How-To Channel Learn more about photo editing and video editing on Android

Christian Roncales

New Member
User name: Christian Roncales
Title of introduction: Learn more about photo editing and video editing on Android
Your name/ Alias: christian roncales ph
Where are you from? Philippines
How did you find TubeBuddy? through youtubers
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? i join here because i know it will gives me some tips and more knowledge about youtube, that's will bring me to become a success famous youtuber.
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: to passed every milestone and when youtube monetize my channel of course they will pay me and that is a chance to me to help my family.
How frequently do you upload? weekly
What are your hobbies? editing on android, drawing/sketch, watching youtube to get some ideas about tutorials.

I'm office engineer on my work, and my work is to estimate the construction building.
What is your biggest dream? to pass every milestone of on youtube, and to become a famous youtuber/vlogger someday like other youtubers now.
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