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Channel Review What Can I Change to Grow More?


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User name: GrumpaOriginal
Title of thread: What Can I Change to Grow More?
Self review: Just over 2 months in and over 75 videos Im struggling with maybe a view per video and 10 subs? I use twitter and Instagram for social to promote but still snail ahead. I think maybe different thumbnails,narrow down the gaming niche to specific genre types? I think my banner looks OK overall. Any and All advice appreciated!
Channel review or Video review? Channel review
Link to channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCts4ET29rs6LQT7gfmowmRw
Link to other review post: https://community.tubebuddy.com/index.php?threads/25693/#post-70353
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Hi, Hope you are well. One thing i noticed is your thumbnails. Comsider changing it and make like a one theme. Basically anyone who sees your video will recognise your channel. Try to put more hours in producing a quality video. One thing i learned in YT now a days is that only quality matters. You can have 20 videos with millions of subscribers.
Hope these fews points make sence to you. Keep it up✌

Tristian Watson

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Id recommend collaborating with another gaming channel around your size. When I was a call of duty commentator I would go on "Thunderstruck Gaming" community channel for some fast growth. The most important thing is to grind hard with pushing content out as much as possible, and I say this so much that others in this forum might hate me but utilize the keyword search tool TubeBuddy offers. Make sure every word in your tags is in the green for weighted results or higher. Just look at my channel for example, just some random guy talking bout retaining his life force as opposed to the normal societal view point of masterbation. Gets 60+ people to hit subscribe lmao stuffs actually nuts(no pun intended). Also another thing that helps gaming channels is a nice HD intro at the beginning of your videos. Best of luck to you man and may your youtube goals be completed!

Blueberry Media

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I agree with a branded style for your thumbnails to hook more viewers. One thing I would say from watching a few of your videos is too always be commentating and have something to say. Try to edit out the moments without something happening or you speaking, it creates clarity and more people will be hooked. good luck!


Life ain't no Nintendo Game
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Hello @GrumpaOriginal ,

As a gamer myself with a gaming channel that's been dormant for nearly a year due to personal problems, I can understand where you're coming from. The gaming genre is not an easy one to break into as a new channel. From what I've seen so far your channel has potential. But there are a few things, in my opinion, that you may need to consider, look into and perhaps tweak in order to grow your channel. But before I start just know my opinions are just that, opinions. They are not meant to insult and overlycriticize. You are in no way obligated to take any of it. I am no pro, just someone who has a little bit of experience that I would ike to share. With that said.

First, about your channel. Love the channel art, but your banner is alcking a bit. The average person may not know what the channel is about because you don't say what you do on your banner. What kinds of games you play, what type of videos you create. It could also use an idea of when your next video drops, like "a new video every Saturday" or something like that.

Second, I agree with the above comments. Consistency in your thumbnails will definitely help to build a brand and be more recognizable.

Next is you trailer. It's fantastic, except for one thing. Most ppl watch gaming videos for the gamer. The trailer lacks you. You're not in there, neither is your voice. Imagine a movie trailer were they never show the main character. You gotta put yourself in there so ppl can see you. Address your potential views and ask them yourself to join the fun. Let them meet you in person in your trailer.

And the last thing is probably your biggest issue as a new channel. From what I noticed your videos are livestreams. Growing an audience from livestreams on Youtube is probably even harder than it is on Twitch. You may need to consider making smaller videos that are made from your livestreams but edited to be shorter in length, maybe with some copyright free music in the background and even a short intro. You're videos are on average a minimum of 30 minutes. Most ppl wont watch new Youtubers if their videos are longer than 5 or 10 minutes depending on the genre. As a viewer myself I don't like long videos unless its someone I already know and enjoy. The same goes for my 3 kids who are all avid gaming YT viewers.

Oh, one last thing. It's only been 3 months since you started and only 75 videos. Give it time. Be patient. Most pros recommend a minimum 100 videos in a year before you can start expecting real results. Also try to find your ideal audience. The viewers you are making your videos for and target them specifically. Once you can figure out who your ideal audience is it will get easier.

This is my 2 cents. I hope it can help in any way. Thank you for letting me share my opinions with you. Good luck.
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From what I learned as a new channel, I would work on the titles more. Looks like your titles are suited for someone that has a big following already. Maybe work on keyword search phrases. Alot of these titles I'm not sure what game it is your playing.

Pick a popular game and niche down in it. Meaning, do something people are interested in that game, do it better.. Do it with a time limit etc...

Thumbnail - Have a more branded thumbnail.

Hope this helps! Stay positive!

Artistic Insanity

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Hi there - I'm new to this but I will try to help. The first thing I noticed was your thumbnails. There isn't a real consistent look to them - no consistent colors, placement, etc. Nothing that screams this is your video - and I think that helps. Even if people just get used to seeing your thumbnails I believe that has a positive impact on your channel. Like I said, I'm new - but I hope that helps. It is what jumped out at me. Work on those and see what happens. I think everything else looks good!


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Hey buddy,

So this is my first time reviewing a channel so bare with me haha. Firstly, gaining subs as a content creator is really hard especially in the gaming niche! I started out as a live streamer & had some semi-successful friends shout me out so I was able to grow to my first 1,000 in 10 months but I don't stream anymore and I wouldn't recommend it as the audience to let's plays are totally different. Live stream viewers generally don't care for shorter pre-recorded game play videos so the first thing I would say is don't give up. It will take sooooo long to grow even with all the best tips in the world because there is just so much content being uploaded to YouTube everyday and while all these professional YouTubers give great growth tips, views really do matter. YouTube will push videos with larger view numbers& that is something that you need to grow yourself over time

Secondly, I would suggest that your intro is maybe a little too long and doesn't really tell me anything about you. It states you are a grumpy gamer so I'd personally be interested in your personality over your game play but your intro only has game play clips. I would have preferred some clips mixed with you introducing yourself, showing me that personality.

Thumbnail also so don't really show your personality and they appear to be generic images from maybe a google search? I would take a screen shot of something incredible that happened in a game then take a separate photo of yourself reacting to this with a short snappy text like "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED" or something like that. Make sure it actually happened in game though as you don't want to clickbait. Your thumbnails and titles are what makes new subscribers click hence the CTR or "click-through rate" so it needs to grab people and make them think "omg I need to watch this"

You have playlists but they are not on the home page for new subscribers so I would suggest under uploads creating a section which has your playlists listed. If viewers click on them and end up watching multiple videos in one playlist that will really help your watch time and show YouTube that people are enjoying watching your content.

Looking further down I just noticed you stream skipping through (as they're super long to watch fully lol) I didn't hear any commentary in the GTA video (apologies if there is) and very little to none in your other streams. If you want to stream then as an ex-streamer myself I would suggest more commentary and bring out the "grumpy gamer" persona as you state this in your about me section. Even with zero viewers you have to treat a stream like the chat is packed, I know it's weird and hard but if people come in, they usually come in quiet, don't hear the streamer say anything then leave within 10 seconds. Viewers tend to make their mind up very quickly if they want to stay and you often won't know they're there so you have to give them a reason to stay and talk.

Also, as someone who used to stream on YouTube, I don't think YouTubeis the best place to stream anymore. I feel Twitch is much better even though it's saturated but I would say stream on there then make content whether it be separate game play or highlight videos for YouTube.

Anyway, don't give up!


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Lol I think I gave the exact same advice as BraveStarrTG did, I didn't even read their review until just now