YouTube Question How to become more comfortable in front of a camera

Emaani Renee

New Member
Hey , IΓÇÖm new to the YouTube community and IΓÇÖve already posted my first video . I know that you donΓÇÖt just blow up over night but I wanted to know how can I make my next video not as boring ? I wasnΓÇÖt as comfortable in my first video so I just wanted some tips on how I can fix that .
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Hey , IΓÇÖm new to the YouTube community and IΓÇÖve already posted my first video . I know that you donΓÇÖt just blow up over night but I wanted to know how can I make my next video not as boring ? I wasnΓÇÖt as comfortable in my first video so I just wanted some tips on how I can fix that .

Moved to YouTube discussion instead of TubeBuddy question, since this isn't really a TubeBuddy question.

For me, what's helped the most is remembering that talking to a camera is a skill, and to practice it. One thing I'll do is just film things I never post to get more comfortable.


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I started with video of myself like you but then moved unto some videos without me in it as my content doesnt really need me to be shown unless I am doing a live show.
All I can say is, some people are born for the camera, some need to work on it. I know of a friend who had family or friends sit in while she practice then after she works on the feedbacks the cameras can roll.

Just know that it gets better as you keep doing what you are doing. Also watch video of people who are expert around your content area. I do issues so I am always watching Wendy Williams or Steve as I love their presentation skills (humour). Mirror who you want to be, keep watching and building your confidence I will say.

Have a lovely time being a Youtuber.
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Hey , IΓÇÖm new to the YouTube community and IΓÇÖve already posted my first video . I know that you donΓÇÖt just blow up over night but I wanted to know how can I make my next video not as boring ? I wasnΓÇÖt as comfortable in my first video so I just wanted some tips on how I can fix that .
Practice, practice, practice! Keep getting on camera, and you can even imagine that you're talking to a friend or family.

Not everyone is amazing at talking from the camera (or even on mic) in the beginning :)

Destruction slayer

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Just try different things. watch your videos and find ways you feel you should improve. And maybe practice being in front of the camera on some of your free time

610 Hustles

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I always think to myself, you aren't shy about speaking to friends or people you know in public while walking through a mall or at a table in a restaurant, people always hear your conversations, so just act natural and be yourself
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One thing I've noticed for me is not to do videos when I am tired or stressed. They come off as me having a boring tone.

But what I've been told is to hype yourself up beforehand in whatever way you can. My colleague takes pre workout. I will do pushups. Maybe caffeine will help?

Also, what I did with my last video is pretended someone asked me a question
This helped me to avoid sounding script like and instead focused on a make believe person I was explaining something to.
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Hey , IΓÇÖm new to the YouTube community and IΓÇÖve already posted my first video . I know that you donΓÇÖt just blow up over night but I wanted to know how can I make my next video not as boring ? I wasnΓÇÖt as comfortable in my first video so I just wanted some tips on how I can fix that .
When i film i treat the camera like i am siting here talking to my best friend telling them what my topic is all about

Steve the Barman

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All the advice here is spot on, the only thing i'd like to add in is to get yourself a routine. A routine that will get you in tip top position to shoot videos.

For example, I batch record. I'll do 8-10 Videos in one go and set aside a whole afternoon to do it.
The nigth before, I make sure all my Notes are printed off.
In the morning, I'll get up, go for my Daily 5km Walk to get the Blood Pumping. Shower, Change and have Breakfast & a Coffee. I'll have already had a good 2 litres of water too.
Then after Brekkie, I'll set up the Film Set which takes 60 mins or so.
Then, before I press record on the first Video, I'll have another Coffee, another Pint of water... and BOOOOOM I'm ready to go. I'm on Full Alert and I bring that enthusiasm from the word go! After one wants a Dull & Boring Bartender!

I firmly believe that having a routine is the key to bringing your personality out. Don't do Videos when Tired. Don't do Videos when Dehydrated. Don't do Videos when you have other things on your Mind. And DEFINITELY DON'T do Video on the spur of the moment!! Plan, Plan...and do more Planning!


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Hi @Emaani Renee

I would try just to record videos where you comment on something you know well and only speak about everything and nothing. For instance, I started my channel recording game videos. I have moved all those to a separate channel now, but in the beginning, I just needed something to do while talking and getting used to speaking English, which is not my native language. And when I had done that for months, I got confidable with it and started to focus more on what I wanted to create content about. I faced out the gaming content (still do a video now and again but seldomly), but I learned.

Speaking to a camera or in front of people is a skill that can be learned. Some say that if you do something for 50k hours, you get proficient at that. So just keep creating, and you will get confidable with speaking at the camera.

Depending on what you need, you can choose to publish your videos and take your audience on the journey, or you can record some videos just for you to improve. But I would not wait that long. I get better for every video I publish, and I hope someday I get good :)

Good luck and have fun.

Best regards
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Tito Tim

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When you first start filming it can feel weird just talking to the camera. As with anything new, practice will help. Also, you could pretend you are just on video chat with a friend. Pick one friend or family member and just talk to them...

When I first started, I was always pointing the camera away - to show my new country to my friends and family in the US. I was narrating (live or voice over), but not showing my face. Later I turned it to face me. By that time I was a lot more comfortable with the camera in general, and just the facing the camera was new. One step at a time. Kind of like learning to drive an automatic transmission car, then learning manual - after you are comfortable with the basics of driving.

I did some practice vids, that never got posted. I recorded probably an hour or so, not in one sitting. I did some editing on it to see how it looked, lighting, framing etc. I knew it was not going to be posted, it was just rehearsal. It allowed me to get more comfortable, learn to shoot better, and helped me remember that almost any footage I shoot, can be reshot if needed. I was so stiff and unnatural for most of it, it would not have been useful anyway.

On a travel vid I may shoot the same scene 2 or 3 times, to make sure I get a good one (once I am home & editing it is hard to get back to the beach or waterfall for a reshoot). Knowing that I do not have to get it perfect in one take allows me to relax more, and then it turns out the first one is the best anyway.

Practice and relax.


New Member
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Hey , IΓÇÖm new to the YouTube community and IΓÇÖve already posted my first video . I know that you donΓÇÖt just blow up over night but I wanted to know how can I make my next video not as boring ? I wasnΓÇÖt as comfortable in my first video so I just wanted some tips on how I can fix that .
Welcome to the community and to YouTube , practice, practice, practice and try to pretend you are talking to friends. Sometimes written down some points you know you want to discuss or share in your video helps. I still don't feel comfortable it will take time, I hope this advice is helpful and I hope you start feeling more comfortable.

Jdy gonzales

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Hey , IΓÇÖm new to the YouTube community and IΓÇÖve already posted my first video . I know that you donΓÇÖt just blow up over night but I wanted to know how can I make my next video not as boring ? I wasnΓÇÖt as comfortable in my first video so I just wanted some tips on how I can fix that .


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Think of it as talking to your future-self. It's alright if you screw up, you can even edit that in as a blooper if you wanted.
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Speaking to a camera will feel weird at first, but like anything if you keep on practising, you will get better and more comfortable in front of the camera.

The fact you are talking to a camera is amazing, because a lot of people on the platform are finding it difficult to have the confidence to do it in the first place.

Also, consider putting rough notes you can always look over upon when you dont know what to say next. this will help you stay on track.
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