So the style of the thumbnail leaves me with a few thoughts and curiosities. I can kind of see what you're trying to do with it and the style you're going with, but I'm also not entirely sure what the messege is with the thumbnail. I know the red headed woman is usually used in a critical manner, so I'm not sure if this is a critical video, or a disucssion, or if it's meant to be a meme video making fun of inequality...
I'm getting a meme vibe from it but it's not being executed effectively. I can't tell if you're going for an edgy style, or if you're a teenager just discussing thing things.
I'm not a fan of the font or it's colour but it might work for this, so instead I'd focus on minimalising it a bit.
I did actually end up watching the video to see if I could get some context and it isn't as ΓÇ£EdgyΓÇ¥ as I was expecting it to be, so the girls in the thumbnail aren't needed.
The choice of having the guy on the left.... that's going to cause you some issues done the line with getting monetisation. I'd maybe go with less radical examples of inequality. Enough to cause curiosity, but not enough to intentionally anger people, or as you said in the video ΓÇ£triggerΓÇ¥ people.
You might get attention for it, but ask yourself if it's the attention you want? The topic and discussion IN the video is actually pretty interesting, but I think it's let down by an intentionally extreme thumbnail. It's bordering on the ΓÇ£clickbaitΓÇ¥ territory which will probably get you the wrong reactions (it already has a few dislikes) and I think your aim is to incite conversation rather than anger, so again, I'd go with less radical examples of job applications. Because ΓÇ£Interesting clickyΓÇ¥ can quickly become ΓÇ£edgelord/memelordΓÇ¥ which in this example, takes away from the messege of the video.
So I'd take the extreme level down by half. And I think you only nwws 2 characters, not 4.
Hope that helps