Many of my friends wanted to become a youtuber. After seeing me as a Youtuber but one thing for sure they are not there to compete with me but just to make money and brag about it. We all know what hapenns next...
Very true.Josh Tan
Your friends have to understand that they are not going to make money overnight. It doesn't work that way. They have to build a following and do what they can to promote their channels. I did not start my channel for money. I started it because I want to share my short stories with other people.
It's certainly a lot faster and easier just to get a job. People think YouTube is easy money. It certainly isn't.Honestly, if I wanted money, I'd just apply for a job(That being said, if this was before the whole Corvid-19 situation)
So, no. I started YouTube because I liked the platform and the fact that I can express my opinion.
Many of my friends wanted to become a youtuber. After seeing me as a Youtuber but one thing for sure they are not there to compete with me but just to make money and brag about it. We all know what hapenns next...