For starters I have looked over
@Dennyps review and I totally agree with everything he is saying. The things that really stand out to me about your channel:
The Banner
It's a very pretty picture, but it does absolutely nothing for your channel. You need to utilize that space to inform incoming viewers about what it is that you are providing for them. The easiest advice on that is to have your channel name and your 'value proposition,' which is a single sentence that tells the visitor what you do and why you are their valuable resource for that.
You thumbnails are not 'bad,' (saying they are 'good' or 'bad' is a bit of a misnomer in my opinion). You can tell that you are putting in work on your thumbnails, but I would venture to say that I don't think they are performing for you. Do you watch your CTR (Click Through Rate) on your videos? This will tell you how effective they are. On average thumbnails typically fall around the 3%-4% range. If you aren't at least hitting those numbers you need to completely overhaul your thumbnail design. If you are hitting those numbers you need to try and improve it; the best channels aim for +10% or higher. If/When you can get a CTR like that you will see a VAST improvement on the performance of your videos.
These are tricky, and to my knowledge there isn't a single rule of thumb or thing I can point out that will make as drastic an impact on titles as my above advice on thumbs. But I can say that your titles have the 'right idea' but fail in what you are trying to accomplish.
For example, your most recent video about Bishop Gerald Glenn:
The title is very long and cuts off like this -
'Bishop Gerald Glenn(Virgina Pastor) who defiantly held...'
Now in this circumstance I believe that the title getting cut off may have actually helped you. It left an open-ended question that the viewer wants to see the answer to (What did he hold so defiantely?). And if you are aiming for people who are searching for the name 'Bishop Gerald Glenn' then you did the right thing by having his name in the beginning of the title. But let's look at an example where these exact same approaches failed.
In your video about the Accountant General's Office in Nigeria, the title reads:
'Accountant General of Nigeria's office in Abuja...'
In this circumstance there is no question that the viewer wants answered. It is simply a generic listing of an office in Nigeria. The thumbnail shows the building burning, but isn't a very captivating picture (my apologies for being crude about such a horrific event, but it serves as a good example for this review). Together the thumbnail and title simply depict an event that transpired, leaving little to the imagination or captivating passerby's. If you are hoping to target people searching for 'Accountant General of Nigeria's Office' then you did good to include that as the beginning of your title (The beginning of your title serves as a 'master keyword' of sorts). But I wonder how many people are searching for that. Personally, if I was searching for this I would probably type in something like 'Office explosion in Nigeria.' And if a more dynamic photo was not available I would A) Consider using some text to pull in viewers in the thumbnail and 2) run that picture through some filters... in particular the 'drama' filter on Snapseed with a slight vignette and some color grading.
You have done very well on your channel and you have several videos that appeared to have performed very well. Don't change what you are doing there. Rather, you should make your focus trying to improve the more poor-performing videos. That big, bright thumb of Bishop Gerald Glenn appears to have worked well for you, and although the imagery could stand some improvement in the 'Nigerian ambassador in China confront; video I do like that style and it also appeared to have performed well for you. Take a look at what has worked, and take a look at what has not. If you do less of what did not work, more of what did work and make some minor updates to your thumbnails, titles and channel banner you will have made a VAST improvement to the overall quality and professionalism of your channel.