Food Nikon Z6 & Z7


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Anyone watching the Nikon Z series roll out. Looks like many photographers aren't liking it, but Kaleb over at DSLR Video Shooter mentioned the Z6 is a great rigged as a cinema camera.

I guess I'm not a full-frame guy. I like the micro 4/3. It's the closest thing to the old 16mm film. still Nikon's 10 bit 422 color space has me wanting to upgrade my GH4 to V-log L and an external recorder.
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I have watched a lot of that z series but in the end I recently bought a D500 instead. The specs on the z6 make it look very good as a video device but I already had a lot of crop sensor glass for my D5300 so I decided to go flagship crop sensor rather than wait for something that might give me worst results than my existing setup. I also didn't want to have to change out all of my lenses for full frame stuff. Canon, Sony and Fuji were not an option either because of the glass I already have, I wasn't going to leave the system I know for something completely different, starting from scratch and losing money on trade ins at the same time.

It is the reason I didn't part x the D5300... I would lose more money than if I kept it and used it as a second (5th) camera angle or if my kids wanted to take a proper camera out on trips and visits instead of relying on cellphone video and stills.
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And honestly the D500 may be the best camera Nikon has ever produced. I'm with you on glass. I'd rather have an APS-C camera anyway because to me APS-C is Super 35mm, basically full frame for motion picture. That's the main reason I don't want to sell my GH4, I don't want to loose money on it, although for me the glass isn't as big a deal because they are full frame lenses to start.

The old adage holds true: The money is in the glass!
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The old adage holds true: The money is in the glass!

That is the honest truth right there. Some of mine are full frame lenses but others are not. Do I change out a 35mm 1.8 apsc lens for the full frame equivalent? Sure if I wanted to spend $400 for a good one. Also the lens roadmap for native z lenses looks pretty poor, no 1.8, certainly no 1.4 and the 1.2 isn't even mentioned. At least Nikon users can mount any glass made since 1959 on the brand spanking new body and it will fit. I'm doing what you did Damon and hunting down some of the older manual focus glass because most people only want auto stuff. A lot cheaper and actually built properly.
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Well, it's hard to say without hand-on experience with the camera. From looking at the specifications:

Z7 Advantage & Disadvantages
  • higher resolution means a better for stills and photos camera
  • main disadvantage is the higher price tag For video you could buy a much cheaper camera for video that will do much better
  • All your old Nikon lenses will work.*
Z6 Advantage & Disadvantages
  • lower resolution chip means better for video and better low-light performance
  • lower price tag will be more accessible for more people
  • All your old Nikon lenses will work.*
The truth is all these cameras are highly capable. I wish I had the funds to rent these cameras and do review of them. If I had to choose between these cameras, I'd choose the Z6 for the way I shoot.

*I refer to the old manual lenses, the classic, vintage lenses that don't have electronic connections and such. Nikon is shipping adapters for this camera, so you'll have to check and see what works and what doesn't in regard to electronic lenses.
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*I refer to the old manual lenses, the classic, vintage lenses that don't have electronic connections and such. Nikon is shipping adapters for this camera, so you'll have to check and see what works and what doesn't in regard to electronic lenses.

According to most of the guys who have them, all old lenses work, even the autofocus and vr lenses. Jared Polin did run a Sigma AF lens on the adaptor too and that worked fine. So from listening to the youtube pro's, ALL your old Nikon glass will work, third party support is unknown for each lens but it should work. Still... I'm not going mirrorless for a long while, having recently bought the D500 instead of waiting for the z6. Damon is pretty much spot on with the specs. If you already have Nikon aps-c format gear then you really need to go z6 if you must go mirrorless, otherwise the d500 is the baby to have. If you have full frame gear, z7... unless you prefer a D5. Your wallet is the limiting factor.
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