3) The video quality dropped noticeably while filming you outside.
4) Consider adding more interrupts when camera is on you and explaining.

Again, Well done!


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Firstly, I am impressed, I was totally engrossed in your video and making the pyramid must have taken a lot of your time. The only criticism I would make is that toward the end you could have added a reverse timelapse of what the pyramid looked like before it burnt down. BUT OVERALL IΓÇÖM REALLY IMPRESSED.


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I found it entertaining man. I'd say the thing I'd like to see different in your next video is maybe let the first burning sit before you do the rewind affect and show it from different angles. It took a lot of time and effort so let's sit on it for a bit before going back. I felt like I couldn't enjoy it too much and dwell on what I just saw.

Everything else I feel like you will learn over time with experience.

Great start though!