I don't really know where this fits. It's not a thumbnail. It's not a complete video. Apologies to the moderators if I put it in the wrong spot. I would like to get other creator's opinion on this. I'm working on giving my channel a revamp to clean it up a little bit. Tell me which of these you prefer:
Option A:

Or Option B:

There is a vertical line that separates the two words, but it is hard to see on a white background. If you have dark mode turned on, it's a better representation. I like them both, for different reasons. I am leaning a bit towards one, but I don't want to skew anyone's opinion.
Option A:

Or Option B:

There is a vertical line that separates the two words, but it is hard to see on a white background. If you have dark mode turned on, it's a better representation. I like them both, for different reasons. I am leaning a bit towards one, but I don't want to skew anyone's opinion.