Answered Can you Switch My Lifetime Account To My New Channel

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New Member
User name: tuggertugger85
Title of thread: Can you Switch My Lifetime Account To My New Channel
Request Type Other
Explain your issue: i have a new channel, and would like if someone could switch my lifetime account to my new channel for me.

What browser are you on?: chrome
Studio Beta or Studio Classic?: both i guess
What Operating System (Windows / OS / Chrome)?: windows
What version of TubeBuddy? (Can be found on quicklinks menu):
Was it something that worked before and is broken now, or it has never worked for you?: no, i just need my account switched to my new channel
Is it related to a video (include the Video link)?:
Channel Link:

new channel: (Jovany Playz Gamez)
old channel: (now deleted)
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