User name: Carpot
Title: Looking for german (or english) speaking YouTubers
Age: 32
Type of collaboration: I'm playing a wide variaty of Games. Currently Legends of Runeterra, but also League of Legends, CS:GO, Minecraft. But I am also open for new multiplayer games.
Amount of Subscribers: Just started.... under 10
Ways to contact you: Reply or contact me via Twitter (@CarpotYT)
Why should they collaborate with you: I am not the best in these games but I like playing competitive and I do some weird talk sometimes (which doesnt mean I cannot talk about serious topics
Link to Channel:
Title: Looking for german (or english) speaking YouTubers
Age: 32
Type of collaboration: I'm playing a wide variaty of Games. Currently Legends of Runeterra, but also League of Legends, CS:GO, Minecraft. But I am also open for new multiplayer games.
Amount of Subscribers: Just started.... under 10
Ways to contact you: Reply or contact me via Twitter (@CarpotYT)
Why should they collaborate with you: I am not the best in these games but I like playing competitive and I do some weird talk sometimes (which doesnt mean I cannot talk about serious topics
Link to Channel: