It hasn't been canned but so many questions about it have come up that we haven't had time to decide and move forward on anything.
1.The biggest fear is that YouTube might consider this 'spam' and potentially put your account in jeopardy. I know it's your own comment on your own video but what if their systems identify a channel posting 500 comments in a 2 minute period? Could that potentially trigger an account suspension? I would think not but when building features, that's something we need to consider and test and ensure 100% that no customers would ever run into issues.
2. I had a fairly long talk w/ the Nimmin's on this during one of their live streams. They pointed out that many people have specific pinned comments on videos that they don't want over-written in a bulk process. How is that handled? Do you keep a separate list of videos that are "do not update" or do you instead have the user manually select specific videos to update each time it's run. Either way, that adds a lot of complexity to the process already.
3. Assuming we make all updates via the YouTube API (which is what we'd have to do), if a video does not already have a pinned comment, there is no way to add one via the API. So we'd have to skip all videos that didn't have an existing pinned comment which could cause confusion to users.
We always want to be upfront with everyone and I can tell you that it's currently not on any of our immediate lists because of these questions/potential problems. I think the first step for us will be to do some research before we start. Based on everything currently going on, I can't even pick a date on that. Best case, a month from now. Worst case, we're having this same conversation in a year

Again - we LOVE the idea, just some hurdles that keep delaying us on getting it going.